
Chapter 59 Endless

Tycon was not interested in keeping such dangerous company, especially with the female\'s lascivious body speech and body language implying that she sought copulation. He was still working, after all.

But at the same time, he felt helpless. He\'d have to entertain the female, at least for a short while. He couldn\'t be rude and put to chance that she\'d actively work against him.

Women are petty creatures, no matter the species.

He decided to put forth effort towards gaining an advantage from it.

"My name is Tycondrius. And the lady\'s name is?"

The snake widened her eyes, appearing translucent and white within her shadowy form, "Ohhho, so my guess was correct."

Tycon shrugged and took a seat upon her back, gently stroking her smoke-covered scales. She trembled under his touch, "Your name."

Her body curled around Tycon\'s shoulders and neck as he stroked the underside of where her throat would be.

"Dear Prince, this one\'s name is Ananta," She flicked her tongue playfully at him.

Tycon raised an eyebrow, "Ananta? (The Endless?)"

He could swear she smirked back at him, "\'Tis just a name, (Sweet Prince.)"

"Well then, (Lady Endless). May I convince you to deign upon me (the secrets of thy body?)"

The woman\'s snake body gently compressed around Tycon\'s, "(How very forward of you, Ivory Prince.) And what will I receive for my troubles?"


A nude human woman with short, bedraggled black hair was happily chewing on some dried meat, ignoring the iciness of the evening mountain air, "Wow! Thissssss issss reeeeeeally good!"

Ananta did not seem to utilize her human form often, judging by her nudity and sloppy appearance. But human teeth were best for consuming Tycon\'s prized smoked and cured rations.

"Your flattery is my greatest achievement," Tycon exaggerated.

[Shadow Body added to Skill list.]

Excellent. The woman shared a drop of her mana-filled blood. It was an odd process that Tycon didn\'t understand well and it greatly taxed Ananta\'s physique and mana... but with his System\'s automating assistance, he was able to develop a new Skill.

« System, display effects of Shadow Body »

[Shadow Body: Passive ability. Reduces visibility in dim light and darkness.]

"Whoa. This is worthless."

This was not excellent. He already used his Snake-form to sneak around unseen. A slight improvement on an ability he had no issues with was no improvement, at all.

Tycon was displeased. He would have chosen to escape or even fight this ridiculous female, had he known he was wagering his rations for nothing.

Ananta snuck up from behind Tycon, rubbing her naked human body against the back of his cloak and marking it with her scent. "What\'sss wroooo~ng, (Sweet Prince?)"

"(The secrets of your body) are unimpressive, Ananta."

She nibbled on his ear and whispered in a sultry voice, "OhhHHhh, (Sweet Prince,) you wound me ssssssoooo with your wordsssss."

Ananta moved to Tycon\'s front, wrapping herself within his cloak and sitting on his lap, her arms resting on his shoulders, "In that case, I\'ll provide you even more... (intimate secrets of my body.)"

Tycon grabbed the girl\'s wild hair, enjoying its softness and taking in her lustful scent. He pulled her close into a lengthy kiss, using his tongue to explore hers and feeling her body tremble in anticipation.

Pulling apart, he placed a finger upon her lips, "And what will that cost me? A~nan~ta?"

She leaned in closer, running her tongue up and down Tycon\'s neck, grinding her naked hips against his loins, "I\'ve never mated in my human form. Perhaps you\'d like to be my first?"

Tycon grinned, pulling her waist closer beneath their shared cloak, "I\'ll do you one better."


[Shadow Body has evolved into Shadow Body, Enhanced.]

Ananta was happily chewing on some fatty dried meat, "By the gods, this issssssss DELICIOOOOUSSSSSS! This is even BETTER THAN SSSSSSSEXXX!!"

...Well, at least she was happy.

Even though he wasn\'t forced to make such a calculated risk, Tycon\'s heart bled. He had taken a portion of the Gann belly, cured it in brine, smoked and cooked it, to make a wonderful, fragrant, marbled meat intended to be thin-sliced. After bribing Ananta with a full portion, he only had half a portion left.

He hid it away in a corner of his spatial ring, immune to scent, immune to magical divination. A sun would rise when he would need it for a morale boost. And he promised himself to be far, far away from any dangerous females when he decided to partake.

He almost regretted not sleeping with Ananta instead of relying on bribery... Though he would have been far more keen on the idea if sexual cannibalism wasn\'t so commonplace amongst their species. Larger females tended to consume their partners, post-copulation.

Some males were into that. Tycon was not.

« System, display effects of Enhanced Shadow Body. »

[Shadow Body, Enhanced: Passive ability. Becomes invisible in dim light or darkness. Can phase into material with the thickness of 1 ilm.]


« System, Activate Large-Form and Shadow Body.»

[Large Snake Form Activating. Shadow Body Activating.]

Tycon decided to hurriedly slither away while the woman was distracted. He couldn\'t risk losing any more of his rations.

He had wasted plenty of time, as it was.


The blonde archer, Kimura Tamaki, was carefully tinkering with the lock to his wooden cell door, "Almost got it. Almost..."

He slipped, breaking the wooden pick. "Aw, fiddlesticks."

Tamaki was unused to precise finger dexterity. He cursed his clumsy fingers. Frustrated, he took a step back and rammed his shoulder into the door.

The door moved slightly off of its hinges, "Oooh."

He slammed his shoulder against the door again. And a third time. Finally, with a solid front kick near the locking mechanism, the wooden door bent and opened outward.

Tamaki rubbed his sore shoulder, pleased with his work. "Now I gotta get m\' bow. Then I gotta get outta here."

He moved all quiet-like, peeking around the corners for any enemy troops, "If I know Coach, she\'s already sent folks ta rescue me. I\'d really rather not inconvenience Tycon and Invictus. They\'re good people."

Peeking into the next room, he observed a bored Muto Martialist, slacking off, meditating.

It was his chance.

Tamaki ran into the room and grabbed the man by the neck. He was tall for his age, so their heights were similar. Holding the fella up against a wall, Tamaki use the forced and fury in his right fist to bash the guy\'s face in. Blood went everywhere as he kept punching, knocking out two teeth and making his hand throb in pain.

Once he was sure the guard was unconscious, Tamaki let him down and picked up his sword. "This\'ll be useful. I sure wish I had my bow, though."

"We\'d rather you\'d put that sword down, Warrior Tamaki."

Tamaki turned to face the voice. It belonged to a woman with a ponytail, wearing dark leather armor and a captain\'s sash on her arm. A half-dozen guards stood behind her, lookin\' menacing.

Tamaki put on the friendliest smile he could manage, "Cap\'n! Didn\'t see you there."

The woman crossed her arms, "Put the weapon down, Kimura."

Tamaki threw the sword, "Take that!"

Scout Captain Muto Shun caught the sword by the blade, "I\'ve trained our Stone Body art to basic completion. Most of us have. I\'m really not sure why you thought that was a good idea."

Tamaki backed himself to a corner, "Stay back! I know martial arts!"

Shun looked to her companions. They all began laughing.

They all knew martial arts.

"Aw, fiddlesticks," Tamaki cursed.

With a wave of her hand, Shun\'s men surrounded Tamaki and began to beat him.

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