
Chapter 250: Sophie Gives In

Chapter 250: Sophie Gives In

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Rexanera Sea)

“Pat-a-cake, pat-a cake baker’s man”

“Bake me a cake as fast as you can.”

“Pat it and prick it and mark it with B.”

Lily clapped her hands excitedly as she sang along with Sophie to the lyrics of an old nursery rhyme from Sui Meng’s memories.

Two months had passed by uneventfully and for a little girl like Lily, it was easy to get bored being stuck in a room all day.

Sophie’s communicator device did have several movies and television shows already saved but she needed to conserve the battery life to send out a rescue message once they arrived at the border.

Honestly, Sophie was surprised at just how much information about fun party games and songs were inside Sui Meng’s memories.

She had already taught Lily several nursey songs such as ‘London Bridge Is Falling down’, ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and ‘Old Macdonald Had A Farm.’

“Big sister can you teach me another song?” Lily asked with eyes that sparkled.

“Why don’t you take a nap first and then as soon as you wake up… I’ll tell you a story about the three blind mice,” Sophie stroked her hair lovingly.

She gently took Lily off her lap and placed her on the mattress. 

Sophie shook the blanket a few times before carefully placing it on Lily’s body and tucking the girl inside.

Sophie reached for the light switch at the side of the bed and pressed the button. The room immediately plunged into darkness.

This was no problem for Sophie as her golden eyes could pierce through even pitch-black environments.

“But… but… I don’t want to sleep now,” Lily pouted and whined cutely.

“Just close your eyes and picture a happy memory,” Sophie whispered and then started to hum a quiet tune.

Lily’s protests got softer and softer until the little girl slipped away into a deep slumber. 

Sophie stopped humming and just sat on the bed with a contemplative look on her face.

These last two months had given her a lot to think about.

It was naive to assume that the people who were hunting them after she had killed the innkeeper would just give up.

The fact that none of the pursuers were onboard the vessel indicated one of two possibilities. 

The first being that there was an ambush waiting for them on King’s Island as the organization would assume that they would travel to the spaceport.

And the second scenario was that the organization had encountered an even greater problem so capturing or killing them was no longer a priority.

Sophie hoped that it was the latter, but she had already made preparations in case the worse scenario occurred.

Inside her storage device was over fifty vials of Grade S toxins that were lethal to any cultivator under the qi tide stage.

Sophie had kept up her efforts in cultivation and could now manipulate the toxin fumes of up to ten poisons at once.

And there was one special vial that Katarina had given her that was Sophie’s true ace in the hole. 

It was a vial of a poison nicknamed ‘The Devil’s Pact’ because its lethality was so strong that the user would usually perish along with the victim.

This toxin worked by fusing with hemoglobin receptors on red blood cells and preventing them from binding to oxygen molecules.

Katarina had adjusted the formula so that it could even affect cultivators in the void stage. 

Sophie had tested the mixture using samples of her blood and found that it had no effect on her body.

However, this weapon had a major drawback which was that the range was too large. 

Sophie would only use it if it were truly a last resort or…

If Lily had already been killed.

Sophie’s eyes narrowed as a murderous pressure filled the room. 

The bloodlust was enough to freeze anyone who was even foolish enough to step inside.

No… she would never let Lily die.

Sophie grasped her amulet and let the cold metal restore some sanity back to her mind. 

It was strange that her aunt had not shown up in the space despite quite a few months passing by since their last meeting.

Sophie hoped that she was okay.

Knock! Knock!

“Ne’rdfke uer’e a’ercd fe’ll ad!” a deep throaty voice bellowed from the other side.

A loud noise was heard from the door as someone aggressively shouted in a language that Sophie did not understand.

Mixed in with the yelling were screams of fear and terror that sounded a bit too close to Sophie’s location.

The hybrid girl could even faintly smell the strong odour of blood coming from the other side of the room and it was making her mental state begin to crumble.

Sophie frowned slightly before putting a pair of earmuffs on Lily’s ears to make sure that the little girl wasn’t rudely awakened by the racket.

Something wasn’t right.

Just to be safe Sophie also placed an eye mask on Lily’s face so that she wouldn’t be woken up unless Sophie shook her body.

She walked towards the door and peered through the peephole to see who or rather what was outside the room.

It was a scene of utter madness and chaos.

Sophie spotted several corpses scattered on the ground as a group of mysterious aliens wearing purple uniforms were dragging passengers out of their rooms and slaughtering them on the spot.

These aliens had a physique that could only be described as deformed and twisted as their backs were hunched over almost to the floor.

Multiple legs with needle like appendages attached at the ends meant that these aliens scuttled around like crabs.

Their eyes were hollow and filled with a hypnotic blue light that made one dizzy to look at directly. 

Instead of normal facial features, Sophie could only make out what looked like small holes drilled into the center of their faces.

It was through these holes that the alien invaders were able to communicate with one another.

Those passengers who resisted met even more gruesome fates as their bodies were toyed with before being chopped up into tiny meat chunks.

Somehow these invaders had cards that could access the rooms so even those passengers who locked their doors were not safe.

Sophie stared expressionlessly as a passenger who resembled a slime was dragged out of his room before being shot in the head by the invaders.

Any normal person would have been horrified when witnessing the bloody scenes of carnage and would have desperately tried to barricade their room.

But Sophie was not ‘normal’ and there was really only one thought that was running through her mind.


There are enemies….

Sophie’s golden eyes immediately shifted to a crimson red as her vision transformed into a world of yellowish orange.

Her fangs extended outwards and thin droplets of saliva fell onto the floor as Sophie felt the addictive rush coursing through her every vein.

Sophie felt herself fully lose control. 

She hadn’t succumbed to the bloodlust in a long time and this power…

Felt so good.

“Ne’rdfke uer’e a’ercd fe’ll ad!” the voice repeated a second time and now a click could be heard as the impatient invader placed his key in the security scanner to unlock the door.

The door swung open smoothly and the invader prepared to enter the room and kill everyone inside.

The invader had a sneer on his face and laughed as he raised his foot to step into the pitch-black room.

It would be the last decision that he ever made.


A bladed appendage tore straight through his neck before his foot had even the time to land on the ground.

The invader could not even scream before his head was violently ripped from his body and a pair of fangs sank into his corpse.




Sophie’s eyes glowed with an eerie light as she tore through the flesh of the invader and swallowed mouthfuls of the meat inside.

It was the most delicious meal she had ever tasted.

With every juicy bite, Sophie could feel her cultivation level slowly increase and the amulet on her neck got hotter and hotter.

For the next few moments, the only sounds that came from room 528 were the noise of someone eating.

“Ter’kae ajle’ fhre?” came a worried cry from the hall.

An invader was confused about why his companion was taking so long to kill all the occupants in that room.

“Nim’rea srekr’er al’efrgh!” the worried invader notified his squad leader that something was wrong and soon ten aliens approached the room with weapons in hand.

Each of these aliens was outfitted with high calibre plasma rifles and miniature explosion devices but those were for a special purpose.

The door to the room was wide open and the light in the hallway shone inside to reveal a sight that would haunt the dreams of these aliens for the rest of their lives.

A humanoid creature was crouched over the still warm corpse of their companion and tearing into his flesh with reckless abandon.

It was around seven feet tall with razor sharp fangs, four blade-like appendages jutting from its back and most terrifying of all were its cold dead eyes.

Those crimson eyes stared at them with no hint of fear or rage or even excitement.

Instead, the only emotion that could be seen in that abomination’s eyes…

Was hunger.

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