
Chapter 315 - Fleeing-Shadows Cloak

After everything was set up, Eisen explained some theory to them, before giving them a few tasks and telling them to make some different items, while Eisen got to work on some items himself. The first thing he wanted to work on was the cloak, which he would be creating out of dark blue magic-fabric.

In general, it wasn’t really all that hard to make the cloak base. The thing that needed the most work apart from cutting everything out was to attach the hood to the base piece for the cloak. The rest was just a regular, simple process. But of course that wasn’t where the old man stopped at. With some magic string ability-enchanted with enchanting, because he figured out that this helped strengthen the effect of stitched-enchantments with a few tests, and then stitched something into the inside of the cloth, simply by only pushing the needle halfway through the thickness of the cloth and then back instead of all the way through.

That took a little bit of fiddling here and there, because Magic-Cloth acted a little weird every once in a while, but overall it was still a rather straightforward process that simply took a few times longer than regular enchanting.

The stitched-enchantment on the inside of the cloak was quite a simple one in the end, although Eisen did try to make sure that it wouldn’t end up looking completely horrible either. The enchantment was just to strengthen the effect of ’Hiding’ Evalia that the mask already gave her, although he added a different enchantment to the face-opening of the hood. There, he created an enchantment that would create a small ’Shadow Wall’ in front of Evalia’s face to make sure she couldn’t be recognized under any circumstances even if she somehow forgot the mask.

But Eisen didn’t only stitch an enchantment to the inside of the cloak, but also the outside, which was part of the reason why he chose to only push into the cloth to make up for half its thickness, so that he could use the other half to make the other enchantment. This time, Eisen especially tried to make everything look good. Evalia and Eisen came up with a design for the cloak as well, and that included patterens such as the ones that the old man was currently putting onto the outside of the cloak, trying to integrate them into the enchantment as well as possible.

It ended up working surprisingly well to help the free-form speed-boosting enchantment, actually. And the reason why Eisen chose to go for that type of enchantment was just so that Evalia was able to flee more easily when she needed to.

Either way, this cloak was soon finished, and the old man was damn happy with it as well.

[Fleeing-Shadow’s Cloak]

[Quality - Perfect][Rank - 3]

[Description] A cloak created by the Omni Craftsmaster Eisen. Due to the different enchantments placed on it, it makes it easier to hide your whole body, while especially creating the possible effect of hiding your face completely.

[Effect] +35 AGI; +20 END;

; +15% Benefit to actions with the intent of ’Hiding’

[Requirements] 100 AGI, 70 END, 50 WIS; Non-Stat-Increasing effects require appropriate behaviour to activate

"Alright, perfect!" Eisen exclaimed as he chose to wave the information window away before placing the cloak to the side, and then got to work with another material.

Luckily, they had bought one of the cloth-making machines and placed it inside of the material storage area, because Eisen really needed it for the next item he was about to make, an item made with a rather special material.

Because he would now be making Mage’s Robes and a Hat for Xenia out of Magic Cloth made with magic string that Eisen made with the help of ’Elemental Spirit’ element infused mana crystals which were then ability enchanted with the ’Elemental Spirit Magic’ skill itself.

It wouldn’t be as much of an insane item as the Staff that Eisen made for Xenia, but it would also be able to boost the efficiency of her Magic skills, especially when it came to handling her new elemental.

And as the fabric was incredibly light due to the ’Spirit’ part of Xenia’s element, it was a good base item for something like this anyway.

In the end, the colors that Eisen chose to go for with this item, and he managed to dye these pieces of cloth with the help of Evalia’s magic element, were a silver and black color. The black being the base and the color for the majority of the robe, while the silver was just the color for the details.

The robes weren’t all that difficult to make either, as there were just a few more steps involved compared to making the cloak that he just created for Evalia, as in adding sleeves for the arm and actually sewing the whole thing shut instead of leaving it open in the front.

Once more, Eisen chose to turn the decorative parts of the cloak into an enchantment covering the whole surface of the robes, which were supposed to simply help with the regeneration and manipulation of mana within one’s body, which the old man figured to be a rather good idea for a Mage’s Robes.

And the same was going on with the pointed Witch’s hat that Xenia usually wore. The basic creation of it was rather simple to do, and then Eisen stitch-enchanted the whole thing before using Hardening on the outside to make it a bit ’Stiff’ so that it would keep its pointy shape.

Just like that, Eisen finished two more items. And the rest of the day, all that Eisen chose to do was to create different basic clothes for everyone, especially the new players that were all still in their starter-outfits. He got all of their sizes and wishes for clothes beforehand, so it was a rather simple process. And as none of them were armor, or anything meant for combat, all that the old man needed to do was create the actual shirts, pants, jackets, and so on, and didn’t feel that it was necessary to go as far as to enchant them.

Of course he still tried to make them great items, like he did with any item that he ever created, but there just wasn’t anything special to them.

In between making a few different clothes-sets, Eisen taught the others some more theory and gave them more tasks, especially eye-ing both Koro and the Kobold, the former to make sure he wasn’t trying to copy Eisen’s stitch-enchanting again, and the latter to make sure its body was changing properly.

And oh did it change. Out of the three Craftsman-Kobolds that the old man ’created’ so far, the Tailor-Kobold was by far the one with the most dexterity, and most defined hands. It was rather slim in its build and a lot shorter than the other two, altough still taller than a regular Kobold, and its fur had changed into a nice, light red color. Eisen didn’t really understand the reason for the differnet fur-colors, but he didn’t really need to know either. He was just glad that the fur did change, showing the old man that the Kobold was learning properly.

With a smile on his face, at the end of the day, he was able to dismiss everyone rather happily, excited to move on to teaching them about the next few crafting skills tomorrow. But until then, what Eisen needed to do was rather simple, as it was just finishing up what he was working on.

The others were all slowly making their way out of the dungeon, which had gathered a good bit of DP in the progress, helping Sigurd expand the tunnels and even upgrade the walls inside of it to look like Rock already, despite them not looking like stone-brick walls just yet. Now, only Eisen, the fifteen special dungeon monsters, Eisen’s tamed monsters, the Ghostly Representation of Fafnir, as well as Sigurd were left inside of the dungeon.

Basically, everyone was watching the old man work, because they were simply curious at what their ’Dungeon Master’ or ’Tamer’ was doing at the moment. And especially after handing out a few different clothes to the different monsters, the three changed-kobolds getting outfits fitting their skills, the Lizardmen getting outfits that were easy to move and carry things in, and the Goblins simple ’suit’ like outfits with vests and formal pants and shirts.

Especially the Goblins didn’t seem especially happy with any of this, but Sky, Komer and Xenia managed to get them civilized enough to make sure they wouldn’t end up ripping their clothes off their bodies over the course of the past two days.

Luckily so, because Eisen didn’t really feel like remaking them at the moment. And of course, Eisen also made some more fitting clothes for Sigurd, who was still wearing the robes that he had given it after building it. Apparently Sigurd thought it was unneccessary to do that, but Eisen himself was of a different opinion.

"We can’t just let you run around in some random robe that doesn’t even fit you, Sigurd. After connecting with Fafnir, you’ve become rather expressive, and considering the way that your body changed after your evolution as well, most of wich don’t actually seem to have a direct function, it’s obvious that you also want to look good, right?" Eisen asked with a smile, before the young Core Guardian simply nodded its head, not wanting to fight the old man about it.

Eisen was somewhat glad about that, and somewhat wasn’t. He liked that Sigurd ended up agreeing with him and accepting his gift, but then again, Eisen wasn’t really sure if that was the case because Sigurd actually thought so or if it just agreed because it didn’t want to disagree with him.

The old man hoped that this would change over time, after all, even if Caria and Melissa looked up to Eisen, they still were pretty cranky sometimes and voiced their displeasure over a few different situations in the past, so he didn’t see why Sigurd shouldn’t be able to do so.

Even Kiron, who had been acting similarly glorifying toward Eisen at the start was now acting rather carefree every once in a while, although for the most part, it seemed like the dignified Kiron was simply part of his actual personality. He did have a god’s blood in his body, after all.

Either way, after Eisen finished up giving the items to the monsters in the dungeon, Eisen chose to make his way outside and was swiftly followed by Caria, Melissa and Sal, although it seemed like at first, Sigurd wanted to stay inside of the dungeon.

And after only a little bit of convincing, Sigurd agreed to come outside with them. After all, even if Sigurd was the Dungeon Core Guardian, it said that it would be able to be outside as long as it was within a five meter distance of Fafnir. And considering the size of the young Living Dungeon, that wasn’t really an issue.

Besides, Eisen would like it if Sigurd became a bit more sociable toward people other than the Dungeon Administrators and Eisen himself.

But before the old man was going to take the young Core Guardian to meet the inhabitants of the ship, Eisen would need to take care of the four different metals that Xenia was displaying oh so happily to him in the Meeting Room.

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