
Chapter 369 Battle Of The Union VII - Amulet Of Dukas

"Luna, is there something that gives me the advantage? At this rate, Aurora will get injured," Velian asked while carrying most of the spells of Valerie and sometimes going on the offensive and trying to take the amulet from her.

[Master is advised to use the decimate on her even if it meant, you have to erase the whole area with her, until now, master only used decimate in your 40% power, so full power might be able to deal with her]

"No way I can do that, others will also get caught in the effective area of that attack," Velian said, as he blocked another attack from Valerie.

"What? Why do you look uninterested? Use your full power and fight me, Velian, let me see whether I was correct or not," Her words came from the fun she was having after a long time, fighting with someone equal to her in power.

[Master is advised to use everything, this might be a good chance for you to breakthrough your limits]

It was a dangerous suggestion from Luna, as it might negatively affect Velian, but what choice did he have?

"You asked for it, Since you want to get beat up so bad, I will do that," Velian\'s words came from pure rage and aggression, that he felt after deciding to remove all the shackles that held him.

The battle between Velian and Valerie raged on, their powers clashing in a whirlwind of magic and intensity.

Velian, usually known for his strategic approach, had discarded his usual caution and unleashed the full extent of his mana, attacking Valerie with relentless fury. Blow after blow, his strikes landed on her, causing her to stagger and cough out blood.

"More! More! You asked for it, so I will give you more," Velian shouted throwing blow after blow with his bare hand and sword.

Valerie, despite the pain and the desperate situation she found herself in, wore a determined smile on her face.

She knew that this was the moment she had been waiting for, the moment when she could reveal her true power.

Clutching a mysterious amulet tightly in her hand, she pressed it against her chest, and a surge of energy coursed through her body.

"Ughhhh~ this is my first time using this," She shouted.

As if responding to her will, her armour, a magnificent suit adorned with intricate designs, began to emit a radiant glow.

It floated above Velian, bathed in a golden light, and from its back, magnificent wings formed, glistening with ethereal energy. Valerie\'s voice resonated with an air of both confidence and awe.


Velian kept looking at her with contempt. He wanted to ask her how is that fair, but he knew in a fight like this morale, respect and kindness, they will have to abandon everything.

"Now, Velian, witness the true potential of my armour! This is the ultimate suit of a hero, the very same one that vanquished the dreaded Demon Lord!" she proclaimed, her words carrying a weight of history and triumph.

Velian\'s eyes widened in astonishment, momentarily stunned by the grandeur and power emanating from Valerie\'s transformed armour.

He had underestimated her, failing to recognize the depths of her strength and determination. But now, faced with this awe-inspiring sight, he realized the grave error he had made.

"I shouldn\'t have let her use that amulet,"

Valerie raised her hand, and from her palm, a brilliant beam of light shot forth, directly targeting Velian. The attack, bolstered by the newfound might of her enhanced armour, struck him with a force that sent him sprawling backwards.

As he struggled to regain his footing, his voice mixed with a hint of desperation.

"Valerie, how... how did you come by such a formidable power? This armour... it\'s beyond anything I\'ve ever encountered!"

Valerie\'s expression softened, a glimmer of sadness and resolution in her eyes. "This armour, Velian, is the legacy of our ancestor, who fought to protect our world from darkness. I inherited it, and now, I bear the weight of their sacrifices. I will not let their efforts go in vain."

"You will either become a hero, or you will die, I can\'t let you live if you\'re going to be against me even after you become a hero,"

With a renewed sense of purpose, Valerie descended gracefully from the sky, landing firmly on the ground.

The golden wings behind her armour gradually receded, but the aura of power remained, radiating from her being. She extended her hand toward Velian, offering him a chance to reconsider.

"Velian, I implore you, let us cease this needless violence. Together, we can stand against the encroaching darkness and restore peace to our realm. Will you join me?"

Velian, battered and humbled, contemplated her words. He understood that his reckless aggression had driven him to the brink of defeat. Slowly, he reached out, clasping Valerie\'s outstretched hand, acknowledging her strength and the power of unity.

But was he really going to take her hand and follow her? That question remained in Valerie\'s mind.

"I... I accept, Valerie. I see now that true strength lies not in the relentless pursuit of justice, but in the unity of purpose. Let us stand together and face the demons," he replied, his voice tinged with newfound humility.

Valerie\'s eyes went wide hearing his words because those were the least expected words, she expected to hear from him.

"Wise choice," Valerie said, her voice brimming with sincerity. "I believe that together we can accomplish great things and forge a path towards a better future."

"That\'s right, fighting like this would only worsen our situation,"

Velian smiled, his expression betraying a hint of mischief. His acceptance appeared genuine, his words laced with conviction. But behind that facade, his mind churned with ulterior motives, fueled by a desire to reclaim his lost power.

"Yes, Valerie, let us indeed stand together," Velian replied, his voice carrying an air of calculated agreement. "We shall face the challenges as a united force, bound by a common purpose."

Valerie sensed a flicker of unease but brushed it aside, eager to give Velian the benefit of the doubt. However, she couldn\'t help but wonder if she had underestimated the depth of his cunning.

\'I know Velian, you\'re going to betray me now, but don\'t worry, I have a way to control you, you just have to get close to me\'

She thought and smiled looking at Velian, who was approaching to shake her hand.

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