
Chapter 3 - 3: Contest of Fate

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Contest of Fate

After the final bell rang to signal the end of the school day, Lake got up from his chair in a joyful mood. By looking through the past of his classmates and teachers throughout the school day, Lake had managed to increase his RP by a decent amount. Feeling happy, Lake took another look at the points he managed to accumulate through a hard days work.

[RP Points = 0.024->0.243]

Seeing that he had managed to increases his points a bit, Lake took a look at the status screen, curious to see how much it would cost to upgrade his stats and skills. Lake looked at the status screen as he thought about upgrading the strength stat, to which a system message appeared.

[Detected Host Wishes to Upgrade the strength stat. Current cost to upgrade 0.01 of strength = 1 RP.]

Upon seeing the cost to upgrade Lake\'s joyful mood immediately fell. Releasing a sigh, Lake had already expected that it would take a lot of points to upgrade his stats. Feeling resigned, Lake took one last look at the cost to level up his skills causing his mood fall even more.

[Cost to level up the skill \'Observer of Fate\' = 100 RP points.]

Seeing the cost to level up his skills Lake ultimately decided to ignore it as he exited the classroom, less he became even more depressed at his poverty.

As Lake walked down the hallway of the school he kept observing the past of those he walked passed. When he was almost out of the school his eyes caught something that left him slightly stunned. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn\'t seeing things Lake looked ahead of him where a small incident seem to be happening.

Ahead of him a crowd had gathered around a female student and a male student who seem to be arguing about something. The male student was handsome with golden blonde hair and green eyes. Lake could see a couple female students that were surrounding the pair was staring at the male student with hearts in their eyes, however a portion of this group was also staring at the female student, with a strong look of jealousy.

The female student in the center of the crowd had long brown hair tied in a pony tail and wore a thick frame glasses. She had a small bunny hair pin on her head that gave her a cute look. Overall the girl was quite adorable if you were to ignore the death glare she was giving the blonde male student.

"Luke, I\'ve had enough of your constant pestering. How much times do I have to tell you that I am not interested, before you get it in that thick skull of yours." The cute girl said as she stared at the handsome man named Luke.

"Miss Evelyn, how could you say that after all I\'ve done. I, Luke Chaser, have never had an improper relationship with others and have never gotten into fights, however since the moment I laid eyes on you my heart began racing like a sports car and I couldn\'t stop think of you. My will was strengthen to the point that I am willing to fight anyone who would dare to harm you, yet you still do not give me a chance?" Luke stared at Evelyn.

"Have I not shown my love for you through a variety of ways? Have I not showered you with gifts to prove my affection? Is it that some part of me is lacking? Am I not handsome enough for you? Am I not rich enough for you? Am I not kind enough to you? What is it that makes you reject me so much?" Luke said as he put on a pitiful expression, something that made the girls around him scream with adoration. Seeing this heartbroken expression of Luke caused some of the girls in the crowd to shout at Evelyn in rage.

"Come on Evelyn! Our darling Luke is willing to give so much for you but you keep rejecting him! How can you call yourself human?!"

"Yeah, how could you call yourself human? Are you perhaps related to snakes, you cold blooded witch!"

"I think she is more likely to be related to demons, you succubus! How dare you seduce our precious Luke!"

Hearing the shouts of the female students Evelyn felt uncomfortable and couldn\'t talk back for a moment.

When Lake heard the works of the female students, he immediately felt disdain. Who were these braindead idiots?

From what Lake heard, he had roughly figured out the situation but didn\'t care to interrupt as he was mostly concerned by what he was seeing happening above the two student\'s heads. Lake didn\'t know exactly how to explain what was happening but it intrigued his curiosity nonetheless.

Above Evelyn\'s head was a vibrant green thread that was currently \'fighting\' a long black thread that extended from Luke. The two threads were intertwined as if the two fates where fighting to see who would come out on top. When the group of girls shout had silenced Evelyn, Lake observed as the black thread covered more of Evelyn\'s green thread.

Seeing this scene had left Lake curious as he began to observe the two students past. Looking through Evelyn\'s past first, Lake observed how she lived her life. It seems that throughout her life Evelyn had rarely suffered and even had great luck in whatever she did. She always came out in the top 3 of the academic leaderboard for the school and was above average in terms of physical qualities as well. However it seem she lived a lonely life and had very few friends.

As Lake observed the fate of Evelyn he began to come to a small conclusion. It seems that the color of the threads indicate to a higher level of fate. By making a comparison with the countless white fate Lake had observed today he felt that the green thread had a higher level of luck and power than the white fate.

After observing a bit of Evelyn\'s past Lake looked over to the eerie looking black thread. Lake could feel a deep suppressing aura being emitted from the long black thread above Luke\'s head. This aura made Lake feel inexplicably uncomfortable and even a little disgusted. With caution, he carefully began to observe the black thread\'s fate.

As Lake looked into the past of Luke, his face started to get darker and darker. The more he looked the more disgusted he felt. Although Luke had a kind personality and a handsome face, Lake could see through his past and can confirm that what he is looking at isn\'t a human, but a beast baring it\'s fangs at the little rabbit in front of him.

"Never had an improper relationship with others, huh?" Lake sneered as he looked at the blonde beast in front of him, but didn\'t do anything about it. He felt that the situation had nothing to do with him and was about to continue watching when he suddenly saw a notification from the system.

[The System has detected a battle of Fate before the host. Generating quest…]

[Quest successfully generated]

[Quest Name: Changer of Fate]

[Quest Description: The host has seen through the past of the Fate Destroyer, Luke Chaser. As the Master of Fate, how can you allow others to destroy and manipulate Fate right in front of you? That is the same as slapping you in the face and disrespecting your authority]

[Quest objective: Save the Green tier Fate of Evelyn Gwent from being devoured and destroyed by Luke Chaser]

[Quest Reward upon completion = 10 RP Points, 1 random low tier martial skill]

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