
Chapter 96 [Vol 1 Epilogue]: So Long As They Need Me 5

Rilu\'s body moved with a different grace and demeanor. She still had the same physical form but the stuff inside was vastly different. "It seems the plan worked perfectly. You still bear the mark of the [Forsaken], I do not know how you are still here despite being the Herald but my task is complete."

\'She thinks I am still the herald? The messages say that the other me was the herald. I should be clean. Right?\' Not really caring what is the truth anymore Hiro asked Rhyne the most important question on his mind.

"Where are they?"

"Ohhh, such fiery passion. You are making my loins wet. Do you want a quick fuck with this body before I kill you?" Rilu then straddled Hiro\'s torso and rubbed their groins together. Hiro used his other arm and tried to punch Rilu away but the devoted grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"Ho? I broke all the bones in your fingers yet you do not even let out a tiny cry? Boring… your women are alive and safe. Although no one knows how long they will stay that way… I don\'t understand why you even care. Do you really think you will live past today?"

Rhyne then slapped Hiro\'s face with such force his head turned. "Listen here, in exchange for a backing greater than my brothers the task I was given is to get you to fall into despair and kill you. It is unfortunate, I couldn\'t take the easy way and just order your mind to break as I did with this bitch. But luckily you exposed your weakness to me"

"You ordered Rilu to despair?"

Rhyne then smiled and stood up she then smashed the heel of Rilu\'s boots into Hiro\'s mouth. Despite the feet and shoes being made from pure Spirit, it was solid enough to feel like the real thing. "That\'s what interests you? I ordered her to break her own mind. I needed a sub loyal to me after all. Ah, but the thing with her begging for sex was true.

"It was extremely entertaining to see her scream and cry asking them to stop yet moan like a whore when the whole neighborhood gang banged her. Haha! I NTRd the dom who later NTRd her from her father.

"So it was under my instructions that Rilu got her dominator Orders. It\'s funny, right? You should have seen how she wiped herself in disgust afterwards my sides were bursting from laughter."

The transmigrator understandably roared in indignation "What the fuck is wrong with you! Why would you do something like this? You ruined the future of a perfectly happy person for your fucking amusement! Rilu is such a wonderful woman and you fucking made her life hell all for what?!"

Rhyne then raised her foot and stomped Hiro\'s face repeatedly, her countenance morphing to one of fury as she did. "Do not act like you know everything I have been through trash! Who died and gave you the right to do so?! You think the world gives a damn about what you want?"

Hiro didn\'t respond to protect his throat as his right eye got crushed and his nose was broken. He already lost teeth from the brutal stomping Rhyne did to his face. No, he didn\'t want her to feel like she won so he will keep silent as pathetic as it seemed.

"This world only answers to the strong! The weak have no right to even speak up! Do you know the terror a four-year-old princess with no backing feels? The trepidation of dreading getting out of bed because I didn\'t know if my next meal would be my last!

"IF YOU ARE NOT THE HAMMER YOU WILL BE THE FUCKING NAIL!! I for one am tired of being a fucking nail! So I became the hammer, the biggest one this world has ever seen!"

After stomping Hiro\'s face black and blue in frustration, she felt better and calmed down. Rhyne returned to smiling as she wiped the sweat off her face. "Besides, my master was quite pleased with what I did. Rilu is the Heir of Dragonblood after all. In the last reality, she grew too powerful before I could do anything to her."

Hiro then remembered what his other self said.

(Two guardians were dispatched to prevent this from happening. One is the Servant of Eternity, the other is the Heir of Dragonblood. For thousands of years and across lifetimes, these two have been protecting you. Protecting us. But something changed, in the latest realities both have been unable to full fill their duties. )

\'It was you, just like Patches said you have been actively hunting both of them. But is it even possible to turn back time? No, If it was my counterpart would have done that first. What happened then? Let\'s try asking, what have I got to lose at this point? My stats kept me alive till now but I\'m dying in the next couple of minutes anyway.\'

"You evil monster! What did you do?" Asked Hiro.

Rhyne made a vulgar smile and excitedly started to speak as if finding a fan that asked for her autograph. "Well, you will soon be dead so I\'ll tell you. The lamest thing about being a mastermind is that no one knows how awesome your plan is! Listen here, I had a sub who could see the future in exchange for her life and existence.

"So I used a domination order to have her erase herself to figure out who the Heir of Dragonblood would reincarnate as in all 100 branches for this matrix, next I researched when would be the perfect time to break your will. After she wiped herself from existence I launched a plan to kill the heir before she managed to meet you.

"With the heir gone, I simply used the population to hunt the servant of eternity, and boom! The heavenly sword now is left defenseless. So I picked apart your skills and killed your wives in other realities. As their alternate selves died the ones that remained got weaker and weaker.

"I already succeeded 99 times. The ones in this world are the last Sweetheart. Due to your lazy ass way of living, none of your other versions could defend themselves. It was like open season!

"Let\'s see, I tried burning, drowning, beheading, hanging, and turning them into undead. Oh! I even had your girls raped to death by orcs in one reality. Although my favorite would be the one I conned them into killing you and then committing suicide! It was hilarious!

"Without guardians or your precious wives, breaking your mind to become the herald was a piece of cake. Aren\'t I brilliant? The master has been trying for Eons to erase you and I am the only one to get this close! I AM AMAZING! STUPENDOUS! AWESOME! If I don\'t get promoted after this I will riot!"

Hiro unexpectedly got was he asked for, with his high INT, he pieced together everything he heard from Patches, White Hiro, Rhyne, and the system. It seemed useless as was nearing the end of his life. But in defiance, he kept telling himself. \'I will never let you win. I will come back from the dead only to screw all your plans!\'

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