
Chapter 28 Does Love Have Logic?

"Man, with the expression you had at the time, it\'s a wonder you didn\'t leave my little boy traumatized" I smiled mockingly.

Holding up his middle finger, Jayden replied "You\'re still in the same shitty mood"

"It\'s nice to see you again you piece of shit."

Sara smiled happily, as she came over to give me a hug, which I accepted with a smile.

"Those fat balls haven\'t stopped growing" Sara teased, giving my breasts a little slap.

"What about you, are you pregnant?" I asked mockingly as I looked at the large amount of fat on the woman\'s stomach.

"It\'s this man\'s fault, he won\'t stop baking his damn pies!"

"Just refuse the food, asshole"

"Leave her Eva, it\'s better for me that she\'s fat. So another bitch won\'t try to take her away from me" Jayden smiled warmly, as he intertwined his arm with Sara.

Raising my eyebrows, I turn my gaze to Sara with disdain "And you were so stupid that you fell into her trap"

"I didn\'t fall into it, I jumped into it myself" Sara laughed lightly, as she kissed the head of the man next to her.

"Stupid" I laughed with amusement "Just pray Jayden doesn\'t trade you in for someone else or cheat on you for weighing too much"

"Pfff that would never happen would it sweetie?" smirked Sara as she turned to look at the man with a loving expression.

"Of course not my little bear. I would never trade you for another woman. I never have and never would" Smiled Jayden lovingly, looking lovingly at Sara\'s face.

"Stop acting so lovey-dovey in front of me you assholes. You disgust me" I spoke with annoyance, then turned to Sara and spoke" And tell me how have you been?"

"Everything\'s fine. And you?" asked Sara.

"Aside from a few money problems, everything has been perfect"

"I can see that" Sara laughed, as she turned her gaze to Christian "Is that the child you were pregnant with when you were working with Sara?"

"Yes, he\'s my baby boy" I smiled softly as I looked at my Christian in the seat, who was staring lostly at the floor.

"Let me tell you he looks nothing like you, clearly he must have taken the beauty out of the father" Jayden replied mockingly.

"What are you talking about, clearly my Christian took after me!"

"Pfff You? Stop dreaming woman!"

"Tsk, I won\'t stoop to your level" I huffed in annoyance, then turned to Sara "So what are they doing around these parts? Hadn\'t you moved to another city?"

"Yeah, we had moved to Lansing, but a few weeks ago we sold the house and moved into an apartment in Detroit"

"Oh, why?"

"I was sick of that shitty town" Sara snorted in annoyance.

"Are you sure you didn\'t get kicked out of the place for eating everything?"


"And where are you living? We could get together one of these days. With Sara, we\'ve been feeling pretty lonely in this town" Jayden asked.

"For now we\'re staying where we always have, but we already have enough to buy a house, so I was visiting real estate agencies to see how it\'s going..."

"Oh... congratulations" smiled Jayden awkwardly.


Meanwhile with Christian.


I\'m not homophobic or anything in particular, but...

I was scared to see that man approach me.

That smile was creepy.

That damn pout gave me the creeps.

He even offered me a fucking candy.

What is he?

One of those pedophiles they show in the movies?

Lifting my gaze to the couple, I can tell by their words and actions that they\'re pretty close with Mom.

The woman named Sara looks nice. She has long wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes, while everything about her is kind of...stuffed.

She\'s a little shorter than my mom, and she has a big mole on the edge of her nose, which reminds me of the witches in the stories.

She\'s not ugly, not at all. It\'s just that the extra pounds are quite noticeable because of her somewhat tight clothes. But her soft smile counteracts that.

But the woman has an eccentric fashion sense. She wore a red sleeveless shirt, while underneath she wore long military-style pants.

Although it\'s funny to see my thin mother with more breasts than the plumper woman.

The man is quite different, he is a bit smaller than Sara, I would say he is about 5\'5. Something that is making me question the average height of men, because until today, I have only seen tall women, while the men I have seen, are quite small to the normal of my other world.

He has short blonde hair, with strange light blue eyes that apparently have little shards of brown in them. He has a scrawny build but looks quite healthy. He was wearing a light blue shirt with short sleeves, along with strange shorts.

Quite short...

Certainly the shortest I\'ve ever seen in my life, coming right up to his butt area. Something that unfortunately stuck in my memory forever.

His face looked pretty regular in my opinion, not to say that regular is bad.

I myself in my other life was handsome, but only about regular.

The man has a few facial blemishes that may have been leftover from puberty, but other than that he looked pretty decent, no beard, no mustache, all normal for this world I think.

Although without a doubt what left me more marked in him, is his personality.

I guess it\'s quite common in this world, but it\'s hard for me to think of a man with such a... sweet personality.

The couple looks young, but it\'s easy to tell they\'re older than mom, by a lot I\'d say.

How old are they?

Mom says they\'re friends, but I\'ve never seen them before.

So that leaves two options.

They live together every day at her work or she knew them before.

From their reactions I can tell they haven\'t seen each other in a long time, instantly ruling out the first option.

"Of course not my little bear. I would never trade you with another woman. I never have and never would"


What the fuck was that!?

I thought in panic, as I felt my stomach churn hard out of nowhere.

This feeling...

It\'s just like the one I felt when I talked to mom yesterday.

What is it?

Yesterday I let it go, stomach discomfort is nothing unusual.

But this shit is on another level.

I feel like I\'m going to throw up at any moment, but at the same time, I don\'t have anything to throw up.

Am I really sick?

"Other than a few money problems everything has been perfect"


Another goddamn time.

Goddamn it!

What the fuck is wrong with my stomach?!?

Stomach cancer?

Stomach worms?

A fucking alien?

What do I do...

I don\'t want to worry mom...

Should I google it?

No... I\'m sure that shit will tell me I have cancer, no matter the symptoms.

"For now we\'re staying where we\'ve always stayed, but we already have enough to buy a house, so I was going around visiting real estate agents to see how it\'s going..."


Quickly turning my gaze to Mom, I was shocked.

This is...

No... it can\'t be.

5 times I felt this...

3 times it happened with mom\'s comments, once with chubby Jack and the last one with the man\'s comment.

3 times it happened because of lies...

Does it have anything to do with that?

No... impossible.

Although if it\'s weird that I can hear them like it\'s nothing at this distance, I was already prepared to have a slight hearing advantage.

Since I remembered about the \'Alexandria Genesis\', somehow everything became irrelevant. As if I took it for granted that it was the same thing.

But what the fuck is this?

Does my stomach hurt every time mom lies?

Does that mean she was sad yesterday?

No... it\'s simply impossible.

We\'re not talking about slightly superior strength, or better hearing, let alone better eyesight I think I have.

We\'re talking about something as complicated as a sixth sense or some shit like that.

Body advantage is one thing, I can somewhat accept it, although I think it\'s quite rare.

But this?

It breaks all the damn logic!


What\'s the logic of me being reincarnated?



What if I really have this shit?

Does it only work with mom?

I don\'t remember going through something similar.

I doubt anyone went through anything similar...

Will I have to feel this shit every time mom lies?


I don\'t get anything out of lying to myself.

Jack lied too and it upset my stomach.

If this is really happening...

Am I going to have to live with this shit my whole life?

Knowing every time someone lies?


I guess I could eliminate the politician route.

I\'m sure I\'d die from the pain.


If it\'s all based on lies...

Does that mean that man cheated on his wife?


Holy crap!


Is it all lies?

It\'s a vital point.

If everything I suspect is true, I can tell if someone is lying, but...

To what extent?

Sure, the man said, \'Of course not my little bear. I would never trade you with another woman. I never have and never would\'

The first sentence is in response to his wife\'s question, where he tells her that she would never trade her for another or cheat on her, from there I started to feel bad, but he also said that he would never trade her for another woman and that he never has and never would.

That\'s several statements in one answer, but the pain in my stomach persisted as always for a few seconds, lingering throughout the answer.

Is it all a lie?

I can\'t jump to conclusions...

Clearly, Mom lied, but some of the things she said were true, like the house-hunting.

I saw it myself when she commented on the subject and talked about houses with that jerk I should call father.

She also lied when she said everything was going well and she was just having financial problems.

Yesterday I saw her quite furious, she even ended up venting some of that anger on me.


How exciting.

It feels so nice to have what things to find out...

How do I do?

Do I directly ask the man if he would cheat on his wife?

Wouldn\'t that be too rude?

"I shouldn\'t do that..." I muttered with a strange emotion while biting my thumb as I looked at the man in front of me "But I can\'t help it."

I just have to approach the conversation correctly...

If I ask uncomfortable questions, mom shouldn\'t answer me, I know her too well to get that result.

And what better than a man to answer a child\'s questions.

Quickly rising from my seat, I walk over to Mom, standing quietly behind her.

"Mom..." I spoke softly, as I tugged at her shirt.

"Yes?" Mom replied as she turned to me with a smile.

"What does it mean to get traded for another one?"

"Huh..." In a daze, Mom turned to look at the couple behind her, who was already stifling their laughter.


"Uh... Y-yes... that means..." Mom stammered, clearly showing she didn\'t know what to say.

All perfect.

"Don\'t lie to me, mom..." I whispered with a serious expression "I\'m a smart kid"

"W-well... Getting traded for another one means... that..."

"Agh, how can you be so slow!" Jayden exclaimed with annoyance, as he approached me with a smile.


"Look Christian... that word can have many meanings, but your mom used it to refer towards loving relationships Do you understand what a loving relationship is?" Explained Jayden softly, as he crouched down to my level.

"Yes... it\'s when two people love each other."

"Well, it\'s something like that... then in a relationship many things can happen... in some cases the woman leaves the man and falls in love with someone else"

"Only the woman?"

"The man can do it too, obviously"

"Oh... but isn\'t that the same as being unfaithful?"

"No, unfaithful is when you\'re in a relationship and your partner cheats on you."

You have fallen.

"Oh, I understand... uncle.... do you love Aunt Sara?"

"Of course I do, it\'s the nicest thing that ever happened to me" Jayden smiled softly, as he looked sideways at the woman.

That\'s... true.

"So you wouldn\'t trade her for another?"

"Of course not, I plan to grow old with her and have lots of cute kids like you"


"So you haven\'t been unfaithful to her either?" I asked innocently, as I bowed my head slightly.

"Obviously not, she\'s the love of my life" Jayden smiled lovingly, then turned and looked back at Sara "Right honey?"


"I love you baby" Sara smiled goofily.

Holy crap!

It\'s worse than I thought!

This bastard is cheating on mom\'s friend!

But the worst part is that he does love her!

What the fuck kind of reality is that?!?

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