
Chapter 74 Birds, Lizards and Horses

[Description] A simple, small Barrel filled out with Low-Grade Health Potions made by the omni craftsmaster Eisen. The potions are made with amran.

[Quantity] 250 Potions

[Effect] Every potion recovers 300HP

Eisen smiled and nodded at the two Barrels and 10 regular Low-Grade Health Potions that he just prepared, as well as the large barrel nearly filled to the brim with the water that was extracted during distillation. Of course he wouldn’t just keep that water with him for no reason, but since he had plans for something that it might help with in the near future, he wanted to keep in sealed up and as clear as possible, which is why he immediately placed the lid on top and hammered it shut with a mallet.

Now that he was done with the Health Potions, Eisen moved on to the Mana potions. The process was exactly the same as he had done just now with the health potions, simply replacing the amran with byron that Eisen bought directly from Morrom.

So, Eisen ground up the large amounts of Byron and poured the resulting powder into the glass flask together with mana crystal powder and water. Now, after simply mixing this together, Eisen began to boil the water away after hooking up the end of the distillation system to the other large barrel to fill it with the water coming from the mana potion.

Eisen repeated this again and again until he had enough potions to fill out the other two smaller barrels with, before nodding in approval and closing the barrels down tighly.

After de-activating his Crafting Space skill, Eisen brought the barrels to a corner where Morrom allowed them to keep the barrels for a few days until Eisen built a Carriage to store them in.

"Alright, that’s about it for now. Thanks for letting me work here for a bit again, Morrom." Eisen said with a smile, counting the coins in his purse and handing Morrom the payment that they agreed on.

"Of course, don’t worry about it. Come here whenever you want!" The Dwarf-Elf Halfling explained.

After saying their goodbyes for the day, Eisen grabbed the bottled mana potions and intact Amran flowers that he needed to hand in for the Guild Requests and left the shop ’Everything Magic’ together with his companions.

"Let’s head to the Guilds right away so that I can hand the requests in again and get new ones I might be able to finish on the road or something like that. And then let’s check out the stables, they are near the inn, right?" Eisen asked Bree while they were heading up the slope again, and she nodded in reply.

"Mhm! Why do you want to go there, though?" She asked curiously, and Eisen explained.

"Oh, I looked inside of there once while walking through town and saw that there were of course animals to draw carriages, and those carriages themselves. I would like some reference and maybe see if I can ask some people about what kind of beast would be best for drawing carriages."

"Ahh~! Okay! That makes sense!" Bree exclaimed happily.

Not too long after this, they reached the Crafter’s Guild again, and it was actually a little bit emptier than first thing in the morning, meaning that Eisen would probably only have to stand in line for a few minutes. But before he would hand in his old request, Eisen decided to take a new one to immediately take after reaching Rank 1 with that first quest. Since it was possible to take requests one rank above your own, Eisen looked around the pinboard for good Rank 1 or 2 requests that seemed interesting enough. It didn’t take long until there was one that seemed easy enough to just push in as a break. It was a Rank 2 request for a small steel dagger, so it wouldn’t take too much work as far as Eisen was concerned. He grabbed the request from the wall and headed over to stand in line.

Once it was his turn at the counter, he explained that he was a new member and just finished his first quest to get out of the bottom rank, and placed the request paper, the potions and his Guild Tag onto the surface in front of him.

"Alright, Sir, we will confirm it right away, it will only take a second!" The employee said with a bright smile and looked through the request as described on the sheet of paper, then took the health potions and the tag before walking to a table behind the counter.

She was fiddling around with the tag a little bit and closely looked at the potions before coming back to the counter.

"Congratulations on completing your first request, Sir! Here is your old and new tag! From now on, please use the new clay version. Many people like to keep their old tags as a memento, but other than that, it doesn’t have a use with our guild anymore. Here is your payment for the request." She explained and Eisen nodded with a smile before taking the copper coins lying on the counter in front of him and placing them into his purse.

[You have reached Rank 1 in the System Guild "Crafter’s Guild"]

Eisen glanced over the notification with a smile and then turned back to the employee. "Thank you. Can I immediately take this next request?" He asked and placed the request for the steel dagger onto the counter. The employee looked over it for a second and nodded with a smile. "Of course, Sir! I will process it right away."

She took the paper and took it a bit behind the counter again together with Eisen’s new clay identification tag while he stashed away his old wooden one in his pocket. Only a few seconds later, the employee already returned with Eisen’s tag and the request paper, handing it back to him.

[You accepted the Crafter’s Guild’s "Steel Dagger" request]

Eisen thanked the employee and then he and Bree made their way back outside, before immediately walking toward the Adventurer’s Guild as well. This time around, there was literally nobody inside beside Jaz who was leaning her head down on one of the counters out of pure boredom.

However, when she saw Eisen, Bree, Aulu and Caria enter through the door, her head immediately shot up and she looked at them with a smile.

"Hey there! Didn’t expect to see you so soon again!" She exclaimed and Eisen responded with a laugh.

"Just wanted to hand in the Amran for that request I took earlier, and directly take a new request as well."

"Alright, then you can just give me the Amran and your tag. You can go ahead and choose the next request you want to take."

Eisen nodded and did as Jaz explained, walking over to the pinboard after giving her what she needed. He looked over the board and it didn’t take long until he really found something that peaked his interest and that seemed to work together well with one of his plans.

There was a request to gather a bunch of ’Honey Crystals’. And it wasn’t just artificially crystalized honey, since that would be a request for the crafter’s guild more than anything, but it was a natural crystal growing in the center of Bee-Hives. Immediately, Eisen took the request from the wall and brought it over to Jaz, who already prepared the request payment and Eisen’s new identification tag.

The moment he took the tag, he got the same notification as before that told him that his Guild Rank increased.

Then, he handed Jaz the next request and she went to process it together with Eisen’s new tag, and then came back, prompting the correlating notification to pop up, which hold him that the request had been accepted.

"Thanks. Actually, I’m wondering, you said requests can be turned in at any guild branch, right? But if the request for the honey crystals was put up here, it doesn’t make any sense if I hand them in at another town." Eisen asked curiously while scratching his beard, and Jaz began to explain the relatively simple process.

"Ah, you see, items are simply delivered from one guild to the next, so you don’t need to worry. This will all be handled behind the scenes, and usually it only takes a few days at most for the items to get to who requested them." She told Eisen, and he nodded in response.

"I see, then I don’t have to worry about that." Eisen said and thanked Jaz for her help, before he and his group made their way back out of the guild.

They stepped down the slope and went toward the Inn. Now that he thought about it, Jyuuk should definitely be awake by now. Maybe they should check up on him in a bit, but for now, Eisen chose to go to the stable first since it was closer than the Inn.

The door to the stable was quite large and was currently opened up completely. From inside, Eisen could hear the sounds of different animals and their handlers, as well as general conversations.

After stepping inside, Eisen could first see numerous different carts and carriages. A few of them were heavily decorated and seemed to be made mainly for personal transport, while the majority was definitely made to transport goods and large amounts of manpower.

Eisen wondered if he could find out more on them now that he would get a close look at carriages around a time where they were still largely used as an important means of transportation, but most of what he could see, he already knew.

Either way, this wasn’t his main reason to visit here, since that was simply to try and figure out what kind of beast to use for drawing the carriage, and whether or not it would make sense to truly make an automaton, since that would probably take a while in and of itself, time that would probably need to be spent at creating the carriage. Sure, Eisen was a fast worker, but he would probably still need two or three days at the very least to create only the outer ’shell’, so to speak.

After that, he would also need to make sure his carriage had whatever he needed inside, like a simple worktable for crafting on the road for example. Luckily, he didn’t need the help of other people to build it, since the only real help he would need was in holding the structure up while he connected different parts of it together, which was quite easily done with his Mana Doubles.

Eisen walked further into the stable and reached the area where the animals were kept, and could only now see the numerous different beasts that were used. However, there seemed to be three different ones that were most numerous amongst them.

A Horse, a giant bipedal bird, and some kind of lizard-like creature running on four legs, that could quite simply be described as a small dragon without wings. Although, Eisen doubted that this creature actually was a variant of dragon, and was rather simply a naturally appearing beast in this world. So far he may have only seen Rank 0 beasts that existed in real life, but there had to be some that didn’t, right?

Anyway, to find out more about these three different types of creatures, Eisen walked up to a man that seemed to be working at this stable to ask about them, and the explanation was quite simple.

What beasts you would need would depend on what kind of carriage it was pulling.

Those Giant birds, apparently called Faritan, were fast, but not strong, meaning that they were usually drawing personal transportation carriages. The Lizards, called Namur, were strong, but not very fast. They were used to draw extraordinarily heavy loads that didn’t necessarily need to arrive at their destination within a certain timelimit, so they were usually used to transport construction supplies such as wood or metals. The Horses on the other hand were quite obviously something in-between.

They were fast, just not as fast as Faritans, and strong, just not as strong as Namurs. They were the creatures usually used by most merchants, especially if they had to transport things that could go bad like produce. So, to Eisen, it seemed to make sense to choose a horse as an animal to draw their carriage. Now, the only choice to make in this regard was to truly figure out if he wanted a living horse, or if he wanted to make one himself.

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