
Chapter 616 Chosen One

Krysaos grinned and pointed a thumb at himself, "Name\'s Krysaos, Captain of the... of... the.... nevermind. Just call me Krysaos!!"

The guy managed a polite smile as he offered forward a waterskin, "My name is Tycon... As a greeting gift, would you like some--"

Krysaos snatched the skin out of his hand, unstoppered it, and drank greedily, "Mmmhh... Ohhhhh... Mmmm... YES! I haven\'t had clean water to drink in entire SUNS, guy!"

Tycon furrowed his brows... "Right... and your companions couldn\'t have helped you in your search for a drinking source?"

Krysaos felt his blood run as cold as the biting waves... "What... companions?"


During Tycondrius\' scouting of the area, he came across what appeared to be a shipwreck survivor. The moderately tall human had short, salt-encrusted hair and a strong jaw, covered in developing stubble.

He said he was a Captain... presumably of a sailing vessel. With the way the gentleman seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice, he more resembled a traveling salesman or con artist.

Judging by the fact that all he carried was a single pistol... a mercy from his former crew, he was likely the latter.

« System, analyze: Captain Krysaos. »

⟬ Krysaos, Bronze-Rank Aquatic-Human Buccaneer. ⟭

A human with an elemental bloodline? It wasn\'t physically obvious... and the ambient mana from the ocean waters did well to mask his mana-signature. However, Krysaos did look like he had been swimming for a period of time impossible for a regular human to withstand.

Tycon wasn\'t familiar with Krysaos\' Class... but it sounded passably decent at martial combat...

It was especially fortuitous, considering the group of approaching sentients did not appear to have the best of intentions in mind.

Eight merfolk had emerged from the waters, blue-green skinned humanoids wielding an assortment of weapons. Most of them held coral tridents... but one had a cutlass surprisingly free of rust. They didn\'t seem to need them, as their aquatic bloodlines earned them razor-sharp fins on their backs and arms. Their heads resembled predatory fish, each with maws of jagged teeth.

It made Tycon almost wish he\'d met them before Krysaos.

"They... they aren\'t with you, Ty?" The \'Captain\' asked, grasping for hope, no matter how small.

Tycon turned to glare at his new companion, "No, they are not. And don\'t call me that."

"Hey, man," Krysaos made a show of his empty palms, "Just askin\'. No need to get all upset about it."

"I\'m not upset," Tycon narrowed his eyes further.

Krysaos grinned wider, "You look upset."

"This is my face."

One of the merfolk, larger than his or her six-fulm tall peers, hissed loudly while shielding its eyes from the sun...

It looked down with hatred and gargled a name: "KRYSSSAOSSSSSSSSS!!!"

Tycon raised an eyebrow, taking care not to smirk, "Krysaos, are these fine... people with you?"

"Looks like they\'re looking for me, Krysaos, Captain of the Sugar-titted Siren," The man grinned, taking the jab in stride. "I\'m famous, y\'know."


The corners of Krysaos\' lips curving upward as he walked towards them, "Hey, listen. I\'ll go and talk to \'em. It\'s the least I can do."

Admittedly, running away seemed to be the wiser decision. The sun-blinded, web-footed creatures were probably not very fast on land.

The human turned towards the merfolk and raised his voice, "Oh, heyyyy guys! What brings you fine ladies and gentlemen to this particular beach?"

Tycon nodded quietly, impressed that Krysaos was capable of identifying a mer-person\'s gender. It was nice to see that even the aquatic kingdoms were progressive in their recruiting, employing both males and females in their scouting forces.

"If it\'s for the ladies, well, I gotta say..." Krysaos continued, "me and my buddy, here-- we already met with \'em. Got dinner dates and sexytimes planned for tonight, back at the resort hotel!"

Tycon steadily grew less impressed as the gentleman spoke.

The merfolk leader emitted a series of clicks and thrums, "(We require the Chosen One.)"

"Hey, Tycon," Krysaos called back. "You a Chosen One?"

Tycon furrowed his brows. The human could understand Aquan... which was not at all easy for a regular person to pick up. It meant his bloodline was particularly strong... though if he could sprout fins and sharp teeth, he had not yet done so.

"I don\'t... believe I am," He admitted.

Krysaos\' eyes widened and he shuddered... "I get it, then."

He turned away dramatically, looking up to the tallest mer-person, "They want ME, Tycon! You escape! I\'ll handle this!!!"

"Thank you," Tycon smiled, crossing his arms and quietly analyzing his opponents\' strengths.

⟬ Scout Leader, Bronze-Rank Sahuagin Fighter. ⟭

Their leader had a mid-tier Class... but considering their Metal-Rank, Tycon was in very little physical danger. Krysaos, however, was greatly at risk of critical injury and death.

He patiently watched the bedraggled sailor, curious as to what exactly he was trying to do.

"TAKE MY HEAD!!" Krysaos demanded, grabbing the merperson\'s trident and pointing it at his neck. "I\'m tired of swimming around in the ocean, living off of sea cucumbers!! The sea god HATES ME!!!"

The sahuagin leader tried to pull his trident back, simultaneously pushing Krysaos\' head away, "(Release me, at once!)"

"I was once the GREATEST Captain of the sixteen seas! Then my crew... my HATEFUL and JEALOUS crew! They threw me off my ship! Can you believe it?! The ship I\'ve lived on all my life! MY SHIP!!?!"

Tycon wasn\'t even sure he believed it. The \'Sugar-Titted Siren\' sounded like a made-up ship name.

"Her name was the SUGAR-TITTED SIREN!!" Krysaos wailed, full-on weeping while embracing the mer-person\'s chest.

...If anything, \'Captain\' Krysaos was a passionate human. It made Tycon... want to believe him. Almost.

The haft of a coral trident swept the man off his feet and he fell clumsily to the sands with a splash. The tall sahuagin brought a vicious web-footed stomp on Krysaos\' stomach, then stabbed the end of his trident just shy of the human\'s head.

"(You will give us answers, human! And only THEN will you die as the SEA GOD DEMANDS!!)"

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