
Chapter 458 - I Said Get Lost


Thank heavens my disciples were all concentrating in their training sessions so I could come out here without bothering them too much.

If the fact that everytime I had to leave was distracting them, I would have just laid those trap inscriptions and be done with it.

In front of the gates was a well dressed scholar who looked to be more comfortable behind the table reading books than to be out in the field.

"So… Who might you be?" I asked a little warily.

"I am Shen, Vice-Headmaster of the Han\'s Imperial Academy. You are Master Lin, I presume?"


"Ah, well met, Master Lin. I assume you have heard of our Academy?"

"You assume wrong."

"Ah, what a shame, I had assumed incorrectly that Master Lin was a knowledgeable scholar at the very least."

"I have no interest in people or institutions that are of no consequence to me. You are obviously one of them."

"To not be aware of the largest research institute in the entire continent is quite a blunder, wouldn\'t you say so, Master Lin?"

"Not if said research institute had no influence on me ever since I was born and apparently knows less than I do."

"Hmmm… I suppose being cooped up in a backwater country would limit one\'s access to worldly knowledge. That is understandable."

"Indeed. I suppose that\'s why you came all the way to our country to seek something that your own could not grasp, am I right? Since I\'ve never been to the country of Han, I can\'t say for sure how backwater it is though."

He levelled his gaze at me, my words clearly having an affect on him.

At this point, I\'ve come to the conclusion that all these morons have sat up on their high horses for so long that they\'ve never had to lower themselves to anyone before. That\'s why they\'re being such terrible negotiators when they were sent here.

Well, it\'s either that or they are just absolute morons.

For this guy\'s case, I\'m inclined to believe that he\'s the latter.

Seeing that he had no comeback to my words, I crossed my arms in front of me, "So what does the Vice-Headmaster of the Imperial Academy of backwater country Han want to do with me? Surely this isn\'t a courtesy visit since I barely acknowledge your existence?"

He scowled at me, "You would do well to watch your words, young man."

Yeah, this guy\'s a real moron alright.

I tilted my head at him, "Or you\'ll do what? Call me names? The way back to your country is that way, in case you\'re lost. Now please, I am busy, so if you would excuse me."

I made a show of going back through my Sect\'s gates.


I stopped and turned my head towards him, though my body was still facing away from him.

"What? You need directions to the nearest stable or something? Head down to the village, there should be one there. Hope you brought money."

I could tell he was seething, probably wanting to insult me with something else but he knew I had the upper hand in this conversation.

He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a roll of parchment, "This is from the Headmaster of the Han Imperial Academy… He has ord… He has an offer for you, Master Lin."

"Well, if he actually wants something from me, why didn\'t he come here himself?"

"Don\'t be presumptuous! Asking the Headmaster of the prestigious Imperial Academy to come to a place like this would be humiliating for a person of his stature! To have me come here was already unprecedented!"

"Mmhmm… Good for you. You can go back home then. Wouldn\'t want to humiliate you any further," I shooed him, turning back towards the door.

"Wait! Wait! At least read the offer first… Please."

He makes it sound as though the words were wrenched out of his throat with a pair of hot tongs.

I sighed before reaching for the parchment and taking it away from him.

Unfurling it, I read through its contents quickly.

"Hmmm… Invitation to be an independent researcher at your institute… My own cultivation field… Servants… Salary… Hmm… That\'s all?"

He seemed offended by that comment, "What do you mean that\'s all? Usually anyone who enters our institute will need to work their way up the ranks starting from a student! To be granted the title of a researcher upon joining us is already an honour!"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I\'m literally a Master of Heaven Sect you know? I have my own courtyard on top of a hill, my own servants, my own disciples and also respect both within and without my Sect. Why would I want to travel to some backwater country where I literally know no one?"

"Your talents are wasted here and you won\'t even be recognised for it."

"You\'re looking at the Royal Tutor to the current Queen of Beiyang and a member of the Royal Household, I\'ll have you know. If you\'re trying to recruit me, you\'re doing a really terrible job at it."

"A small country like this is not a suitable place for anyone to get far."

"Mmm… Hard to say that since this country literally just expanded not a few days ago. You\'re really new to this aren\'t you?"

The way his face flushed up proved me right. I guess he\'s the kind of person that has always just sat behind his office desk and told others to do the work instead of having to do anything by himself.

Honestly, out of all the people that those three countries have sent so far this guy is probably the worst at negotiating out of all of them.

I\'m only counting those that have actually negotiated of course.

"I\'d like to think that we are already being quite generous considering the circumstances," He argued weakly.

I lifted up the parchment into the air, "Well, you know what I think of your generosity?"

Without waiting for his answer, I circulated my Fire Quarks and burned the entire roll of paper instantly, letting the ashes scatter with the wind.

"That is what I think. I\'m not above doing that to people as well, just so you know. So unless you have anything else for me, I suggest you run along back to your home and don\'t come back."

He gritted his teeth, obviously trying his best to refrain himself from lashing out at me.

I tilted my head and gestured towards the path, summoning a ball of fire above my head to let him know that I was not joking.

"You will regret this missed opportunity…" He growled out before finally turning around and leaving.

Naturally, these types of people just can\'t resist getting the final word before leaving.

I hope that\'s the last that the country of Han will send here for a while.

Well with him dealt with, I should finally be able to go back to my disciples and relax.

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