
Chapter 11 Fear


Chris asked doubtfully.


"Do you work out?"

" Yes, every morning before work I spend some time doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats Why?"

"No reason... Mom has a beautiful back..."

"Oh... Hehe~"

Smiled Eva foolishly.

She for every minute she spends with her little one is more sure that it\'s one of the best days of her life.

What mother wouldn\'t love to be adored by her children?

Even more so if the child praising her is one of her little ones.

Eva always made differences in her children unconsciously.

Her daughters she treated a little more harshly, while her sons she treats like jewels, Alan and Christian are practically her eyes, and although they didn\'t see each other much, whenever she had time she would always play and fool around with them or at least with Alan, since Christian was always with his things, and she didn\'t see a way to get close to him.

But with Ashley and Hailie things are different, although she doesn\'t treat them badly or anything like that, in her heart, she knows she is a bit more strict with her daughters.

She just wants her daughters to be good women, to have a good job, and to live happily. Practically her biggest nightmare is that they will turn out lazy women and never have a job, staying at home forever, something very common in the world.

But she, as a working woman.

How can she allow her daughters to be leeches in the future?

Eva loves her daughters very much, but she doesn\'t want them to be twisted by being lax with them.

Christian continued to earnestly wipe his mother\'s back, delighting her memories with something he would happily remember for the rest of his life.

But when he finally snapped out of his trance, he realized that right now he was wiping his mother\'s waist, which caused his hands, which he had tried so hard to calm, to move erratically from the nervousness that plagued his thoughts.

Swallowing saliva, he looked down at his mother\'s bare ass and slowly lowered the sponge towards it, but the closer he got to the place he wanted to touch so badly, the more his mind became agitated, causing his hands to become even shakier.

But with one last deep breath, he released the sponge and stepped back, closing his eyes at the moment to keep his composure.

It was only a few minutes in which he appreciated his mother\'s body greedily, but the moment he felt the urge to touch her private parts directly, guilt-filled his mind like a gigantic tsunami.

She works all day long for us, spends all her energies to feed us so that we have a life without scarcity, gives all her effort so that we have a roof over our heads.

She has only given me infinite warmth since I exist, she cries for my stupidity and I don\'t even blame myself for my outburst, but she took all the responsibility for herself, even though I know the stupid one was me.

And what do I do?

I look at her with lust...

The more I thought about my stupid behavior, the more my heart filled with guilt, I couldn\'t think of anything else, only guilt and more guilt.

But when Christian felt his feelings suffocating him, he instinctively grabbed the sponge and began to clean his own body, while his ever-active mind somehow calmed down.

The only thing that caused relief to spread through his mind, causing a huge sigh of relief.

He does not know the cause of why his feelings are so intense, in his past life he never experienced anything like that, but right now he simply does not want to think about anything else and just enjoy the temporary relief.

Christian doesn\'t think about the situation anymore, the only thing he has in his mind is a relief, relief of not having to feel such extreme emotions, relief that the suffocation is over, but in his relief was hiding something else that he doesn\'t want to think about.


Fear of losing himself at some point, fear of doing something stupid, fear of losing everything to something he can\'t control, fear of being alone again.

"*Sigh* Mom, tomorrow you might have to go with me to school..."

Christian spoke, feeling a pleasant sense of calm in his brain, which made him visibly relax.

"Yes... And even if they don\'t call me I would go if or if..." Eva replied, turning around in the shower to be face to face with her little boy.

"Besides... What are those teachers doing allowing my son to suffer?"

Whispered Eva with furrowed brows, taking Christian\'s slender arms to hug him from behind.

"They did talk to those kids, Mom, but that only fanned the flames..."

Christian explained quietly, leaning back against his mother again.

"*Sigh* Then I\'m glad you stood up for yourself What do those bitches think they are to hit my little boy?"

Eva exclaimed angrily, not realizing that she had just cursed in front of her son.

"Hehe~ Now I doubt they\'ll even look at me!"

Laughed Christian gleefully, playing with his little feet in the water.

"Hahaha~" Eva laughed out loud, looking at her little boy fondly.

They were submerged in the tub for about 8 more minutes until the water started to cool down and Eva spoke.

"Let\'s get the dirty water out and take a shower."

Yawned Eva, leaning forward to pull the plug out of the water.


Christian complained, quickly closing his eyes at the sight before him, managing to keep calm from the lulling sensation in his head.

The water began to go down quickly, until there was nothing left in the tub, leaving mother and son with the annoying cold sensation on their wet bodies.

"Okay, you can get up so we can get out quickly."

Spoke Eva, turning on the rain shower with the hot water.

Christian without thinking opened his eyes and got up, looking calmly at his mother\'s body.

When he reached Eva\'s side, she grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close to her, letting the water run over them both as she washed all the remaining shampoo from her son\'s head, humming an unfamiliar tune in the process.

"Is that the humming of a tune?"

Christian asked with confusion, he had never heard a similar tune, it sounded heavy but light, casual rock type, but he had heard hundreds or thousands of different songs in his world, and every language, but he doesn\'t remember anything like it.

"Yes, it\'s from my favorite band."

Eva smiled, humming with much more excitement, shaking her head from time to time, reaffirming her opposition to Christian.

"What are they called?"

"The Strangers, they were a very famous rock band, too bad they ended their career at such a young age..."

Eva explained excitedly, to change her tone to regret at the end, still without stopping cleaning Chris\' hair.

"What happened to them?"

Asked with confusion Christian, being sure that group didn\'t exist in his world or if it existed, they weren\'t famous, giving him to understand that many things changed.

"They accused the vocalist of drug trafficking and ****, the group disbanded after that..."

"And well, from there their music started to fall, you have to know that we women are a species that gets carried away by the masses, the public opinion of the group went down and people stopped listening to them."

"But I still like many of their songs, although I repudiate a lot of what those women did, that doesn\'t take away the good things about their music..."

Eva explained normally, letting go of Christian\'s already clean hair to wash her own.

"Only women, aren\'t men the same?"

Christian asked in bewilderment, from his mother\'s words he already came to understand that the band was composed of women, but that\'s normal if he thinks about the kind of world he\'s in.

"Oh... It\'s not that I mean women in general, I mean that "The woman" is like saying human race" Eva explained after a second of confusion "All over the world they usually say human being as "the woman", but it doesn\'t mean that they only talk about women, if not, that inside they put man and woman..."


Nodded Christian clearly, understanding the concept instantly, in his previous world the human was usually called "The Man", it\'s easy to assume that in this world it\'s the opposite and though it\'s strange to him, not that he cares much.


Eva smiles, closing the shower and grabbing the two towels in the corner of the tub.

Taking the smaller one, she starts drying Christian\'s hair carefully, then starts down to his shoulders and continues with the rest of his body after a few seconds.

"I can do it, mom!"

Christian exclaimed in fright as he felt his mother getting closer and closer to his penis.

"Nonsense, you\'re still small, let mom dry you off."

Smiled Eva, continuing her work as she carefully dried him, wiping the towel across Christian\'s stomach.

Christian could only close his eyes at his mother\'s refusal and prepare for what was to come with fear and some excitement, until what had to happen happened, making Christian bite his lips at the pleasant sensation of his jewels against the towel.

But to his luck, Eva merely rubbed for a few seconds and went on her way, eliciting a sigh of relief in his mind.

"Ready" Eva smiled, taking Christian between her two hands to then lift him and set him down out of the tub "Put your clothes on while I dry off"


Christian mumbled tiredly, feeling like he had just gone through one of the worst battles in his two lives.

Christian managed to get dressed without much complication, he was wearing a pair of bench-top sweatpants and a light blue long-sleeved T-shirt.

While Christian was getting dressed, his mother had already finished drying off and was almost dressed right now, leaving only her upper body bare, although she suffered a great struggle to look away when she was putting on her underwear.

"Come on!"

Eva smiled, lifting Christian off the floor with one arm, placing him between her breasts, while with the other hand she grabbed all the dirty clothes, then calmly walked out of the bathroom, still leaving her chest bare.

"M-mom... Aren\'t you going to finish getting dressed?"

Christian asked nervously, feeling his mental breakdown coming closer with every passing second.

"But I\'m already dressed..."

Eva mumbled in confusion, lowering her gaze to his body.

"Oh... Are you talking about my chest?"

Eva asked with a smile.


"It\'s hot, it\'s very uncomfortable to walk around in so many clothes."

Eva sighed, not stopping walking, let alone thinking about her nakedness, making Christian\'s hands shake at the thought of his future life.

(I guess this is normal... I used to walk around half-naked for summer anyway... Crap... Come to think of it, it must be awesome to visit a pool or go to the beach? It must be awesome to watch the UFC too... Two women fighting with their breasts in the air? Where do I sign!?). thought Christian, with an excited smile on his face, and then his expression turns opaque and dark (Doesn\'t that mean that my future wife can be seen by everyone in those places? I\'d rather die than allow that...)

Eva continued on her way to the beds, which oddly enough is also her dining room and kitchen.

The motel room had 3 and a half square beds, in one slept the older sister with Hailie, in the other, her father sleeps with Alan, and the last one Christian shares with her mother. The room itself is somewhat small, with the 3 beds divided only by half a meter, while a small plasma TV sits in the center of the 3.

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