
Chapter 130: ghillie egg

   He didn\'t slack off, but there was nothing he could do if he couldn\'t be found.

   It is not a joke to let his daughter recognize him as a godfather. This kind of thing is very common in the pirate world. For example, Whitebeard\'s son adoption is in full swing, and the number of members of the Whitebeard Pirates is also increasing.

   Let Yamato recognize his godfather Kaido also have his own considerations in it, which is to strengthen the connection between the two sides through his daughter.

   "It\'s not impossible, but don\'t you think your previous training plan was too strict?"

   "No, she\'s Lao Tzu\'s daughter, so it\'s impossible to hold on to this level. By the way, remember what I said a few years ago to give me a stronger ability? Just give it to her."

   "It\'s too small. She can\'t afford that ability now. Let\'s wait for a while, but we should prepare to move. This place is no longer suitable for the main island."

  This is a Winter Island after all. In the beginning, the site of the beasts was not large, and the business here was also very important, so the headquarters was placed here.

   But now that the territory of the beasts is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of people is gradually increasing, this Winter Island is no longer suitable for existence as the main island, and there are not no islands in the territory that are like spring all year round, and it is time to prepare to move.

   This is especially true now that we have children. The environment here is not very suitable for children to grow, nor for the growth of plants. Quinn can only grow plants in the laboratory.

Now that there are large milk tanks, moving should be put on the agenda. The quality of milk in large milk tanks has a lot to do with their food. High-quality pasture can make milk taste better and nutrition. more fully.

  Because the business has always been fruit, so he ignored this problem. Now, in order to raise children, he has remodeled two large milk tanks. After thinking about it carefully, animal husbandry can also be prepared for development.

   "There are suitable islands, but they are not ready yet."

   "Put things on the agenda, by the way, this is yours." He threw a Resurrection Grass to Kaido and explained its purpose to him.

   "Ugh, a second life? It\'s really interesting, you should try it out when you get a chance.."

   "This is for you just in case, not for your death. You have been arrested several times in the past three years, can you keep your memory?"

   "Don\'t worry, those guys can\'t hurt me."

  The four auspicious eggs exist for shift work, and it is also very reassuring to have them in charge of taking care of Yamato Kaido, after all, they are creatures created by Arceus.

  Others may not know it yet, but Kaido doesn\'t think it\'s strange that Arceus brought back some strange creatures, and he can guess where they came from.

  Geely eggs and big milk jars are prepared to take care of Yamato, but Jack has also received a little care, and Ghillie eggs will take care of him when he has time.

   After the initial novelty was over, most people returned to their residences, and even Kaido went back to drink with confidence. His stocking policy can be said to have begun.

  Only Setsuna and Shaina are still a little interested in these two babies, but for now it seems that Geely Egg is doing very well, and there is no need to intervene in anything else.

   But the eyes of the moment are now focused on another place, that is the auspicious egg, she is looking at these strange creatures.

  The big milk tank can be regarded as a cow that walks upright, but the auspicious egg is different from the creature she recognizes. The pink round body is like an egg as a whole.

   There is a hair-like extension on the top of the head. Of course, the most important thing is that there is this pouch-like object in front of the body, and there is a large egg inside.

   "Arno. Is that egg edible? It looks delicious."

   She looked at Geely Egg, who was doing nothing, and asked her question out of curiosity.


  Geely Egg shook its head at the moment, although it didn\'t have a neck, it still made this action by swinging its body.

  The eggs of auspicious eggs can be eaten, and they are also rare and delicious. They can produce several eggs every day if needed, but they rarely give their eggs to others, and usually protect their own eggs carefully.

  Auspicious Eggs are Pokémon with a very gentle personality. They will only take out their eggs and give them to each other when they encounter creatures they like, or when they think they are injured and need to be nourished.

   Intuition tells the instant that the egg is delicious, so she asks this question, and Geely Egg seems to be debating whether to give her an egg or not.

  Although they don\'t talk like Zeraora, have a high strategic significance, and were only created as babysitters, they also get some knowledge from Arceus.

   "lucky~" is asking Arceus, and the auspicious egg seems to be uncertain.

   "It\'s fine according to your own mood, you don\'t have to think about it so much." He still loves the creatures he created, and will respect the habits of this race, such as Geely Egg\'s emphasis on eggs.

   The auspicious egg thought for a while, but still took out an egg and handed it to Setsuna.

   "Thank you, I\'ll grill the fish for you tomorrow."

  Although the pronunciation of auspicious eggs is only the sound of "lucky", but in an instant, I can understand the general meaning of auspicious eggs.

  Actually, according to the etiquette of fur tribes, the best way to express friendship with strangers is to exchange clothes, but there is really nothing that can be changed on Geely Eggs.

  So after rubbing Kaluqiu with Gili Egg, she left behind such a sentence and went back with the egg.

the next day,

  The fact that Kaido has his own daughter has spread all over the island. As Kaido\'s biological daughter and Arceus\' righteous daughter, Yamato, who just had a full moon, has a very high status here.

   But at this time there was also an unexpected visitor on the island. She came with Scourge\'s boat. Because of dealing with some newcomers who didn\'t know whether to live or die, Scourge delayed her trip and arrived at the nearby waters this morning.

   Just when he was about to return to the island, he was stopped by another boat, and an old woman came down from it.

   has white hair, a white cloth band tied around his head, and two burning candles stuck on it. That kind of strange dress looks like something wrong with his brain in Scourge\'s eyes.

   "Who are you, can\'t you see the flag on the ship?" The revolving machine gun embedded in his arm was raised directly, and he rashly entered the waters ruled by other pirates, even if he chose to directly sink it.

   "Yoyoyoyo, don\'t be so impatient young man, I have a big business to discuss with your captain, he will meet me, I have seen it in the prophecy."

   (end of this chapter)

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