
Chapter 90 [Vol 1 Finale]: The Battle Of Heroes 6

The ranged fighters kept shooting Hiro, but due to him moving at AGI 9999, even with their advanced intellect, they had trouble predicting his course. Z*nitsu stood near the frozen Frank, during the same time frame the white-haired assassin advanced in the air and approached Hiro using spirit footholds.

Still avoiding the thousands of musket rounds, bolts and arrows in the air, Hiro evaded or smashed the projectiles away as he double-backed. Then suddenly the musketeer froze immediately after the hunter as well. Only the archer could still move and kept firing.

\'Haha, finally! I still have 50 more seconds. Let\'s do this.\' The transmigrator imagined a foothold slanted towards the hunter and musketeer. Due to being foothold being invisible his opponents all still thought he was aiming for frank. They said the more intelligent the opponent, the more unlikely they would expect the stupidest actions.

Hiro then slammed his foot on the invisible foothold and quickly changed his heading towards the archer. Upon doing so, alerts popped up in the transmigrator\'s mind that said he learned the skill [Mana Molding]. But due to the chaotic state of affairs, he ignored it and invoked his next skill.

"[Straight Pierce]!"

As his body gained the support of the system, Hiro\'s aerial lunge attack transformed him into a bullet heading towards the dumbfounded archer. Panic enveloped the devoted\'s mind. As a result of battling Patches on a time limit, none of the devoted were in top form.

It also should be remembered that Hiro\'s sword has finally reached its max length and weight. So suddenly having a giant greatsword head towards you like an arrow would scare off even the most experienced of marksmen.

The archer threw himself to the side and rolled on the ground to evade. When Hiro struck the ground his weapon got lodged in the earth pinning him in place. The wire user charged forwards in an attempt to capitalize on the stupor window. The Assassin who got left behind in mid-air finally rejoined the battle and similarly charged forward. But the next words that echoed froze them all in shock.

"[Skill Cancel], [Revolving Square]."

Suddenly, Hiro sliced the ground in one fluid motion and advanced towards the wire user for a second slash. Unlike [Vertical Square] which did not allow steps after the attack began, Its next iteration [Revolving Square] allowed charging or retreating while "drawing" the square.

As Hiro was armed with a fully grown buster mode and the system\'s support. Hiro\'s 2nd attack came with complete with 240 cm in reach, 470 kilograms in weight and 500 ATK without any other bonus. Suffice to say the wire-users katana snapped like a twig under the power of the transmigrator\'s swing.

Next, the third line of the "Square" came in the form of a top to down cut. Dumbfounded due to both Hiro violating the stupor window, and his weapon breaking the devoted froze. Thus the wire user got unceremoniously bisected in half from head to toe. Frustrated that he died due to such carelessness the devoted quietly kneeled in defeat before his consciousness disappeared.

Hiro continued to advance as he used his last horizontal blow to behead the nearby frozen musketeer. Luckily for the marksman, however. The white-haired assassin came to his defense as he used his remaining wrist-mounted sword to block the blow.

Due to being a speed-based weapon, the assassin\'s sword similarly shattered like glass against the enormous weight of a buster-sized [Blade of Mitsurugi]. However, as he had backup weapons the assassin believed he would be able to kill Hiro in the next second. But that would have been true if they fought literally anyone else but the trash swordsman.

"[Skill Cancel], [Tornado Dirge]."

The impact of repeated [Skill Cancel]s started to manifest on Hiro\'s body, his right eye exploded like a bloody balloon and his left arm snapped at the elbow rendering it useless. Blood exited his mouth in torrents as his left eye turned red from the veins in his eyeballs all simultaneously rupturing.

Despite the damage, however, Hiro used his right arm to swing his greatsword in a wide arc. The white-haired assassin ducked in response to the attack only to forget the person he tried to protect. Thus the poor masked musketeer got shredded like lettuce as thousands of wind blades left Hiro\'s simple slash.

What the devoted didn\'t expect however was the angle at the wind projectiles flew. After cutting apart the musketeer they continued on to assault frank.

Like multiple ducks in a row, Hiro lined up the musketeer and the mage with a pencil moustache in a straight line. Z*nitsu angrily blocked the attack with the currents he was charging for his next attack.

"RAJIN SWORSMANSHIP - 9th form [Inazuma Yaiba]!"

The wind blades from Hiro collided with the lighting dragon that manifested from the lightning swordsman. An intense light show occurred as the elements battled for supremacy.

In this "Spirit Realm," anything not coated or powered by spirit would not be able to move. Hiro learned of this principle when he noticed the projectiles heading towards him coated in this energy.

When he saw the lighting crybaby from the hit anime not attack him, he knew the bastard most likely used the time to prepare a big move.

During his time playing games Hiro always got pissed when his big moves were wasted due to his opponents doing something unexpected. Internalizing the frustration of his gaming days, he did the exact same scenario to the devoted.

By forcing the crybaby to defend Frank, his big move probably got wasted. Hiro suddenly felt time speed up. The duration he had for [Overdrive] finally ended. Hiro successfully took down four out of the 14 targets he had.

Due to the damage, he incurred from repeated [System Cancels] he gambled everything on gaining a level. If he did, he gets to continue fighting, if not he will probably die when the rest of the devoted attack him.

Fortunately, Hiro noticed his arm and eyes healing at insane speeds, his caliber fatigue also disappeared as they were refilled by the level-up. He silently checked his logs and saw the insane amount of exp he needed per level up.

- Alert: [Adept] Rank System User Level 55 has been slain! 600,000 exp gained! -

- Alert: [Adept] Rank System User Level 54 has been slain! Exp bonus multiplier 1.5, 900,000 exp gained! -

- Alert: [Adept] Rank System User Level 56 has been slain Exp bonus multiplier 2.25, 1,350,000 exp gained! -

- Alert: [Adept] Rank System User Level 51 has been slain Exp bonus multiplier 3.375, 2,025,000 exp gained! -

- Alert: Calibration completed. Host gained 1 level and is now at Lvl 50… -

Hiro ignored the rest of the messages and leapt to catch Rilu who started to fall due to wire user suddenly dying. Frank who felt the loss of four of his men after just one second grew agitated as he roared!


Hiro ignored him as he caught Rilu in a princess carry, he slowed down his fall by creating spirit footholds and condescendingly answered the mage.

"I do not answer to you and your ridiculous pencil mustache you piece of shit."

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