
Chapter 359: Misunderstood battle

  But different substances have their own natural frequencies. When the vibrations generated in the outside world are close to their natural frequencies, the object itself will resonate with it, resulting in fragmentation.

   In terms of speed, Zeraora is second to none within the Beast Pirates, so it is possible to do this kind of thing, using resonance to break the ice layer above.

   At this time, I would like to thank Quinn, who is giving Dianxi a supplementary lesson, and Assie, who is doing experiments. As the top scientific and technological talents within the Beast Pirates, they have learned well in physics and chemistry.

  Although the specialization aspect is not here, the basic theory is still fine.

   "Come on, go down and have a look."

   Of course, the ice layer was not opened for the purpose of studying physics. Even at this height, you could jump directly down, and the gold coins on the ground were bounced aside. Even if you have seen the big world, these massive treasures will still make people shocked.

   It is a little cold under the ice layer, but this temperature is not a problem for the fur tribe, like the temperature on the main back is not high, they are cold-resistant races.

   Activities in this cold environment will not be affected, and then he grabbed a handful of treasures and looked at the golden mountains and silver seas that could not be seen, and doubts appeared in his heart for a moment.

   "Zeraora, these treasures must not have come here by themselves, right? Who would put treasures in such a place?"

  This way of hiding treasures is very willful. At first, John\'s treasures were in a field that ordinary people couldn\'t reach, but here anyone who came could see them.

   can be called an undefended storage. It only requires strength. It is like casting silver into a giant ingot of several tons. As long as the other party can\'t move it, it is fine to put it outside.

   "I don\'t know either, but I\'ll find out soon."

   His eyes looked above the ice layer, and he had already sensed that a person was approaching here rapidly.

  Shinkan is right, treasures will not run together by themselves. These treasures are the accumulation of generations of the Eight Treasures of the Flower Country, and the person who is running over is the semi-retired leader of the Eight Treasures.

   The pillar of the twelfth generation - green pepper.

  Ten years ago, the reward of the gang leader who had reached 542 million Bailey, known as the green pepper of the cone, was also a famous figure in the sea.

   But he slammed his head into Garp, and in the duel with Garp, his proud awl head was knocked out by a punch.

   Probably the country of flowers used the status of an alliance country to put pressure on the world government, and the downed green pepper was not arrested, but was brought back to the country of flowers by his subordinates.

   But the loss of the proud awl head led to a tragic consequence. He could no longer open the Baoyu Glacier, and could only see those treasures across the air.

The reason why the green pepper of the cone is called "cone" is because of his wonderful head. Now that he has lost the head of the cone, his heart is half cold. Since then, he has lived a semi-retired life in the land of flowers. The most common thing to do is to teach my grandchildren.

   Remembering the past in Baoyu Glacier is also something Green Pepper often does. Although he can\'t touch it, looking at the treasures under the ice can help him calm down a little.

  Anyway, no one in the Land of Flowers can break through this ice layer. Only those who have learned the profound meaning of Eight Chongquan and obtained the name of Cone Dragon Cone Nail have the possibility to break the ice layer.

   But today the solid ice layer suddenly cracked, and it was bigger than the gap he opened in the past. In the past, he only opened a part of the gap, but this time the crack spreads over a large glacier.

"Could it be that"

   Looking at the cracked ice, the strong man got up and followed the crack.

Although he lost his cone head, his heart was still alive, and his domineering skills were still used. His strong body was running along the ice, and soon he saw Moment and Zeraora on Baoshan. .

   "You two treasure thieves, stop me!"

   Being able to break the Baoyu Glacier proved that the opponent\'s strength should not be underestimated, but when he saw the opponent was on his treasure, the reason in his mind seemed to evaporate.

   Just now he was able to restrain his urge and did not go down, because he knew that once the glacier closed, he who could not break the glacier would be trapped below.

But when he saw the suspected treasure thief, he still couldn\'t hold back. At this time, his beard was still black as a whole, but there were some white beards in it. At this time, there was a breath on his body, even The beard also fluttered.

   Then the green pepper jumped high, wrapped in a domineering layer on Garp\'s rounded head, and then aimed at the person below and smashed it down.

   "Eight Chong Fist · Martial Head!"

   Looking at the big man who suddenly fell from the sky, Zeraora pulled it up and floated in the air for a moment, and the green pepper smashed into the treasure mountain below.

   "That.. we are not treasure thieves, this is actually a misunderstanding."

  Qingjiao\'s cry of the treasure thief just now could be heard clearly. She was traveling, not to rob people\'s treasures. She was even more curious about this piece of ice than treasures.

   "Ahhhhh. It\'s hard to believe this kind of thing, little devil of the fur tribe, Baoyu Glacier is not a place for outsiders to step on, not to mention you are standing on my treasure."

   Green Pepper chuckled a few times, obviously not listening to what he said, and after crawling out of the treasure, he again aimed his head at the two above.


"Yes, I know."

   It is impossible to be beaten. Since this angry person can\'t listen to them, I want him to listen to them.

  The retired Green Pepper paid little attention to the outside world, and didn’t know much about Zeraora’s identity. When he adjusted the angle and attacked again, Zeraora and Shanna were already separated in the sky on both sides.

  Instant can fly through electromagnetic levitation, but it can\'t reach the speed of Zeraora. After thinking about it, she did not take off the bow on her back, but transformed into Lucario\'s form.

   Unless the purpose is to kill, she can\'t use a bow, so she chooses this enhanced fighting stance.

   "Those who are capable, you little devils! You guys were still playing the game of the family when I was sailing the sea, Bachhong Fist and Hunting!"

   This time, not only his head, but even his hands were also wrapped in armed colors. The seemingly bulky body was very flexible, and he jumped to a higher position in the blink of an eye, and then punched Zeraora.

   But Zeraora was faster than him. Although the fist was much smaller than the green pepper, the dazzling electric light quickly shone on the ice.

   It is impossible for me to write it year by year. The timeline will naturally jump if it jumps. If it doesn’t, I still have things to write this year.



   (end of this chapter)

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