
Chapter 4 03. INTRUDERS (2).

Frostine didn\'t answer my question before she changed into a dragon, so I knew instinctively that I was right.


A cuss slipped out of my mouth, and I was conflicted about my instincts.

Should I be glad that I can fight to keep it from happening, or should I be sad that my damned instincts came true? I don\'t know about you, but I\'m glad I was there and can make an effort to stop any losses.

I muttered to myself, "SNOWFLAKES," and leaped off the ground.

I used a skill I developed while fighting Frostine; it does exactly what it says; it creates snowflakes around me and I can manipulate them. I used the snowflakes beneath my feet to avoid the debris; from a distance, it appeared as though I was walking on air. I then stood on the snowflakes in the air and took in my surroundings; as I did so, my body froze.

I searched every nook and cranny of India to the point where you could say I was familiar with every part of it. Because I couldn\'t find any humans anywhere in India.

I naturally assumed that demons were attacking us because of their greed, as this was not an uncommon occurrence.

Humans! I had given up on ever meeting another human while I was still alive because I knew that some would survive but that it would be nearly impossible to meet them because I would have to search the entire earth for any clue about them.

Frostine, who was flying in front of me, spoke as I continued to stare dazed.

[I don\'t believe they\'ve come with good intentions.]

Frostine\'s voice was transmitted in my head which snapped me out of my daze,

[Right], I said with a bitter smile.

I hadn\'t seen another human in ten years, and since I myself am one of them, I was aware of their avarice. Demons and humans are only slightly different since a demon\'s avarice is limitless.

As a powerful magic power was constantly seeping out of the papers that they are attempting to rip off, I too was aware that they are not here with good intentions.

They were a powerful group of people; I\'m not sure how they used all that magic power, but they had a lot of it. I didn\'t have as much magic power, but I knew that I had more control over it than they did.

I was just feeling conflicted about the fact that my first human encounter in ten years turned out to be malicious.

Frostine charged her breath, I sensed the magic power in Frostine\'s charged breath, and I knew that she was merely trying to warn them to turn around.

"Ha" I chuckled unintentionally as I realized that she was doing that for me.


[Nothing. Pfft continue.]

I struggled to contain my laughter as I observed a massive lizard....kuhum dragon becoming embarrassed.

"Pfft, sorry, pfft hahahahahahahaha"

I tried to contain myself, but I couldn\'t help but laugh out loud as I watched Frostine\'s ear start to turn slightly red.


The group moved cautiously in the direction of the lair with the intention of ripping off their scrolls once they were a little closer to it. Some of the scrolls were of "invisibility," which they intended to do together with the "meteor summon" scroll; the meteor would be invisible until it was close enough for the dragon to not escape.

As they moved closer to the lair, the ground shook and they saw a majestic white dragon emerge from the ground. They couldn\'t help but stare in awe at the dragon, and soon after the dragon soared to the air, they saw some human-like figure walking in the air and following the dragon.

The group squinted their eyes to get a better view of the human-like figure. Everyone froze in shock when they saw a human with white long hair walking in air with the same majesty as the dragon. He calmly walked in air and stood next to the dragon.

Both the group and the dragon stood motionless as they exchanged looks. When they noticed the dragon\'s eyes turning to the human behind it, they realized that if they didn\'t act now, they would never have a chance. The group leader slightly turned his head to look at his team as they turned to face him, then he glanced at the scrolls as well. When they saw the meaning in their captain\'s eyes, they nodded in agreement.

"NOW," he said quietly, and the group ripped the scrolls in their hands without hesitation.

"Pfft, sorry, pfft hahahahahahahaha"

They turned to face the laughter and saw a human-like figure laughing; they all assumed he was laughing at them and glared at him with the intent to kill.

\'How dare a mere monster laugh at us\'

They all thought the same thing because they had always fought on the frontlines to defend their homes and people, they all took pride in their work, and when they saw him laughing, their pride as warriors defending their home was hurt.

The leader bit his lip furiously, letting blood drip from it as he glared at the human-like figure in the air. Despite having the urge to kill the figure this instance, the leader resisted because he knew that he would have the last laugh.


Frostine concentrated on her breath and suddenly felt a strong killing intent directed at them; this time she concentrated on her breath not to warn but to kill.

I pulled out my bow to fire a warning shot at them after sensing a strong killing intent directed towards us. I didn\'t understand why they suddenly intended to kill us, but that didn\'t matter now. I pulled the string and began to use my magic to form an arrow when suddenly, the magical power that was oozing from the papers they were holding abruptly stopped. When the magic suddenly stopped, I winced and my instincts warned me to flee.

"Frostine ru.."

I was about to scream at her to run away.


I heard something ripping, and then an intense heat suddenly enveloped us before a meteor suddenly materialized above us and knocked us to the ground.

I saw mud for the first time in a long time, though it was gradually turning into molten lava. My vision blurred, and before I knew it, tears were rolling down my cheeks and my body felt like it was melting. However, I had one question. I opened my mouth to ask it, but nothing came out. It felt like a lump was stuck in my throat. My lips trembled as I attempted to speak, but all I wanted to know was,


A moment before the heat engulfed us Frostine drew me to her and hugged me, as she pulled me towards her, I saw her ripped-wing. As she hugged me, I could feel all the magic power leaving her body.

My nose caught a strong whiff of burning flesh. I ignored it and tilted my head to look at her, she was smiling with her eyes closed, a tear rolled down from one of them, I felt my heart sank but suddenly fire lit near her heart and a rock fell on the ground burning its way through her heart, I felt my eyes wide open.

All I could do from that point on was feel as my body moved on its own.

My body moved to the side as my feet caught fire and felt as if they were melting, not burning, but melting. The pain was excruciating, but my body still moved.

I don\'t know why, but my body moved to the side until her entire body was in my line of sight. However, what I saw could not be described as her entire body; only the area where I was being protected remained intact; her back was completely gone, and bones could be seen protruding from her body.

My legs gave out as I knelt in front of this traumatic scene, and my knees immediately caught fire.

"Ah." Unconsciously, I said in a melancholy tone,

"Pfft, sorry pfft hahahaha"

I turned to look at the source of the laughter and saw a group of individuals holding their stomachs while laughing and pointing at us.

"Do you find it funny?"

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