
Chapter 406: I don't know right or wrong, but I can't do nothing

   There is still a hint of kindness in her nature. She can think about some things under the premise that nothing else has happened. When she sees this kind of thing, she instinctively stands up.

  According to her estimation, there is likely to be a battle next, but the opponent\'s actions are beyond Yamato\'s expectations.

   "Wait! Little sister, don\'t come here! It\'s dangerous here, it may be contagious!"

They didn\'t attack her. Seeing that she came from outside the barbed wire, they shouted that it was dangerous here, but the other two soldiers also took flamethrowers and burned the corpse. The huge contrast made her wonder for a while what happened. thing.


   Originally, she thought that these people were cruel and vicious gangs, and they were all ready to attack, but this time she didn\'t know what to say, but the soldiers in front of her thought she was frightened.

   The soldier who scolded Yamato for stopping looked back and saw that his companion was burning the corpse.

   "Little sister, stay away from here, it\'s dangerous here, don\'t you know that there is an outbreak of infectious disease in Freivans?"

The soldier did not know that what he was doing was a massacre. The order he received was to prevent the spread of infection and protect his country. His king did not tell the truth at all. As for the explanation of the Frevans themselves, they also unbelievable.

   In order to prevent their family members from getting that horrible disease, they chose to execute orders to eliminate these infected people.

   What happened here is not an isolated case, similar things are happening all around Fravans, and it is getting worse.

  Although the royal family of Fravans has fled, a large number of lead bullets are still stored in the warehouse. No one will sit still in the mortal situation. Those who can still move in Fravans took up arms and started to resist.

  Because of this kind of resistance, the surrounding countries got the righteousness of self-defense and counterattack. Under the righteousness of preventing the spread of the plague and protecting their own national security, the surrounding kingdoms have issued new orders, but the soldiers here are responsible for guarding the outside.



   In the eyes of those soldiers, Yamato and the others seemed to have followed his persuasion to leave here, but in fact they were still there and had entered the quarantine area ahead, but they didn\'t see it.

  Reality always makes some changes to the plan. Originally, he did not intend to come forward, but now the time is just right.

   Strength can be tempered anywhere, and Yamato can\'t find a more suitable opponent than Kaido. What training is not effective in actual combat sometimes doesn\'t work for her. After all, Kaido\'s training is no different from actual combat.

   But she couldn’t grow in her mentality if she stayed on Onishima all the time, not to mention the real Lysiram in the current situation, even the ideal Zekrom would not necessarily recognize her.

   There is a difference between naivety and ideals. She has never seen the real world, and she doesn\'t understand anything at all, and this is just a training for her.

   "Father, the words of those people..."

   "It\'s fake, but it\'s not them who are wrong."

  Arceus explained some of the origins of platinum and lead to Yamato, and also explained the ore disease and the concealment of the world government.

   "Yamato, now the question comes, what do you want to do now?"

   "I want to save these people away."

   "The soldiers outside have their own orders. If you want to save these people, those soldiers are your enemies, and they are only "protecting" their own country. If you want to save the people of Fravans, you have to hurt them.

   Do you still want to do that now? "

   Yamato failed to give an answer this time, and Arceus continued to walk forward with them. The scattered corpses before were just the beginning. When they continued to go deeper, the corpses almost covered the street.

   "How. How can this happen."

   "This is the world. Without strength, people can only be slaughtered. Yamato, the people of Freivans are innocent. They will encounter these because of the greed of the upper class, but those soldiers are not evil parties.

   Justice and evil are never absolute. In the eyes of the navy, your father and I are both wicked gangs, but in the realm of beasts, we have the same status as protectors.

  When you help what you think is weak, you are bullying another weak person as a strong person.

   So remember, only the strong in this world can decide good and evil according to their own values, decide the right or wrong of a thing, everyone can say the big truth, but there is no force as a guarantee, the truth will always be the truth. "

   At twelve years old, she is no longer an ignorant age. At this age, she has begun to understand the truth. The tragedy of Freivans has dissipated a lot of innocence in her heart.

"You may be doing something wrong, nothing will please everyone, but as long as you have a clear conscience, that\'s enough, so now, make your decision, there should be some survivors in the Northeast. "

  Yamato\'s body began to change, and the appearance of Oguchi Shinshen replaced her original appearance. Compared with the previous hesitation, she seemed to want to understand something.


   "I don\'t know if I\'m doing it right, but if I don\'t do anything, I\'m sure I won\'t be able to sleep when I go back. Maria, Diancie, come and help me, as long as you don\'t kill those soldiers."

   That innocence still exists in her mind, but if a few words can make her give up this nature, then she is not her.

   As she said, she pulled Maria and ran over to the direction that Arceus provided, and Dianci also flew over silently, but she did not go with Nicole Robin, who was not very capable of fighting.

   She can\'t let her incompetent companions be in dangerous places because of her own willfulness. This is something she has understood before.

   After Yamato left, Arceus told Olga:

   "Still a little impulsive, Olga, you follow, don\'t put her in any danger."

   "Leave it to me, Lord Arceus."

  After Olga took Elizabeth away, only Nicole Robin was left here. Although her ability to accept is not weak, this scene had a big impact on her.

   At this time, her face couldn\'t help being a little pale, all of which were very similar to the original O\'Hara.

   "I see, this is what happened due to the laissez-faire of the world government. Their protection of the allied countries is limited to a few members of the royal family. Guess how their newspapers will report on this this time?"

   At the beginning, she had doubts about the affairs of the Sikaar Kingdom, and she just took the opportunity of Frevans to let her understand something, so as not to affect her relationship with Yamato future.

   And at this time, Yamato has also reached the predetermined position, looking at the sea of ​​​​fire, an ice blue breath spit out from her mouth.

   (end of this chapter)

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