
Chapter 443 - Welcome Back

A little while later, Eisen then had a couple of huge chunks of rock in front of him, for which he swiftly took everything off of the Multitool to only leave the Chisel, which he then used to swiftly crack away the rock parts away from the metal. He had quite a lot here, enough to make maybe Half a dozen Golems depending on the way he actually created them. The rock-parts that Eisen removed from the Dungeon-Steel were then re-absorbed by the dungeon before the metal-chunks were moved to Eisen’s working-area.

"So you actually managed to make metal from the Dungeon Walls..?" Sigurd asked, quite astounded, and Eisen nodded his head with a smirk. "You bet I did. And it’s even quite high in quality... A shame that this can’t leave this place." Eisen said with a sigh as he held his hand to the side and made his Staff appear, swiftly creating a forge out of his element.

"Well, let’s hope these guys will actually turn into good Golems, huh?" The old man chuckled, before Sigurd just stood next to Eisen and the forge, trying to watch curiously.

"Hmm, is there any reason you wanted to make them out of steel though? They would have been good enough when made out of Rock, right?" The core guardian pointed out, before Eisen nodded his head in response as he placed the first chunk of Dungeon-Steel into the Forge.

"Of course. But I figured it would stand out if there were rock-statues in the reception. I’m going to make them look like decorative Armor-Sets and then fill them up to the brim with regular stone. We should always hope that they won’t need to be used, so they should look good even then." Eisen pointed out, and Sigurd swiftly smiled as it understood what Eisen meant.

"That does make sense!" It exclaimed, before smirking slightly, "Evalia would probably kill you if you placed random rock-statues into the reception anyway." Sigurd muttered, and Eisen just returned a grin as he properly grasped his multitool in its hammer-mode and started to work the metal to be flatter, so that he could properly split it up into smaller pieces to make the parts for the Full-Plate Armor-Sets.

In the end, Eisen figured that they didn’t have to be all that thick necessarily, which was the only reason he would be able to make six of the armor sets together with some swords and shields. As it was pretty thin, the metal bent relatively easy, so Eisen had to be more careful than usual about how large he made each piece. After all, the larger it was, the harder it was to properly handle it, especially when it was as unstable as this.

Luckily though, he recently learned to properly use all of his abilities to his advantage, and just summoned one of his Mana Doubles to help him out with keeping everything in place. And as it was made of mana, he didn’t need to worry about any obstacles either, considering that he could simply make the mana in the path that Eisen wanted to strike disappear or move somewhere else momentarily.

And so, Eisen soon finished the first set of armor. And then the second, then the third, and then the other three, even if it did take him the whole night to do so. He was feeling pretty tired, and it would most likely only take around five or six hours to get to Melroe, so he figured he should get some shut-eye soon and just finish the actual Golems up later on and then make the swords and shields when he found the time otherwise.

But soon enough, Eisen woke back up and noticed Aulu trying to lick his face, covering him in oil as she was at it.

"Ahh..." The old man sighed as he stood up and quickly wiped his face with a nearby piece of cloth before kneeling down in front of Aulu. "Well then, thanks for waking me up, girl. Let’s go take a look at how long it takes until we’re there, huh?" Eisen chuckled as he saw a gate open in front of him, probably created by Sigurd to let him out of his cave hidden behind the wall in the ’Floor 0 Town’, as it was apparently dubbed by some of the people that entered it before over the last while.

"Good morning." Eisen said with a bright, slightly excited smile as he stepped out through the Dungeon Gate and looked at Sky and Bree, as well as the mountains that were a lot closer than he expected them to be at this point in time.

"Morning~!" Bree exclaimed happily as she turned around, as currently Sky was steering, and Eisen looked out the window curiously.

"Wait, this area is the one right around the eastern gate already, right? We’re there already?" He inquired surprised, before Bree just grinned at him happily.

"Mhm! We took a little shortcut, so we got here a bit earlier than expected!" The Fey-Kin girl replied happily, before Eisen sat down on the bench in the Carriage with a smile on his face.

"Well then, I guess that means we’re back already, huh?" Eisen asked himself in a whisper, before he just crossed his arms and waited for them to actually get there, waiting with Caria and Melissa on his lap while Sal was looking at him curiously from inside the gate. After all, he couldn’t come out and join the two young girls on Eisen’s lap in the carriage, but Eisen was somehow feeling too giddy not to watch them enter the town through the Carriage’s window. Otherwise he would have went inside and played a bit with Sal in there too.

Maybe ten minutes later, the whole carriage turned dark as they entered the long tunnel, and Eisen could already hear some people and carriages around them, making him somehow even happier to be back.

And it didn’t take long for the light at the end of this tunnel to shine through into the interior of the carriage either, and the old man immediately saw the bright town of Melroe, spiraling down deep into the ground and high along the mountains around him, with numerous different buildings built along the walls to waste as little space as possible.

Before the old man knew it, he already heard a familiar voice.

"What the- Bree, is that you?" A Dwarven man asked, and Eisen swiftly let down Caria and Melissa and stepped out of the carriage as well as it was slowing down to a halt.

"Good morning, Gralmar." The old man said as he set his foot onto the sloped road, looking at Gralmar, the Innkeeper of the Inn that Eisen stayed at the whole time he was in Melroe.

"Eisen too! Good to see ya, old man!" The Dwarf exclaimed immediately as he sat the bag over his shoulder down onto the ground as he first hugged Bree and then walked up to Eisen as well, first shaking his hand before being pulled into a slight hug as by the old man as well.

"Nice to see you again." Eisen said with a light smile, and Gralmar immediately nodded his head. "Ye can say that again! ’Specially cause of how stressful the last couple a days’ve been. Welcome back to town, you two!" The Innkeeper said with a hearty laugh, before he noticed a tap on his shoulder, the source of which was Bree.

"Gralmar, here! Let me introduce you to my dear Brother!" She said with a broad grin as she pulled Sky from the bench at the front of the carriage, trying to make her brother introduce himself.

"Th-Thank you for taking care of my sister for so long. My name is Sky, nice to meet you." The Fey-Kin boy said nervously as he extended his hand forward, and Gralmar looked at him surprised for a moment before continuing to laugh as he shook Sky’s hand.

"Why’d ya never mention ’im before?" Gralmar asked as he turned toward Bree, and she just smiled back at him. "I didn’t know about him either until we left here, actually..." She admitted, and Gralmar looked back at her surprised. "Well, that’s a story I’d like to hear. Bring yer carriage away, I’ll prepare a room for the three of ya." The Innkeeper said with a smile, but Eisen swiftly stopped him just as he wanted to leave again. "Actually, can you make it one of the large rooms? We could need some extra space." The old man pointed out, so Gralmar just nodded his head.

"Ya got it!" He replied, picking his bag back up from the ground before throwing it over his shoulder again as he made his way into the direction of the Inn.

"Come on, you two. Let’s get going, we’ve got a bunch of people to meet today." Eisen told them, quickly whistling toward Cabarum to make him get going again while Sky and Bree sat back down on the front bench.

Swiftly, they brought the Carriage over to a rather inconspicuous place before telling Fafnir to open the large gate, and connected that gate to the ’open space’ in the starting town instead of the reception, and then let Cabarum and Aulu run around there. As the two of them technically weren’t alive, they could just stay inside of the Dungeon without any issue even while the gate was closed.

And so, instead of making their way to the Stables, and with that the Inn, first, they made their way to the shop that was currently closest to them. . The Smithy belonging to Denmir Dimhide, Eisen’s first ’teacher’.

Swiftly, Bree and Sky stepped through the door while Eisen made sure the monster children, and the sleepy Fafnir, were properly following along, causing a quite unusual sight to any current onlooker.

"You guys wait here in the front, I’ll hurry and get Denmir." Eisen told the others with a smile on his face, although it seemed like there was someone that had something against that. Someone that was obviously a player seemed to be working here at the desk right now, something that surprised Eisen a fair bit considering that it seemed unusual for players to want to do that, and they stepped up in front of the door to stop the old man from entering.

"Sorry, but that’s Employees only. And Master Dimhide is busy right now, so don’t disturb him. Come back later." The player said in a clear tone, although Eisen just raised his brows surprised. "Aha, sure. It won’t take long." Eisen replied, trying to push through, but the player completely blocked Eisen’s access to the handle and didn’t seem to want to budge, so the old man just sighed and shook his head.

"You really want to do this?" Eisen asked with a slight grin, and the player nodded with a determined expression, before Eisen’s grin just grew.

"Alright, then let’s do it this way..." With a slight sigh, Eisen shook his head disappointedly and crossed his arms. "Oi, what kind of Grandmaster is this supposed to be?! This sword isn’t even sharp enough to count as a butter knife!" The old man yelled out, obviously loud enough to reach into the smithy behind this door, and the player’s face went pale as the sounds of people working in there slowly stopped and loud, stomping footsteps approached the door from the other side.

"What kind of moronic son of a whore said that?!" Denmir asked as he ripped the door open, first watching the player take a step to the side before seeing the man clad only in a leather apron and wool-pants standing there. And that man just smiled back.

"This one."

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