
Chapter 306 Xin Valorious

Raylene got up and began to stretch. "Well, it could not be helped. Because the biatch was there I didn\'t use Mitsurugi. But I also do not wish to use my real name, at least not yet. I guess… I will know after we meet."

Hiro already knew Raylene\'s true name from seeing her memories. But if the woman herself didn\'t wish to use it yet then he didn\'t want to push her. Names had power after all. Identities and bloodlines all could be traced from a single name. In the olden days, only nobles could even have a last name.

"Well, we are lucky your friend decided to back your claim. Otherwise, it would be difficult to take command of the operation with the other parties making malicious claims." Hiro mused.

Raylene answered bitterly, "Indeed. What use is it being known to be a noble bloodline, if our entire empire is already gone." Such a statement vastly went against her usual demeanor which caused Hiro some alarm.

The Valorians could be likened to Spartans from Earth, they had a warrior-like society that promoted battle but infused it with Chivalric virtues. Normally the progenitor of a royal bloodline would develop, his family, his kingdom, and eventually his Empire. Values chosen by the monarchs would be the ones who would shape their dominion.

This truth only changed when the bloodline itself started to degenerate either through corruption, greed, or malice; usually when the leader of the new generation arrived. Out of the four kingdoms, Valorious had the highest moral high ground possible and thus also became the name of the continent. Because of this fundamental difference, the standards it held were naturally higher.

Yet would such things actually matter in the grand scheme of things? Hiro would be a hypocrite if he suddenly said some sophistry about morals or virtue. Didn\'t he himself already throw away his humanity in desperation?

Jei or Nessa would definitely agree with their sister\'s statement. The former a pragmatist while the latter a realist. Jei would not care about one\'s morals, the only question is if it serves to keep an empire alive. Nessa on the other hand would dive into gray to ensure the kingdom survives. In short one prioritizes outcome the other prioritizes the goal.

While both are similar in result they are fundamentally different in approach. However, both are completely opposite of Raylene who is an idealist. As such, while Hiro had more in common with Jei and Nessa he could not bring himself to agree with Raylene\'s offhand comment. If he did it felt like his beloved wife would lose more than just her identity but something much deeper.

"Lene, there are some things more important than survival. I am sure your ancestors and your family felt the same way. We will be looking for Dius Valorious\' last location too so we will find out soon. Until we know for sure don\'t just look at the results."

The woman said nothing and just placed Hiro\'s hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes as if to feel the warmth from Hiro\'s hand. Like a pet affectionately nuzzling the hand of its owner.

"There is much I do not know, and even more I am scared off. But so long as you are with me darling, I am sure can get through it all. So please remain by my side okay? Even if I already lost my original identity, I can continue to live as Raylene Mitsurugi because of you and our family."

Hiro placed his other hand on Lene\'s waist and pulled her close. In his embrace, he sought her lips as they reaffirmed their love of each other. Often times actions speak volumes louder than words.


The butcher and his blue-haired empress eventually met up with the rest of Heavenly Sword and Dylan\'s battle harem. Upon arriving Lene went towards her sisters as Hiro approached Dylan and his wives. The prince then asked Hiro in a brooding manner.

"I am not sure what it is you are aiming for Hiro. Why give the option to everyone? You already know that more than half of them are rotten. Didn\'t you plan to murder the majority of them?"

"You are correct your highness, originally I plan to spare only the battle harems that could have been your allies. But the stakes are different now. You already gave up your right to the throne right?"

Nodding, Dylan gave confirmation. Hiro then answered nonchalantly "Because Lene asked for it."

"Ha?" befuddled by what he heard the prince of the Dominii couldn\'t help exclaiming stupidly.

Talvi took point to confirm what the butcher just declared. "You mean to say you are giving all these people a right to salvation all because Lady Raylene wishes for it? These people may stab you in the back or even take advantage of you. You are prepared to go through all that just because she asked?"

Uncharacteristic of the normally quiet assassin her words verbalized what almost everyone present had in their minds. Despite its absurdity, Hiro calmly answered back.

"Yes, to me Lene\'s wishes are the only reason I have yet to murder them all. As for what they do afterwards, this is merely a test. I can save the kingdoms even without them. Lene asked saving the common people, not the battle harems."

When the people heard his words they all naturally looked at the face of the princess of Valorious. Bothered by the stares and embarrassed by her husband\'s affection, Raylene had flushed cheeks and tried to look unbothered.

Tsugumi and Ryuuka already began teasing their tomato-colored mother/sister-in-law. Meanwhile, Jei and Nessa held each of Hiro\'s hands as they whispered sweet nothings to each other.

"Husband, would you do the same for me?"

"In a heartbeat Jei."

"Fufu Husband is the best."

"What If I asked for something impossible my love? Like, bring me the moon?"

"Would Nessa be fine if I got it to you in pieces?"

"Oh-my! Hiro-sama is intentionally trying to be coy!"

Gae-bolg started to vomit sugar at the public display of affection, with everyone here at Adept rank or higher even the softest whisper could be heard by everyone. Dylan then made coughed to get everyone\'s attention and asked about the most pressing matter.

"Hiro, how would we be able to protect the vast last from the monsters?"

The annoyance on Hiro\'s face made it clear he wanted to smack Dylan in the face. Such blatant disrespect to royalty would normally end in execution but when the one in front of you had the power to single-handedly flatten your city many times over, you tend to be more understanding.

Nessa and Jei took turns answering.

"The problem with the invasions is distance, they are all spreading out. So we just make them cluster."

"If teleporting people does not work, then we will teleport the monsters instead."

Teleporting…monsters? As the rest of Gae-bolg drew a blank Hiro added the explanation in a succinct manner. "Heavenly Sword is trained in large-scale suppression. Our plan is simple, send all the monsters in one place and annihilate them."

Even with his words the rest of the people either face-palmed or had blank faces. The larger the scale of the battle the more messy it became.

Everything from supplies to coordination grew magnitudes harder the more people were in the war. Many would believe that taking out small groups of monsters would be better.

Logically this would ensure the least amount of casualties and would preserve more of their forces. Of course, doing so would also prevent all the affected cities from being saved. But in such a situation wars and large-scale battles normally began to be about numbers.

The numbers you could save, versus the numbers you would lose. These two numbers balanced each other like a scale. And Unfortunately for those who fought, they rarely had the option of choosing. Heavenly Sword intended to go the opposite route. Put them all in a box and shake.

Anxious at what they heard, Dylan tried to ask for further details. "Hiro, can you explain the plan more? I don\'t understand what you mean."

Hiro then created a caliber construct from Mana, it looked like an octagon similar to those who fought in mixed martial arts. It floated and showed itself to the powerhouses of Dylan\'s harem.

"I will make a cage for all the monsters and a separate group will lead them all here. At fixed intervals, I will send a group to the defense forces. We will destroy the small group while the rest at trapped. We repeat until every one of them is dead."

Dylan gulped and asked in nervousness. "Who will be serving as bait then?"

"I am so glad you asked. Of course, it would be you guys!" ecstatically Hiro clamped the prince\'s shoulders and smiled.

"What?" Dylan nervously asked.

"I will turn you into a hero Dylan. rejoice for your moment of glory is at hand!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

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