
Chapter 14 14: Stamp For Profit

The old piano instructor walked through the metal gates of the Hall mansion on the outskirts with a satisfied smile. His long tail coat fluttered in the wind as he rubbed the tip of his gray mustache under his monocle, a satisfied smile tugging at his lips. At first, after teaching the two children of Hall the piano, his assignment to the third child in the outskirts came as a shock to the old man.

Where was I lacking? He wondered at that time. Geniuses they weren\'t, but the two children of Hall were splendid when it came to the arts. His education surely wasn\'t lacking, so why would he be assigned to the failure bum who didn\'t even live with the rest of the family?

Oh, how much of a fool he was back then.

Who would have guessed, that when that very failure bum decided to get serious, he would leave even this experienced player of 40 years in the dust? Even if the young Eugene Hall didn\'t have the same skill or grasp over the instrument as him, his talent for creating music was unprecedented! He was a genius composer! The old man was honestly bitter about it, but eventually realized that he would have the title of the \'teacher of the genius composer,\' and let it be.

He was sure that the young Eugene Hall would always be tied to him, why would he go elsewhere when he was such a genius? The piano instructor had not a clue that Eugene\'s magic, politics, dance, and even etiquette instructors were thinking the exact same thing.

"Only someone blessed by god can change so much overnight, it\'s all good for me though, hoho!" With such listless thoughts in his head, the old man passed through the mansion and was on his way toward the stairs leading up, when someone blocked his way.

A black dress with a white apron and sharp black hair perfectly contrasting with the frilly skirt of the dress. The woman bowed gracefully, the mature and collected smile like roses adorning a beautiful vase. Comparing her looks to even those was an insult, the old man felt. His eyes were drawn to the fluttering sleeves of her clothes and then the modest black bow settled on the apron above her chest. This beautiful woman who would make any man weak in their knees... the old man didn\'t like her one bit.

Every damn time he thought of getting along with his student and slowly tricking him into signing some deals and shows with him, this damn made would barge in with that pretty face of hers, smile like a fox, and completely shut his proposal down.

"Miss Maria, how are you doing today?" The old man asked. Instructor or not, Maria was a maid of a Marquis\' family, he had to be respectful.

"Mr. Shilon, I have been doing well. Thank you for your consideration." Maria bowed deeper and then lifted her head in a smooth motion. "Unfortunately, the young master has left for an urgent matter today."

What was this? Why wasn\'t he informed firsthand? Shilon, the old man, held back his twitching eyebrow and spoke up.

"I understand, then... I\'ll come again tomorrow—" He turned around and was about to leave when he interrupted.

"Before he left, he asked us to hand over a compiled book of his compositions to you."

When Shilon was a young man, his girlfriends would be pretty dissatisfied with his vigor. Even after multiple medications, Shilon\'s girlfriends only lasted him through the day and left in the night. Had they seen him now they would come running back. With a tenseness far exceeding that of a newly married man, Shilon turned back to the maid and screamed.


In his daze, he didn\'t notice the young maid making an \'ok\' circle with her hands.

"Please, follow me to the reception room and I\'ll bring it right away."

"Do you think I can wait that long!? It is very urgent! VERY URGENT!"

Maria only giggled and turned away from the fuming Shilon. At the same time, a younger maid who looked the same age as the young master came in from the side and guided the babbling old man to the reception room.

The man took a seat on the lavish couch, within moments, a tray filled with exquisite confectionaries and tea was placed in front of him, but he couldn\'t pay them any heed. The thoughts of the composition book filled his mind. He eyed the door like a hawk staring down at a rat, and his prey walked in after five minutes which felt like five hours to him. He jumped off the seat and stood upright when his eyes landed on the bound sheets of paper.

"The book!" He shouted, drooling at his face.

Maria showed him a gentle smile and handed the book with one hand, the other hidden behind her back. Like a starving beggar seeing food for the first time in a week, Shilon pounced on the papers and flipped them open.

"Oh! Ohhhh! It has some of the best and simplest pieces! Oh my god, this... people will kill for this!!"

Before Shilon could read any further, the book was snatched away from his hands.

"Now, then. Mr. Shilon," Maria said, taking the book behind her back, and drawing Shilon\'s gaze with it. From the same hand, came out a scroll of papers with an official seal on it. "Please sign this deed first and we can let you take the book to a publisher."

"What? Bring it here!"

Shilon picked up the quill placed beforehand by Maria and dipped it in the ink. He skipped over reading the document and almost went to sign it, when his eyes fell on the figure written in very small letters.

"100% of profits... will go to the author anonymously...?"

"Is there a problem?" Maria asked, her smile as snake-like as ever.

Shilon\'s mind was in a jumble as he re-read the term over and over. Then, he lifted his head and sent a strained smile back at Maria.

"Miss, it says 100% of the profits? Um, the publisher would like a share... and I would have to advertise and—"

"It also says that the profit share will be higher than the industry standard for the next publication."

Her words were like sweet venom. Shilon was a caterpillar stuck inside a spider\'s web, and the way this spider wench closed in on him with each second didn\'t help him one bit.

Shilon took in a deep breath. Now wasn\'t the time to back off, but to think. Think.

Even if he didn\'t negotiate for himself, a cut for the publisher. With a good arrangement with the publisher, he would be able to get some money as well. It wasn\'t a big deal for Shilon to arrange for a publisher to sell the books, but with 0% of the profit? That was a challenge even for himself.

"At least for the publisher... 20, no 10%! You should talk to the Marquis—"

"I\'ll ask, Mr. Shilon." Maria was right next to his ears, her voice near a whisper. Sweat trickled down from pore in Shilon\'s face. "Do you really want to be greedy now, and miss out on future money?"

Shilon thought again. He was one of the biggest authorities in the kingdom when it came to music, it was a guarantee that Eugene Hall\'s compositions would be a great hit all over the continent.


Shilon\'s words were interrupted again by a crinkling sound as Maria started rolling up the deed.

"W-wait! What are you doing!?"

"The young master instructed me to find someone else if you act like this. He understands that you lack trust in his business..."

Even if Maria said something after that, it didn\'t enter Shilon\'s mind.

Not only was he losing this agreement, he was also having his relationship with Eugene ruined. Shilon could absolutely, under no circumstances, let that happen. After swallowing his tears, he nodded meekly.

"F-fine... I\'ll sign it."

Before Shilon could even finish speaking, the agreement was rolled open again and his thumb was soaked with ink. Maria firmly held his hand, her snake-like smile now closer than ever.

"Now, stamp here."

Despite her words, she pushed the old man\'s hand on the paper. The old man himself bit his lips and stamped the agreement reluctantly. He felt his soul leave his body as he signed it.

"I-I\'ll be leaving..." he said, his eyes listless. Maria immediately placed the bound book on the table and stepped away from him, bowing again. Her snake-like smile was now replaced by one befitting the charm of a person like her. Unfortunately, the old man didn\'t have a shred of adoration for that.

He sighed, picked up the document and the book, and walked out of the room.

It was only when they heard the man leaving through the door did Maria and Lily sigh in relief.

"Was this fine, big sister? The young master only said to negotiate for a 90-10 split."

"It\'s fine, it\'s fine." Maria waved her hand and dismissed Lily\'s words. "A better result will be appreciated, right?"

Right then, they heard loud bangings on the door again. The man had closed the door after himself, and was trying to barge in again.

"HEY!! OPEN UP!!" He screamed.

"Oh, dear?"

"What do you mean that the profit will be calculated from the publisher\'s turnover?! And why does it say I have to bear 50% of the costs?! OPEN UP!"

Lily saw a dark glimmer in Maria\'s eyes as she cupped her cheeks and smiled.

"It seems a dog is barking at our door. We should ignore it and it\'ll go away."

A shudder went down Lily\'s spine.

She decided never to get on Maria\'s bad side.

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