
Chapter 51 Scary

As I hit the ground, my entire body shook. For a moment, I couldn\'t make sense of my surroundings or what had just happened.


I heard a sharp sound as something sliced through the air. Instinctively, I threw myself to the side, narrowly avoiding Theo\'s blade that would have pierced my chest.

"Bastard..." I muttered under my breath.

Theo\'s attack could have been fatal, but he seemed to have no qualms about it. Robbin must have noticed this too, because he approached the arena, ready to intervene if things got too dangerous.


As I gazed at Theo\'s gleeful face, my vision flickered and narrowed until he was the only thing in sight.

All other distractions fell away, including my emotions and racing heart. My mind became singularly focused on the fight.

It was as if a fog had lifted from my brain and my senses became sharper. I was ready to kill...

Theo seemed to sense the change in me as well, and his smile faltered slightly as he caught my gaze. For a moment, he even hesitated to attack, as if unsure of what he saw in my golden eyes.

"Mountain Sword: Imperial Descend!"

His greatsword crashed against the ground, sending another wave of pebbles and Mana toward me.

This time, however, I timed my jump perfectly, avoiding his weapon style movement and landing safely on the ground before he could reach me.


His massive blade missed me by mere inches, the edge of the sword grazing some strands of my hair.

Seeing an opportunity, I swung my katana from the right, forcing Theo to position his weapon to defend, but then, I supplied mana to my blade and sharply changed its direction, slashing his left shoulder.


Theo cried out, but I didn\'t give him a chance to retreat. I delivered a swift kick straight to his abdomen, sending him crashing to the ground.

However, at the last second, Theo managed to extend his hand forward and punched me in the face, causing my head to jerk backwards. I tasted the bitter taste of blood gathering in my mouth.


I must have looked similar to how I did after the fight with the Winter Wolves, though this time only my face was bloody instead of my entire body.

My golden eyes observed as Theo struggled to his feet, holding his bleeding shoulder and suppressing painful growls.

As I felt the blood from my broken nose trickling down my face, not even a particle of tear gathered in my eyes.


I raised my Katana and Theo flinched, seeing resolve in my eyes. He quickly took his fighting stance, but I could see clear differences in how he was holding his sword.

Due to the wound on his left shoulder, he was slightly favoring his right side, creating another weakness I could exploit.

He didn\'t even attempt to use his Sword Style Movement, which made me believe it would put too much pressure on his injured arm and he couldn\'t handle the pain.


I dashed towards him, tracking his every muscle twitch and movement with my eyes. I was so focused on the fight that I could even anticipate his next move by the subtle shifts in his eyes.


After a few minutes, my blade stabbed deep into his shin, causing him to fall to the ground. However, Theo didn\'t give up; all I could hear were curses and cries of pain.


Theo\'s words didn\'t affect me in the slightest, but I had no intention of allowing him to continue cursing me.


I delivered a swift, well-placed kick to his head.

The impact was intense, and I could feel the force reverberating through my entire body. As my foot made contact with his skull, I heard a sickening thud, and his head jerked back violently. His eyes rolled back, and he slumped to the ground, his body limp and unconscious.


Shaking my head, I felt my senses returning to normal. Glancing at Robbin, I saw him nodding his head and gesturing towards the bathroom.

"Go clean up. You\'re free today..."

I sheathed my Katana and threw a final glance at Theo, who was slowly being lifted by one of his friends, before heading to the bathroom.

Studying my reflection in the mirror, I observed my stiff expression. Two golden eyes, framed by a below-average face, in Leclentia standards, stared back at me.

"I look scary..." I commented aloud.

I wouldn\'t want to encounter myself in a dark alley, that\'s for sure. If I appeared this menacing in my normal mood, how must I have appeared during the fight? Perhaps like a monster?

As I splashed cold water on my face, attempting to wash away the blood, I heard the bathroom door creak open. I wouldn\'t have minded the intrusion, except for the overwhelming strength emanating from the newcomer\'s aura.


I muttered under my breath, catching sight of his auburn hair and brown eyes, which were accentuated by dark circles underneath them. Though his normal clothes appeared slightly rumpled, they seemed to be the only damage he suffered from the Combat Class.

I hurriedly cleaned my face, eager to leave the bathroom as quickly as possible, but just as I was about to exit, Kai suddenly smashed one of the mirrors.


Shards of glass fell to the floor and onto Kai, but he seemed unharmed.

Taking in a deep breath, I slowly turned to face him. His brown eyes were now tinged with slight shades of red, and his aura had spiked, sending shivers down my spine.


Exiting the bathroom, I left Kai to stare at his own reflection.

His sudden outburst didn\'t surprise me in the slightest. I knew that Kai wasn\'t entirely normal, or rather human.

He was a half-monster, a hybrid of human and monster breeds.

During the first half of the game, Kai struggled to suppress his bloodthirst and rage, which often led to sudden outbursts.

While it may have sounded dangerous to some, I didn\'t feel scared or repulsed by Kai\'s half-monster nature.

The stronger the main protagonists, the better my chances of survival.

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