
Chapter 107 Reactions

Eva was still sitting in the same spot, looking at everything in a daze. Sara\'s heart clenched at the sight.

Pulling Eva close, Sara hugged her tightly. "We will take this to the supreme court Eva, it will not stay like this"

"My child..." Eva murmured. "He... left?"

"Eva..." Hugging Eva tighter, Sara whispers sadly "It will be all right..."

"But they can\'t take him away from me.... we were going to see movies... he doesn\'t like to be without me.... Sara... they can\'t take him away"

Red-eyed, Sara just hugs Eva, trying to give her all the strength she needs right now, then takes her arm and helps her up "Let\'s go home, we can\'t see Christian until he\'s in jail"

Nodding in a daze, Eva just let herself go. All the lights and voices on the road were extremely blurry, and she didn\'t notice when they were already entering the mansion.

"Eva, stay here, I\'ll get you a drink" Leaving Eva on the couch, Sara looks at her with concern and says to her.

"No..." Eva murmurs, getting up with difficulty then shuffling her feet towards the second floor "Christian..."

"Eva..." Grabbing Eva\'s shoulder, Sara looks at her in pain and says "Just sit still..."

"No... Christian left something in his room" For every second, Eva recovered her mind a little more, but her daze was still too much for her to reason out the whole situation.

Remembering the boy\'s words, Sara nodded and said "You stay here, I\'ll go get it myself-"

"I\'ll go" Appearing suddenly, Leslie had a blank expression on her face, but still spoke and walked to the third floor, leaving Sara and Eva alone.

Taking Eva\'s hand tightly, Sara looks her in the eyes and says "I will do everything I can to get Christian out, the corruption in this case couldn\'t have been clearer. There will be worldwide outrage over this, I will take care of everything"

Raising her empty gaze to Sara, Eva\'s eyes reddened quickly. "Sara... they can\'t take my son away from me..."


"Here they are" With a laptop in hand and a bag full of disks in the other, Leslie appeared in the living room, then sat down on the couch and opened the computer "I saw the disks and they all have names on them, some have a section for work, I guess they are instructions for investments"

Quickly grabbing the bag, Eva searches with trembling hands, finding over five numbered disks with her name on them.

Pulling out disc one quickly, Eva inserts it into the computer and plays the video, showing the boy sitting in the room looking directly into the camera.

"Wow... if you had to watch this it\'s because something happened" Bringing his hand to his chin, Christian smiled "I thought about the possibilities and it all boils down to 4 situations, I\'m dead, kidnapped, in a coma or in jail, is this one of them?"

"Y-yes..." Nodded Eva through tears, looking sadly at the boy on the computer.

"*Sigh* I bet you\'re drowning in sadness now..." Staring at the camera in pain, Christian walked over and stared at the camera, then smiled sweetly and said "I don\'t know what will happen mom... but no matter what, I promise we\'ll see each other again"

Taking the camera in his hands, Christian walks around the room while focusing on her face "Mom, I left many discs full of videos, this disc is the introduction to the others"

"I\'ll start by explaining your discs first" Smiling, Christian points to four discs that were on the desk "Disc number two, contains more than 40 hours of videos where I sing for you, while disc 3, has the same number of hours where I play piano for you... whenever you feel tired or depressed, use these discs and I will be there for you in some way"

"My boy..." Touching the screen with her trembling hands, Eva whispered.

Looking at the camera in pain, Christian says "I\'m sorry I can\'t be there for you mom... but we will get back together at some point. Please don\'t give up and keep holding your head up high... you have two more children you must take care of, don\'t neglect them or I promise I won\'t forgive you"


"*Sigh* The fourth disc contains recordings of my day-to-day life, in them, I talk to you inside my mind and tell you out loud... I hope it will keep you company, as for the fifth disc, it contains all my plans for Starbucks. Inside I described things like the general application, I left you a flash drive in the safe with the layout and detailed plans in case of certain crises... I trust you with that mother, it will help distract you"

"Somehow I suspected something was wrong, mother... I left all the investments and properties in your name... but I want to ask something of you." Stroking the camera lens with one of his fingers, Christian smiles sweetly and says "Please don\'t get depressed... knowing that you will be sad and not being able to help you is something that will disturb me every second... you have two children who love you, be a good mother to them and become an amazing woman, so when we meet again, I will proudly say in front of everyone, she is my mother, the strongest woman in the world... I love you, mom. I will always love you"

"C-christian..." Touching the screen with her trembling hands, Eva whispered in a broken voice.

"*Sigh* I don\'t even want to imagine your expression right now, it must be so ugly, I\'m sorry I don\'t have a camera" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "But well, what I was on... I left 23 disks with different instructions and recipients, one disks for Emily, one disk for Elisa and another one for Sarah... I left five discs for Aunt Sarah with instructions and proof of what we talked about the other day. I left Discord\'s demo and as I want his future to move forward, I ask him to meet with uncle Jayden so they can be organized... I also left three discs for Hailie and three for Alan, two for Leslie and the last one for the media... please see to it that everyone gets their discs... that\'s all from this disc, the rest is more than 30 hours in a compilation of all the moments I recorded of us, the end includes images, I ask you to watch it alone because it has moments that I consider embarrassing... oh, yes, I left the painting I made for you in the safe, that would be all... see you later mom, I love you" Smiling, Christian says goodbye to the camera, while a 10 second countdown appears on the camera, something that Eva quickly paused.

"..." Biting her lips to the point of bleeding, Eva slaps herself hard and puts the computer aside, then looks at Sara coldly and says "We\'ll cause chaos in this damn country"

Raising her eyebrows, Sara simply nods.

Turning to Leslie, Eva says "For now you\'ll work for me, bring me a pair of scissors, I\'m going to cut my hair"

Staring at her disks for a few seconds, Leslie takes them and puts them in her pocket, then looks at Eva and nods "I\'ll follow your words"

"Sara, anything to do with Christian today?"

Smiling bitterly, Sara shakes her head "Normally yes... but to the jail he was referred to, Christian has no right to an attorney until he gets to the compound, in a week I can go and check on him and advocate for his rights, but for now... nothing"

Nodding, Eva clenches her fists and says "Go home Sara, take your disks and fulfill my son\'s requests... get all the lawyers you need. I want to see all the situations and demands we can make to the state"

"We have many demands to make, we even have some to see at the human rights institution, Christian should not have gone to that jail. They also don\'t have the right to forbid visits if he has never been in a jail before. What they did today is a serious attempt against human life" Sara nodded, looking for her disks to then put them away and looked at Eva. "You? will you be okay?"

"Yes, I don\'t have time to be depressed" With indifference, Eva looked vacantly at the rest of the discs and said "Take the press disc, take several copies of it and send them to all possible media"

"You don\'t want to see them?"

"If Christian asked for it to be sent to the media, we\'ll respect that, he must have something for them"

"*Sigh* Well..." Looking at her friend with concern, Sara just nodded as she stood up, then approached Eva and hugged her "You know I\'ll always be there for you Eva... if you want to talk or need help, don\'t hesitate to talk to me, no matter what time or where I am"

"I\'ll keep that in mind" Without returning her hug, Eva just nodded, then let go and walked towards the stairs. "We\'ll be seeing each other Sara, see you later"

"See you later..." Sara nodded, then turned to Leslie who was still standing and talking "Please...if anything happens, let me know"

"That\'s the first thing I\'ll do" Leslie nodded, then followed Eva.

"*Sigh*" Looking around the mansion, Sara whispered "This place... it feels cold"


With his hands cuffed and surrounded by women in military combat fatigues and his face completely covered except for his eyes, Christian found himself on a silent journey to somewhere he doesn\'t know, but still, a smile was visible on his face.

"Could they put on some music? This place bores me"

Turning his gaze, a woman asks curiously "What crime did you commit kid?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looks at the woman suspiciously "You don\'t know? You live under a rock?"

Shrugging, the woman says "I don\'t watch TV, and I\'m mostly guarding the prison all day"

"I killed 12 people"

Opening her eyes a little wider, the woman speaks "How old are you?"


"Why did you kill them?"

"They tried to kidnap me and kill my brothers"

"..." With doubt, the woman looked at her companions, seeing the same doubt in their eyes "Then why are you going to our jail?"

"Corruption, didn\'t you see all the press outside the place? For sure the country will be shrouded in shit for quite a while"


After another 15 minutes of silence, Christian says "Where are we going?"

"To the prison"

"Will it take long?"

"We have to take a helicopter"

"I\'ve never been in a helicopter before, it will be a nice experience"


"You guys work at the prison I\'m going to?"


"How come you\'re here so fast? I was just sentenced a few minutes ago"

"A few minutes?" With confusion, the woman turned and asked with narrowed eyes. "What do you mean a few minutes?"

"I was given the verdict no more than 50 minutes ago"

"That\'s impossible, we were given the notice this morning" Frowning, the woman spoke.

Hearing that, Christian chuckled lightly. "These bastards didn\'t even bother to hide it"

Looking at each other for a few seconds, they all saw the same thing in each other\'s eyes, confusion.

"Hehe~" Christian chuckled lightly, then closing his eyes and settling in. "Wake me up when we get there"


Quickly opening the door guarded by agents, Kathia looked at the president who was signing papers and said "We have problems, big problems"

Frowning, Michelle looked up and says "What happened now?"

"They locked the kid up" Sitting down, Kathia tosses a folder towards the chairwoman\'s desk "The judge colluded with the jury and they locked up the kid"

"What child?" Taking the papers, Michelle reads the name and sighs deeply. "Again, this child..."

"Michelle, we\'re in trouble, we have to act fast" With seriousness, Kathia doesn\'t give her time to lament and says "This corruption was very obvious, there was nothing to sentence the child and they ended up with the excuse that he was very smart and should act better. Not even a child would believe that, let alone an adult"

"..." Reading the papers, Michelle carefully reviews the summary of the trial, then her eyes go wide and she says angrily "Why did they send him to ADX!!!? Do you know how stupid and illegal that is!?"

"Of course I know, that\'s why I came!"

"Damn it!" Getting up from her seat, Michelle begins to walk in circles around her room "This must be all over the media by now, there\'s no hiding it... ADX Florence was always a pain in the ass because of the constant complaints from human rights organizations, but in a way, it was accepted because we locked up the worst... but now that a 12-year-old kid locked up for defending himself is there... DAMN!

"..." Watching the president think, Kathia just waited.

"Do you know anything about the judge and jury? Who did this stupid thing?"

"That\'s the problem, we don\'t know anything"

Frowning, Michelle continued "Then look into it, I\'ll prepare a presidential pardon for the boy, as for the judge and jury, I want you to prepare an open trial towards them, study their accounts and cooperate with the investigation-"

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Before she could finish her sentence, Michelle froze and looked at the old phone on her desk, causing her to smile bitterly and mutter "I think I know who was responsible..."


Edited By: Joy_a

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