
Chapter 409 Two Bodies, One Soul 3

The memory played. It was static-y and some parts were hard to discern. Keng remembered waking up and seeing two people hover over him. A man and a woman talked as Keng instinctively tried to get out. He was in his Fox form and his tails thumped against the metal table. The chains rattled as the woman instantly tightened them. Keng yelped as the man turned and looked at him.

"It seems he\'s awake, sir. What should we do?" The woman asked.

"I think we should hurry it up. Let\'s put it in him. See what happens." The Creator spoke. The woman nodded.

"Are you sure you\'ve done it correctly?" The Creator\'s voice asked. The Creator stepped backwards as the quiet whimpers of Keng were heard.

"Yes, sir. I did everything you asked. This is what we managed to find within Eleven." A female voice answered. The Creator looked into the crack like he was observing someone.

\'This one. What\'s the meaning of this?\' Jyu\'so wondered.

"Give me the injection. We\'ll give it to him and see what happens." The Creator ordered. The woman stepped into view, handing him a syringe filled with yellow liquid. Jyu\'so narrowed his eyes as he watched the Creator\'s arm move out of frame and inject something into Keng. The whimpers and groans of Keng grew louder as the Creator and woman ignored him.

"There. It\'s done. How long do you think it\'ll last?" The Creator asked, setting the syringe to the side. The woman studied Keng. She had two matching marks that started above her eyebrows and went down to her cheeks.

"If all goes well, this one should succumb to slumber for months. We won\'t have it fighting the serum within Eleven, sir." The woman answered.

"Good, good." The Creator nodded. Sounds of crashing were heard, followed by swearing. "Secure him!" The woman shimmered for a moment and split into two. Two little girls ran over as metal began to swirl around them. "Now be a good Fox and sleep. You\'ll tell me all I need to know about Lee Seng…"

"No he…" Keng stuttered. "He actually found me? W-w-what did he do to me?" Keng began to look around him. He clearly remembered being injected with something but his panic was making it hard for him to think straight.

"Calm yourself, child." The Shaman hushed him. The green energy swirled around him as he tried to get away. "Calm yourself. You are fine." The green energy immediately made him feel at peace. The anxiety and panic suddenly died and he felt oddly strange about the sudden change of emotions.

"You saw it?" Jyu\'so asked.

"Y-yes." Keng nodded.

"Did anything happen after the woman split into two and surrounded you in metal?"

"The Creator said I will tell him all he needs to know about Lee Seng. It doesn\'t make sense. Why would he need me to tell him that?" It seems like more questions were popping up before Keng could answer a single one. He let out a sigh as the Shaman turned to look at Jyu\'so.

"He should be fine. Everything seems stable from my observation and the nature wisps. If that\'s all, I will take my leave, Elder." The Shaman stood up and gave Keng a bow before turning to give the other two a bow.

"Thank you, Shaman. I will call you if I need anymore help." Elder Jyu\'so bowed.

"You know where to find me." The Shaman\'s form burst into flowers and leaves. A gust of wind picked up and they watched as the leaves and flowers dissolved into nothing.

"What do we do?" Keng asked. "If the Creator knows I exist then he\'ll anticipate me when I come back, right?"

"If that thing in you can confirm that then yes, but let\'s take this one step at a time." Jyu\'so and Gorrum sat down. "We must know what the augmentation did to you, specifically. Call upon your Soul orb and check." Keng nodded and put a claw over his chest. He felt the orb pull out and a slightly smaller orb was in its place.

"It\'s smaller." Keng observed. He started to lift it up to his eyes when the orb began to pulse. The orb began to communicate with Keng.

[Two Bodies, One Soul] has successfully finished its augmentations. Please check the following skills for their effects.

[Two Bodies, One Soul]: Grants sub-augmentations that alters the Spirit and the Vessel\'s individual bodies. The Soul orb splits into two giving both an easier way of hunting for Souls. Because of this, the two must join together every year before Sunset to reap the benefits of Evolution.

[Two Bodies, One Soul] also gives the following augmentations: [Double Harvest], [Linked Fate], [Soul Connection], and [Magical Rewrite.]

Taking this augmentation will allow for more beneficial effects for each member but limit the use of [Home]. [Home] originally allowed the Spirit to house himself within the Vessel\'s body. [Home] has been augmented to allow both parties to house themselves in the Spirit or Vessel up to 24-hours before it goes on a cooldown of 1 week.

[Double Harvest]: Boosts [Soul Eater] capabilities for each person. Gives different effects based on who is using it.

Spirit: Doubles Skill progression and limits soul harvest to one per creature/monster. Empowers all Skill effects.

Vessel: Doubles Soul harvest while limiting Skill progression experience per kill. Vessel gains more physical boost attributes.

When used as one, the body determines the first-half of the skill used. Joined as one, the Fox Spirit can gain the benefits of empowered Skill usage and physical boost attributes.

(A/N: Keng as the main body would give double skill progression while Lee Seng as the main body would give 2x more souls per kill. They would both share the second-half of their individual passives together, regardless.)

[Soul Connection]: Allows for Keng and Lee Seng to know each other\'s whereabouts regardless of Realm or Plane of existence.

[Magical Rewrite]: The Vessel and the Spirit gain the ability to merge classes together. Merging classes limits your ability to progress in other classes, so choose carefully! Choosing a merge class cancels the [Jack of All Trades] possibility feature and changes to the specified merged class.

"Woah… This is a lot." Keng shook his head and blinked a couple of times.

"What happened?" Jyu\'so asked.

"The skill augmented my ability to stay within Lee Seng for more than 24 hours, but our individual effects are strengthened by a crap ton. It also gives us a chance to rewrite our magic in the way we use it."

"Wouldn\'t that mean it could change the way you fight for good?" Gorrum commented.

"I guess it does." Keng nodded. "But I\'m not really sure what the merged class will do. It seems that event that happened to Lee Seng is still pretty much prevelent."

"And what\'s that?" Jyu\'so asked.

"He gained the ability to use all of the main classes as a Biohuman."

"What\'re the classes?" Gorrum asked.

"Fighter, Glass, Tank, and Observer are the main four classes. Specialist is what the Biohumans call people like him and I. Those capable of growing in another class. Currently we have the [Jack of All Trades]. I guess it\'s a secret buff because I haven\'t seen it until now, but [Magical Rewrite] allows us to re-class, I guess… What would I even change to?"

"Off of what I\'ve seen, you do well in close combat with magic." Gorrum pointed out.

"But Lee Seng fights like that too."

"From what I\'ve heard," Jyu\'so began. "You fight more nimble and closer to the Fox Spirit way while he fights like a human." Keng clicked on Magical Rewrite and watched as a web of classes strung together like a box. There were many choices but he knew the way he fought.

"If I could keep my current fighting style, I wouldn\'t mind… I think this would make it harder for Lee Seng to pick one, really…" Keng muttered.

"Enough about him. Will you choose something now or later?" Gorrum asked.

"Don\'t rush the boy. Let\'s refine his fighting capabilities and see where it leads him." Jyu\'so waved at Gorrum.

"If we end up being the same thing, I guess it\'s whatever. For now, I\'m more curious about what this second augmentation does… [Soul Connection] allows me and Lee Seng to know where we are no matter what… I\'m not sure if that\'s the best skill to get right now. Especially since Lee Seng might really have a dangerous monster inside of him who wants me dead."

Keng let out a sigh. The Evolution path had decided to split them but retain some semblance of their original identity as two people sharing one spirit.

\'I need to work hard then.\' Keng thought. \'We\'ll know we exist at least. That\'ll help me when I go back and try to find him. I hope he can— No, I know he can hold out until I get back. He has to. Even if we\'re plagued with nightmares, I\'ll be the one who saves him from whatever the hell the Creator did to him and I.\'

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