
Chapter 44 Chasing The Bandits

When the meeting was over Daphnia, Velian and Two sisters also decided to head back home. Delvi quickly excused and went to overlook the other\'s training while Lyra followed us.

"Aunt I will keep watch today so bandits won\'t harm our supplies anymore you don\'t have to worry," Velian said while giving her thumbs up.

She nodded with a slight smile and went on her way. They were walking while creating some villagers on their way home. Zion village had undergone a lot of changes during this time. There are a lot of people travelling on the road unlike in past and the more and more shops started to open selling different things. The most impressive thing about Zion Village was its defensive wall and the huge gate which protected the village from monsters and bandits.

Now that the Village chief decided to retire except for one control structure of the village also greatly changed. Velian is the Leader while Asumi takes the role of overseer until he becomes a little old. Most of the Adults and Children in the village now undergo some training to gain the minimum level of skills to survive in this environment.

Unlike when they were small groups the bartering system cannot complete most of their needs,

While thinking about all these things a question came to Velian\'s mind,

"Why didn\'t the kingdom send some knights or soldiers here to investigate the situation? Looks like they don\'t care about their own territory or Is it another problem?"

"Mom, What do you think about disturbing some currency inside the village instead of the normal Bartering system," Velian asked while looking at Daphnia who was holding his hand while humming a little melody.

"I think it\'s a little too early Veli," She said and Lyra also agreed,

"I think so too brother most of the villagers here don\'t have the basic knowledge of maths or currency so it\'s bound to fail if we implemented it now,"

"I guess you\'re right, let\'s wait a little more then," Velian also agreed to their arguments and decided to wait a little more.

"Sister Lyra, how are your studies and magic training going?"

"It\'s all great brother I\'m reading war tactics and economy management these days,"

We reached home while discussing several things happily. Now that the village had developed a little we decided to move to a little bigger house soon since most of the villagers also wanted them to live in a bigger house because the status of the village leader illustrates the village.

"Mother, I will go on today\'s patrol because I have a feeling that today another attack of bandits will come," Velian said after relaxing a little.

"Darling, can\'t you ask someone else? You\'re at your developing age you need more sleep," She said while Lyra was cooking some meat in the kitchen.

"Don\'t be like that mom, worry not nothing will happen to me," Velian reassured her and they happily ate Lyra\'s meat dish.

Most of the villagers went to their houses when the sun set down and the village takes an abounded look. I decided to join the patrol today to keep an eye on bandits. Delvi also joined and I agreed because it was boring to patrol alone in this silent atmosphere.

"Brother, do you think they will come today?" Delvi asked while keeping an observant eye on the outer wall.

"Most probably I\'m not saying they will definitely come,"

A few more warriors were patrolling the area to cover the whole area and if they spotted any sign of bandits they were supposed to bell the ring and tell others.

It was midnight when something unusual started to happen.

There were few sounds of footsteps coming from the direction of the forest which went unnoticed by many but Velian with his inhuman senses he felt that the bandits came to steal their supplies.

"Delvi wake up, they are here equip your weapons," I whispered to her which she responded with a nod.

"Damn~ these humans sure are rich while we are suffering in that fucking forest," One of the bandits said while looking at the refilled granary and some smoked meats.

"I didn\'t know there was a city here, it wasn\'t here before 2 or 3 months I\'m pretty sure," The other one responded while collecting food into their bags.

There were 4 or 5 bandits in total near the farming area busy collecting their loot while Velian and Others were waiting for them to return to find out their hideout.

After a few chits chatting between the bandits they started to retreat back to their hideout.

"Oi, don\'t you feel a strange scent," One of the bandits said while looking at the other.

"Yeah something is odd, did someone follow us from the village I smell some humans behind us," He panicked a little while pretending they didn\'t notice about humans who are following them.

"Should we drop these things and run or fight back," One of them asks their leader figure.

"Of course, we should fight," Another bandit said but their leader quickly objected to this idea.

"It\'s foolish to fight without knowing our enemy\'s strength and size so we should retreat quickly," He said while giving a sign to others saying run at his signal.

He quickly showed the sign and all the bandits dropped all the heavy stuff and ran carrying the light bags in several directions so as not to lead these humans to their hideout.

"Did we miss them?" One of the bandits shouted while looking back while running but he was flabbergasted from the spectacle happening in front of his eyes.

"W-what the hell is this human? how can he keep us with us?" At these words, all the others frowned and looked at the young man who followed them without even breaking a sweat.

The leader of the current bandit group looked at the youth and noticed that the other humans except this one were unable to keep up with their speeds so he decided to defeat this young man quickly and run back,

"Everyone, quickly defeat that boy before others catch up with us and quickly retreat," He ordered them and got ready to attack the child.

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