
Chapter 58 Medals

December 1, 2010.

Time passed quickly for the Grey family.

All of Christian\'s projects flourished quickly, Lovecraft, The Lady of the Rings, Harriet Potter, and Game of Thrones were all published and achieved complete success.

Harriet Potter already has sold 900,000 copies, while the publisher was already talking about selling the rights to print abroad, and Christian being as fast as he is, he already translated all his books into 9 different languages.

The Lady of the Rings along with Game of Thrones were not far behind, people were thrilled at the start of these sagas, each achieving over 800,000 sales.

But undoubtedly the most impressive was Lovecraft, thanks to the fact that it was mentioned by Sarah, the book in its first month achieved 200,000 sales, causing the publisher to have to double its work in printings due to the high demand for more books. Today, the book has sold 700,000 copies and is rising every month.

It is worth mentioning that the book written by Sarah, in which she used Lovecraft as inspiration, achieved over 2,000,000 sales, causing the woman to surpass her own achievements.

Needless to say, Christian was impressed by all this, since, in his old world although many books were sold, it was very difficult to sell more than 500,000 in his first year, he came to the conclusion that this world is more different than he thought.

Ms. Evelyn said that it is not yet time for the others, that it is time to wait when the sagas are more advanced to release another book that will attract people.

But even so, Christian is more than satisfied with the money coming in, even Eva almost fainted when she saw that, in the third month, not 10,000 or 20,000 dollars came in, but 120,000, while today her account exceeds 20 million dollars, having more money than she had in her past life.

To this day Eva still believes that all of this is a dream.

The theories also came to light, the mathematical and scientific world was shaken by the incredible arrival of 4 theories on the same day, theories that today are openly accepted by most mathematicians.

The Harvard mathematics department achieved an incredible reputation, praise from the press and other scientists arrived every day, and the theories were even accepted by 4 independent departments of the Clay Institute, causing the prize to be ready to be awarded.

But there was one thing that left everyone in suspense, the genius that brought it all about.

At Christian\'s request, Professors Andrew and Jean used his writing pseudonym in the thesis, as Christian did not want to appear in public and have a life full of press, and as the professors were doing their best to please Christian, they agreed with a smile.

But over time he realized that his thinking, while correct, is also ineffective.

A few months ago, Christian was kicked out of a publishing house along with his mother, there he realized that he needed power and nothing better than the power of fame.

He already talked to the publisher, and they came to the conclusion that all this would only bring more sales, so they accepted without hesitation.

The funny thing about all this is that no one ever connected the literary genius with the mathematical genius, no matter that they share pseudonyms.

But this month, that will no longer be the case since in 2 days Christian could be receiving 5 awards in New York, USA.

The world convention of mathematics, physics, and biology usually gives out awards every 4 years and 2010 happens to be one of those years.

Christian was nominated for 4 awards:

Nevanlinna Prize: a small gold medal in recognition of a scientist for achievements in computational mathematics, coincidentally the problem P versus NP was one of the big problems within computational mathematics.

Carla Friedrich Gauss Prize: This medal is awarded to mathematicians who contribute relevant mathematics with applications outside mathematics.

Copley Medal: This is a small silver medal for work that incorporates physics and/or biology, coincidentally the Yang-Mills millennium problem and the mass jump, was a problem within physics, since, although it was confirmed by computer some time ago they did not know how it worked theoretically, and Christian\'s theory calmed many of the doubts of physical scientists.

Fields Medal: This gold medal is the highest prize in the world of mathematics, being awarded only to mathematicians with great contributions.

Those 4 medals that many scientists dream of, were nominated to a 10-year-old boy.

(The whole family aged another year, since there was a time jump of one year, also note that not all these medals are awarded in the same place in real life, but to speed everything up I did it this way).

But while the reporters and scientists were anxiously waiting to meet the new genius, Christian was with his family entering the plane.

"Dear passengers, in 15 minutes we will start our flight, we ask you to fasten your seat belts for your safety"

A female voice sounded in the plane, while Christian looked around curiously.

As Christian was nominated, he was given plane tickets and a hotel room in New York, for him and his parent, Eva.

But since Christian didn\'t want to leave his siblings, he asked Eva to buy 4 first-class flights so they could all travel together happily.

"Wooow!!!" Alan exclaims in awe, looking at the luxurious seats with stars in his eyes "This is amazing!".

Frowning, Christian pats his mother\'s sweaty hand "Are you scared of planes mom?"

"W-who me?" nervously, Eva turns around, as they walked in search of their seat "W-what nonsense are you talking, I-I\'m not afraid of airplanes!"

Smiling, Christian squeezes his mother\'s hand a little tighter "Relax mom, it\'s going to be okay"

Nodding nervously, Eva guides her family to their seats, although they were a little separated they were all relatively close together.

"Me at the window!" yells Hailie, quickly running to the seat.

Shaking his head, Christian smiles "It\'s okay."

The seats were already purchased with their respective names, Hailie at the window, then Christian and next to him Alan, while Eva would be next to Alan, all so they wouldn\'t panic on the flight and have someone to help them.

The seats were quite big for children, Christian\'s legs didn\'t even touch the floor after sitting down, but not caring he went to Hailie and helped her put on the seatbelt, then turned and helped Alan, while Eva was already seated and squeezing the armrests tightly.

"Good morning, thank you for traveling on American Airlines, can I get you something to drink?" as Christian finished buckling Alan\'s seatbelt, a male voice was heard next to his mother.

Looking up, Christian is met by a male flight attendant, who looks up with a professional smile at his mother.

"Y-yes, do you have whiskey?"

"On the rocks or with soda?"

"On the rocks"

Pouring the glass, Eva doesn\'t hesitate and drinks it quickly, drawing a sigh of satisfaction "Sigh Thank you."

"What about you kids?" he turns to us and asks politely.

"I want a juice!" shouts Alan, still looking at everything excitedly.

"Me too!" turning around, exclaimed Hailie.

"I\'ll just have water, please"

With the two kids busy with their refreshments, Christian settled back in the seat and closed his eyes.

Truth be told, it\'s also his first time on a flight, but he doesn\'t feel nervous or anything, being completely relaxed unlike his family.

Alan is taking a lot of pictures with his new Iphone 4, a gift from his mother on his birthday, while Hailie had already taken out her Play Station Portable, also a birthday gift, even Christian has an iphone 4, but he doesn\'t usually use it much, what he enjoys most is his new computer, where he has been able to test Emily\'s mother teachings.

Since the money started coming in, Christian had many conversations with his mother, all regarding how to spend the money, achieving after many discussions that since he already uses everything on them there is no reason to just have it saved and not use it all.

But even so, Eva only accepted on one condition, Christian is the one who will manage the money he earns.

That\'s why Christian on every special date, tells his mother to buy him the things he says he wants and that is pretty much it.

Thanks to that things in the house have improved a lot, a lot more clothes for everyone, better furniture, new kitchen, new beds, among others.

Hailie and Alan still don\'t understand how they have so much money, but they don\'t think deeply about it and just enjoy it.

Eva never left her job at the coffee shop, the atmosphere was something she liked, and being at home all day wandering around is not something she enjoys, that\'s why she had to ask for a vacation so she could come to New York.

Lately Christian wanted to see buy a new house, but Eva didn\'t like the idea, since this home they live in was bought with their effort, something that Christian understood, and since they don\'t need more space they just stayed there.

But he didn\'t let his mother carry any debt, demanding that she use the money from his books to make her pay her debt, he even had to make his puppy dog eyes for Eva to accept defeat.

"Christen what is this for?" Pulling on Christian\'s clothes, Alan pointed to a small lever beside him.

"For the seat to pull back, look" Taking the lever, Christian pulls it, causing the seat to transform into something resembling a bed.

"Cool!" Hailie exclaimed, quickly pulling her lever.

"We are in the process of taking off, please use your seat belts."

The voice in the plane sounded again.

"Settle in" Spoke Christian, returning his brothers\' seats to the original position "When we\'re in the air you can lie down."

A few minutes later, the plane began to move, as Hailie looked out expectantly.

But as the plane began to gain speed and climb, heavy turbulence began to shake the plane, causing Hailie and Alan to panic.

"Christen I\'m scared!" Squeezing the armrest tightly, Alan exclaimed.

"I-I\'m not!" Hailie exclaimed, but her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

Smiling, Christian took the two children\'s hands "Don\'t worry, I won\'t let anything bad happen to you!"

As if his words had magic in them, the two children gradually calmed down, while Hailie opened her eyes and looked out the window "Wooow!"

The plane was already in the air, clouds were visible on the sides and all the turbulence calmed down.

Turning to his mother, Christian sees her clinging to the seat, still with her pale face "Mother, are you okay?"

"Y-yes, the drink made me sick"

Shaking his head, Christian just nodded.


"Welcome to New York."

Leaving the airport, Christian led his mother to a limousine where a woman in her forties was waiting for them.

"Thank you" Christian smiled, handing the bags to the woman.

"Christian...t-this is our cab?" pointing to the black limo in front of her, Eva asked with a stutter.

Christian was the one who organized everything, contacted the hotel and ordered the transportation.

Since it was the first time traveling as a family, Christian used a little extra money and ordered 4 days at the most luxurious hotel he could find, The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel, where for $500 more, it offered a shuttle service.

Unfortunately, Eva was only allowed to stay 4 days in New York, since between the kids skipping classes due to this trip and Eva\'s little vacation that she requested from her boss, the woman did not accept any more days off. She didn\'t want her kids to miss school much, and she didn\'t want to take too much time off work. She wanted to save her days off for truly exceptional cases, like her children\'s birthdays.

In total, he had to pay 4500 dollars, but for the quality and the experience, he accepted without hesitation.


Edited by: Lord_Shiva_

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