
Chapter 871: It's all blue, who else can it be if it's not Shiping?

  After the warship arrived, the silver-haired crane walked down from the warship, looking at San Juan Wolf lying in the sea with only one nose exposed, with a slightly disgusted expression on his face.

  For the world government to pull out such a dangerous guy for experimentation and let him escape, Crane is very disgusted, which is completely inconsistent with the "pure justice" she believes in.

   But she has nothing to do. As the navy of Garp during the Warring States Period, the current Crane looks very old. At least compared to Sengoku and Garp, her face is much more vicissitudes.

   But when she was young, she was also a military beauty in the navy.

  The current situation is related to the fact that she has too many things to worry about. As the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, she has a heavy burden on her shoulders.

   "Lieutenant General He, I\'m sorry for your trouble."

  Although these CP agents have an arrogant attitude towards Shichibukai, they are very respectful to Tsuru. Although Tsuru spends most of his time just documenting and sorting out countermeasures, no one dares to underestimate this woman.

The strength of the lieutenant generals in this department varies greatly. He is undoubtedly the first rank. There are not many lieutenant generals who can make Doflamingo avoid being like a snake. He is one of them. Whether it is strength, seniority, connections or prestige, she None of these ordinary agents can compare.

   "Can\'t you find a way to let this guy cooperate? It\'s always troublesome like this."

   "If he can cooperate, we won\'t be in such trouble, but you don\'t have to worry, Lieutenant General. According to the meaning above, you won\'t use this guy for anything in the future, and you don\'t need to deal with him."

   "Really, I\'m a lot older, and I still have to take care of these **** things."

  Following the pedals, Crane came to San Juan Dire Wolf, and then activated his ability to successfully wash it into clothes.

  She is a Superman with the ability to wash fruit.

  It can turn people and things into clothes and dry them after washing. The crane can rinse any item, whether it is a living animal or an inanimate object.

   The washed objects and people will lose their original shape, and will become like clothes that have just been dried. Even the mind will be temporarily washed clean, and the washed living body will lose its strength and cannot move freely.

San Juan Wolf is too big to cooperate with the navy\'s actions, so it needs some external influence. The ability of the crane can minimize the trouble in the **** process, and it can also take the uncooperative San Juan · The wolf crammed into a smaller space.

  After being washed by the crane\'s power, San Juan Wolf turned into a flat clothes-like creature.

   After that, it was skillfully rolled up by the soldiers on the ship with the anchor\'s runner, and finally folded into a block of tofu, which was stuffed into the **** ship.

This is how they got San Juan Bad Wolf out. After all, ordinary people can\'t restrain this guy if he doesn\'t cooperate. His handcuffs are all specially made, and it took a lot of money to make those handcuffs A lot of work.

  The location of New Murloc Island is not very far from Marin Fando, but it is only separated by the Red Earth Continent. If they didn\'t want to cover up the scandal, they would have mobilized their troops to deal with the wolf.

But if you want to quickly deal with the wolf, the most effective way is to send out the generals of the headquarters, but they all have their own tasks, and rashly mobilizing may expose this scandal. In the eyes of the world government, the value of the island newly built by the murlocs is not Not big, so there is no support.

   It was not until Jinbei and Tiger dealt with the wolf that they sent out the people who cleaned the ground.

   After He and the others left, the agents of the World Government did not leave. The cleansing of the land was not only about transporting the evil wolves away, but also had to deal with other issues, such as partial compensation for the attack.

  In most cases, the world government doesn’t care about this kind of thing, not to mention the non-affiliated countries in extrajudicial places. Even if they are affiliated countries, they have to admit that they are unlucky if they are attacked by pirates. Do you want compensation? Okay, go find that pirate by yourself, don\'t come to us.

   But the evil wolf is a criminal who the world government wants to erase.

  But if Shibei or the Ryugu Kingdom speak as Shichibukai or a member country and let Morgans\' report that he is not afraid of big things go out, the world government will lose face.

   It is not so much compensation as hush money.

  The difficulty of this matter is not high. The decision makers of the Dragon Kingdom are Otohime and Neptune. At present, they need to have a friendly relationship with the World Government, even if it is only on the surface.

   This is something that Tiger and Jinbe also agreed to. Now these agents are more concerned about the strength of the murlocs.

  LV.6\'s serious criminals are not easy to find. San Juan Dire Wolf is also very powerful among this group of people, but it doesn\'t seem to take much time for the murlocs to solve him.

   Except for Mianjin\'s assist, they didn\'t see who else participated in the attack.

  In order not to be affected by the aftermath of the wolf battle, they hid far away and only saw Jinbei.

  The establishment of Qiwuhai is to balance the increasing number of pirates. Although the people of Qiwuhai have different personalities, and some people even actively seek the position of Qiwuhai with special purposes, they all have terrifying strength.

  Even if he can\'t do it himself, his subordinates have gathered a huge force.

  For these Qibuhai, although the world government doesn\'t care what they usually do, they must understand the specific strength of these people.

  Although they joined the Shichibukai under the king, these guys are still pirates, and they might stab themselves at any time.

  If there is a murloc on Murloc Island that is stronger than Jinbe, then this faction must be dealt with again.

   "By the way, that murloc is also blue, right?"

"Yes what\'s the matter?"

   "It should be Shiping. I haven\'t heard of the Sun Pirates and other murlocs having such strength."

   "Are you kidding, how can you make a judgment so easily? At least you have to inquire about it."

   It is not easy for CP agents to detect these minority races. They can pretend to be others, but they cannot pretend to be fur tribes and murlocs unless there is an Arceus behind them.

   Moreover, Fishman Island has always been a troublesome place in the eyes of the world government, and some people don\'t want to waste time there.

Although some of the agents were careless, with the insistence of their teammates, they still did some investigative work, such as entering the Fishman Island to inquire about some information, but except for Jinbei, they did not inquire about the second blue powerful Murloc information.

   also reported it according to the original speculation.

   While on Fishman Island, Jinbe also brought a new message to Tiger.

   "Brother Tai, you guessed right, someone is looking for information about you, but why do you think about it?"

   "It\'s nothing, I just learned a little thing over there."


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