
Chapter 46 Money

"It\'s just, for now, I\'m not like that, but people tend to underestimate kids, it would be hard to sell if they know the book they spent money on was written by one"

"That means I\'d have to use pseudonyms, right?"

"Yes, you can put your first initial and last name"

"..." Thinking for a moment, Christian nodded "I have no problems, the contract is fine, the percentages are the ones we talked about, and the agreement to continue the saga at this publisher stands."

"But I have a doubt... why do you ask for my mother\'s and my signature?"

"At first I thought we only needed your mother\'s signature, but the lawyer gave me to understand that since the book was in your name, your mother will only be a guardian in the contract"

"But I don\'t have a signature"

"In this case, we use your fingerprint"

"Okay" Turning to Eva, Christian speaks "It\'s an all right mom, you have to sign with me"

Nodding, Eva didn\'t bother to read and signed, then dipped her finger in the ink to the side and left her fingerprint, with Christian following suit.

"Now you have to sign" Taking the papers, the lawyer moved them towards Miss Evelyn.

Having already read the contract, Evelyn didn\'t bother to reread the contract and signed, then sighed.

"So we started talking about your novel" Looking up with a smile, Evelyn spoke "I read the novel myself, and it\'s quite good, I was left wanting to read the continuations"


"I checked what you said, the novel is perfectly written, no flaws whatsoever" Reaching into her bag, Evelyn pulls out Christian\'s illustration notebook "I also saw the illustrations, he has many ideas for character and cover designs, it also complies with what you said, so we will arrange to print the novels as soon as possible, but for that, we need your writer pseudonym, any ideas?"

"..." Thinking a bit, Christian nods "I don\'t need to change so many things, it can be C. L. Grey."

Raising her eyebrows, Evelyn asks "What\'s the L for?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Christian replies "You\'re welcome, it\'s just for misdirection."

"..." Shaking her head with a smile, Evelyn turns to the lawyer and nods, causing the lawyer to pull out other papers and set them aside from Christian "That\'ll do, now you need to see these papers"

"..." With a frown, Christian picks them up and starts reading.

But without waiting for him to finish, Evelyn speaks "We will give you an advance of $2000 for your first novel, that will be subtracted later from your future earnings, we will also give you $400 more for you to patent your other novels, including the one you already patented, that expense is in the name of the publisher, so make sure you bring us the ballot for us to render them."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Eva exclaimed with wide eyes, then took the papers out of Christian\'s hands and looked at them in astonishment "what is this about my child being paid?"

Raising her eyebrows, Evelyn asks "I didn\'t you know?"

With even more confusion, Eva asked "Didn\'t know what?"

"Authors get paid for each book sold"

"Books are bought?"


At her words, everyone looked towards Eva with strangeness, including Christian.

"All books are bought, including government books, even the bible is no exception..." Evelyn replied, looking at Eva as if she was a strange being.

"Mom... you didn\'t buy Alan\'s stories?" asked Christian quizzically.

"No... those were brought by the one at school" Eva murmured in a daze, perusing the papers, then turning her gaze to Christian and asking "Does that mean you\'ll be making money writing?"


"And they\'ll give you $2,000 just for a retainer?"


"And you won\'t have to pay it back later?"

"Most likely not..."

"That\'s... unbelievable" Eva murmured in a daze, then smiled with some discomfort "But presumably... my boy is a genius after all."

With a smile, Christian nodded, then turned to Mrs. Evelyn and spoke "I have more stories written, I will patent the first volumes and bring them to you for you to see, including the continuations of Harriet Potter"

Raising her eyebrows in amazement, Evelyn nodded "That would be good, even if we don\'t all publish at the same time, it would be good for us to prepare more thoroughly"

"When will Harriet Potter be published?"

"After the new year, it would have been perfect to have it for Christmas, but we don\'t have enough time. We plan to start with 3000 copies first or maybe more, they will all be distributed in schools and bookstores, depending on its success we will see if more copies will come out."


"You should get a signature-ready, you\'ll need it for your autographed books"

"I\'ll work on it" Nodding, Christian takes the papers from his mother\'s hand and finishes reading them, finding nothing malicious in them, causing him to attend with satisfaction, then dipping his finger in the ink and signing, with Eva following in his footsteps.

The paper only served as a record that he was given the money, and at the same time making sure that the money would be deducted from his earnings.

Reaching into her suitcase, the lawyer pulled out an envelope and held it out to Christian "Here\'s the money, you can count it."

Taking the envelope, Christian opens it, glancing at it, easily ascertaining the amount of money, then reaching out and passing it to his mother.

"What are you passing it to me for?" Eva asked with a frown.

"I\'m a kid mom, I can\'t walk around with $2000 on me" rolling his eyes, Christian replied, knowing full well that his mother would not accept his money.

"Oh" Relaxing her expression, Eva stuffed the envelope in her pocket.

"Well, that would be all for now, we will be in contact with your mother to let you know how the publishing process is going" Keeping the signed records, Mrs. Evelyn stood up and spoke with a smile as she stretched out her hand towards the boy "I expect great things from you Christian"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you the best" With confidence, Christian stood up on tiptoe and squeezed her hand.


"Something you want to tell me?" Being already in the house, and lying on the couch, Christian noticed that his mother was a little restless, as she was constantly looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

"..." Pursing her lips slightly, Eva sighed "What do you plan to do with your money?"

Although Eva didn\'t understand the percentages they were talking about a few days ago, now that she knows that there is money in between, she instantly understood what it was all about.

"I don\'t know, I\'m a kid, I understand money a little bit, but not completely" Christian answered naturally, while inside worry arose.

Christian knows that his mother will not accept money easily, she is a stubborn woman in cases like these.

"You could buy yourself lots of toys and candy" Spoke Eva after a few seconds.

"What if you spend it at home?"

Frowning, Eva turned to Christian seriously "I don\'t like you worrying about things like that Christian, just spend your money on whatever amuses you or you want, I\'ll take care of the rest."

"*Sigh* Mom, listen to me" Sighing, Christian looks at his mother seriously "What I want and at the same time, what makes me happy, is you guys."


"I know you don\'t like me worrying about things like money, but how can I not... my mother works most of the day to get it, and that causes my time with you to be very little, taking away a great reason for happiness."

"Hailie and Alan are no different, I like to see them with a smile, I like my whole family to be happy.... that\'s why I want to use my money you guys, if buying Alan a toy makes him happy, I will be happy.... If helping you with the money makes you spend more time with me, I will be very happy... my happiness is not only material objects.... what good is it to me to have everything if I\'m alone?"


"That\'s why I want you to use the money on all of you, take it as my selfish wish... I can only be happy if you are happy... that\'s the only thing I will ask you... please"

Christian poured all his thoughts into his mother, exposing his most complicated psychological problem, dependency.

Anyone with a little knowledge of psychology would know that your happiness depending on someone else, will not lead you to any good place, but well... Christian and John, are nothing more than young people damaged by violent relationships and abandonments, leaving both personalities somewhat damaged.

"..." Staring dazedly at the boy, Eva sighed \'In cases like these, I wish my son was... normal.\'

Getting up from the couch, Christian walked over and sat on Eva\'s legs, staring into her eyes "I only ask this mom, I understand that I shouldn\'t care about these things, but because of my selfishness I want to have you more time with me... just use the money on our family and I\'ll be happy"

"..." Without saying anything, Eva took Christian in her arms gently, while a tired smile was visible on her beautiful face "Just don\'t demand so much of yourself, okay?"

"Fine" Christian murmured with a smile, lying peacefully on top of Eva.

"Christian, let\'s play!" but when Christian was completely calm and at peace, a shout came to his side, causing a wry smile on his face.

Rising to his feet Christian speaks "Come on!"


December 24, 2009.

"Christian, are you ready? He should be here soon"

"I\'m coming, mom!"

Looking carefully at myself in the mirror, I couldn\'t help but feel dazed.

It had been quite a few months since everything changed, months in which my life took many unexpected turns, I suffered, I cried, I laughed.

So many overwhelming but cherished feelings.....

Today is already good night, mom\'s friend is coming to eat, my siblings are very happy for the gifts they will have tomorrow, even mom was even cheerful to cook something so big for the first time.

But me...

I feel like I can\'t be happy.

This kind of date always generated sadness for me, dates when loneliness used to overwhelm me...

Yes, now I\'m not alone, but...

I can\'t get over the pain that torments my heart to know that we are missing someone at the table.

The knowledge that...

"*Sigh* This is no time to be sad" Shaking his head, Christian spoke, but the pain could still be seen on his face.

Quickly putting on his new white sweater, Christian looked at himself in the mirror "My hair is too long..."

His hair already reached the middle of his back, for some reason, it was growing quite fast, before Brayan used to tell him about it, but now it\'s not possible.

Pursing his lips, Christian takes a wall from his desk and ties his hair up "Okay, I\'m ready"

Nodding to myself, Christian leaves his room and heads downstairs, running into his mother who seemed to be running as she moved the dishes on the table, while his siblings watched TV.

"How beautiful you look my prince" Stopping midway, Eva looked at Christian and smiled.

"You look good too mom, but..."

Grabbing a chair, Christian climbs onto it and gestures for his mother to come over.

"..." With a smile, Eva stood in front of Christian.

Eva arrived a tight black pants, while on top she wore a simple white shirt, but her beautiful face gave a unique charm to any garment.

"You have the collar of your shirt bent" Stretching out his hands, Christian carefully fixes the collar of the garment.


"You also have your button open, your bra is showing" With annoyance, Christian closes the button on her.


Raising and lowering his gaze, Christian purses his lips "Your bra is on wrong you can see the straps over the shirt"

Stretching out his arms, Christian reaches under the shirt and fixes the straps "You have to be careful with these, they tend to break if you don\'t wear them right"

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