
Chapter 807 Crossed The Line

Krysaos grinned nervously under the golden gaze of his giant snake Lieutenant.

Honestly? The guy was pretty gods-damned terrifying.

A several tonze heavy Sea Serpent was intimidating enough-- and this one had that murderous intelligence in its eyes that essentially screamed \'do not f*ck with me.\'

"I\'ll have you recall the thirteen archways," Tycon commanded.

"Y-yeah... what about \'em?"

"I\'m sure you\'ve gathered that it was a formation-- it functions as a sprawling teleportation system with several exit points..." He explained, "--with the Ancient and I arriving by means not dissimilar to yours.

"Anyroad... allow me to formally welcome you to your first Dungeon, Brother-Captain."

Krysaos felt sweat start to form on his neck and scalp, "Ya... ya don\'t say?"

That... was not what he wanted to hear.

A Dungeon was decidedly not an illusion...

A Dungeon was... real.

"Is it really such a surprise? Our surroundings are somewhat illogical for a forest not colonized by elves or humans," The LT continued... "though I have yet to encounter the Dungeon Core that powers this place..."

"S-sounds legit," Krysaos lowered his head.

If this was all just an elaborate illusion, then he was absolutely certain any image of Tycon he could conjure up wouldn\'t actually be that convincing.

But... from the way the giant white Sea Serpent spoke... it had to be the LT. Only that guy could blabber on for so long about anything and make it sound like he was at its creation, watching the whole thing go down.

"OKAY!!" Krysaos put his hands on his waist, "Lemme ask it to ya, straight, LT!!"

"...Go ahead?"

"Maybe... just MAYBE... this is an illusion! Just... just for me!"

Tycon tilted his head and looked over to King, "Our human is a rather optimistic fellow, is he not?"

"I neither serve nor claim ownership of Captain Krysaos, friend-Maedar," The elf-guy narrowed his glowing eyes, "Further... the human does not practice optimism. He is blinded by ignorance."

...Well, it wasn\'t the first time that Krysaos was wrong about something.

But, unfortunately... that also meant--

Krysaos looked back to the stunned, barely-dressed dark elf on the bed.

That... really was Imperia.

And... like Mina said, she really was in love with him.

And... she was tied up like a holiday present, waiting to be gifted to himself.

"Take a moment to... calm yourself, Brother-Captain," Tycon sighed.

Krysaos adjusted his little brother, "Hey, you guys are the rude ones for busting in, uninvited."

"Captain Krysaos," King raised his chin. "Outside. Now."

Krysaos took a deep breath and sighed... "Yeah, yeah... I\'m comin\'."

He followed King outside while nodding in acknowledgment to Tycon.

"Tycon?! Ivory Prince?" Imperia called out, "My hands and feet are literally still bound together!"

"We won\'t be long, Miss Imperia," Tycon chuckled to himself as he withdrew. "Make yourself comfortable."

"Empty night. You\'re all a bunch of pricks..."


Krysaos lazily rolled his neck around, only casually observing his surroundings. It looked like they were in... one of the wealthier parts of Whitehearth-- too rich for his blood, anyroad.

But they were in a Dungeon. It was all fake.

Only the people around him really mattered.

So essentially... half-an-illusion?

Seven hells. Adventuring in Dungeons was such shite.

"So has anyone in our party seen the Tree God or what?"

There was a quick flash of white. Out of reflex, Krysaos slipped down and to the left while thrusting his rapier forward.

With a clang and the sparking of metal, King deflected the sword and danced out of the way.

"Tch," He thumbed at his nose. "So thou art capable of learning."

"Uh huh?" Krysaos angled his sword downward, ready to receive another attack. "Keep puttin\' me through the gods-damn gauntlet and I\'ll eventually figure out how to BITE back."

...It wasn\'t one of his best lines. But he said it, so he decided to grin and hope no one questioned him.

"Do you really think \'figuring it out\' is enough?" The coiled, white snake hissed with glazed, unblinking eyes, "It seems you\'ve forgotten why you\'re here... because it is not to lust after a woman so high beyond your station."

"...Ouch, LT," Krysaos dropped his guard and straightened his back. "That kinda hurts, comin\' from you."

"Considering the circumstances we found you, Krysaos, I felt it *necessary* to remind you," Tycon shook his head. "The Ancient shares my sentiments."

Following a blur of movement, Krysaos hurriedly brought his rapier above his head-- barely blocking King\'s leaping slash, "What the f--"

"Slow down for even a second," King warned, "and your head will be separated from your neck."

For whatever reason, the guy was being real strict... Krysaos tried to get back-- make some space, but the elf bastard shot his hand forward, tossing out a quick blast of wind magic.

Krysaos ended up not finding his feet, but slipping hard and clumsily catching himself with his left arm.

"⌈Water Shield!⌋" He slammed his hand on the ground, summoning a spout of water to prevent King from following up. Then, from the kneeling, he stood up and lunged forward with another stab.

Faster than his brain worked. Running purely on instinct. That was the only way Krysaos figured he had a chance fighting against King-- even if the guy was holding back.

The elf stumbled backward, his left hand grabbing onto the blade of the Heart of the Ocean. The very tip had bit into his shoulder.

Krysaos celebrated his small victory in his heart... but then he realized he\'d probably pissed the guy off.

He pulled his sword back while retreating a few extra steps-- making extra sure to keep his footing.

"Thou... hast wounded me?" King\'s eyes glowed bright, the ground beneath him shaking... "No longer Bronze... but half-step... Iron-Rank?"

"I learn from the best," Krysaos grinned.

He hoped the praise would be enough to keep him alive.

King seemed... awfully serious.

The things he was about to do to Imperia--


Krysaos shook his head. He\'d really screwed up. He hadn\'t as much as touched the girl, before... but he never stopped to consider what would happen if he did.

The elf believed he was some kind of king. Apparently, Tycon was a Prince or a Baron or something blue-blooded.

Though they were damn good allies... Krysaos had never crossed an un-crossable line around them.

...and he was going to pay the price.

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