
Chapter 485:

  Even like many cities, all kinds of green plants have invaded the city and restored the city to its original natural appearance bit by bit.

  The two stepped on the grass along the road, looking around, not sure if they were lucky today.

  This place seems to be slowly returning to the original forest...

   "The last time Gale Wolf caught the sheep here, right?" Lin Xiajin said.

   "Yes." Xiao Nuo nodded.

  There is a sheep in this piece, there should be a second and a third...

   It is best to have a flock of sheep! Lin Xiajin thought excitedly.

   Blast coyotes suddenly smelled something, and then sneaked in. Lin Xiajin quickly followed after seeing Blast\'s abnormality.

  It\'s a pity that lying on the grass is a dead sheep, most of the flesh on its body has been torn... It seems that it has been bitten by something, and almost only the skeleton remains.

   There are still many flies on the skeleton, buzzing.

   "It was torn apart by other animals." Xiao Nuo looked at the dead sheep and said in a deep voice.

   "Hmm!" Lin Xiajin nodded. It seems that there are not only sheep, but also other ferocious animals here.

   Gale was not interested in the dead sheep, so he rushed to the nearby grass again.


   There are not only trees, but also a lot of weeds. They walked along the road for more than an hour, but they didn\'t find any other animals.

   But I found a railway track, a train track...?

  Lin Xiajin looked along the railway and did not see the train, but instead saw a car overturned.

  Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo walked over, and there were two corpses inside the overturned car, which had already dried up, and there was nothing to see inside.


  Lin Xiajin suddenly heard the howling of the Wind Cub, which was different from usual, but rather hostile and threatening.

   "What happened to the little wolf?" Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, and then ran towards the direction of the wind...

  Passing through two floors of trees, I saw Gale Coyotes under a tall electric base station, and a wild boar on the opposite side.

  There are wild boars here, but it seems that they were artificially bred and then ran out after the end of the world. There are forests here, and there are mountains in the distance.

  Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo\'s eyes lit up when they saw the wild boar...

  The wild boar is more delicious than ordinary domestic pigs, and this wild boar is really big, three or four times the size of Gale Wolf.

  Wild mountain pork is fresh and tender, with strong game flavor and rich nutrition. It contains 17 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, multi-vitamins and trace elements.

  But this wild boar seems to have a good temper...

  Wild boar attacks mainly rely on rapid impact, relying on weight plus speed to generate strength, and then the fangs protruding out of the mouth become the most lethal weapon.

   Moreover, wild boars have very sharp teeth and a strong bite, which can easily bite human bones. When provoked, its attack power is no less than that of a tiger!

  Although Gale Coyotes is much bigger now, it is still not enough to look good compared to wild boars!

  Ordinary pigs only weigh more than 200 catties, and a few wild boars weigh more than 500 catties. This is another adult wild boar.

   "Ao Hu~" Gale Coyotes\'s teeth are not to be outdone.

   A pig and a wolf rushed up quickly. Gale\'s claws were sharper, and a blood trail was left soon after grabbing the pig, with blood beads oozing out.

  The wild boar was anxious about being injured, and attacked even more...especially the wild boar\'s fangs were about to poke the wind coyotes.

  If this is poked, he may not die or be seriously injured. Lin Xiajin rushed up immediately, holding the wild boar\'s head with both hands.

   Regardless of how strong the wild boar is, it still weighs more than 500 catties, but it was also pressed down by Lin Xiajin and couldn\'t move.

  Lin Xiajin grabbed the wild boar with one hand and threw it to the side so hard that the thick trees were broken...?

  Crackling... The tree broke and fell aside, and the wild boar was knocked unconscious...

  Xiao Nuo on the side found that standing up didn\'t help him much, but to be honest, although he was good in melee combat, if he confronted Lin Xiajin head-on, he would only be ravaged.

  If Lin Xiajin has the super healing ability of Wolverine, then Lin Xiajin is really terrifying!

  But Lin Xiajin is full of strength, and now his speed has become more sensitive.

   But it’s like a long-distance attack. It’s not enough to attack Lin Xiajin in a group, it’s not as good as Xiao Nuo...

  Lin Xiajin touched Galewind Little Wolf\'s fluffy head and said, "Not bad!"

   "Aohu~" Gale Wolf nodded excitedly, what he likes most is Lin Xiajin touching its head with an expression of enjoyment.

   "It\'s impossible to keep such a big wild boar!" Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

  The wild boar is not easy to tame, and it is so big, it is still a boar!

  They raise some in their yard, rabbits, chickens and ducks are ok...

   They are really returning to their original life now. If she had known this would happen, she would have lived in the countryside for a while before the end of the world to exercise herself.

   "I can\'t raise it, so I ate it!" Xiao Nuo said.

  Xiao Nuo has already thought of various pork recipes, such as braised pork! Braised pork trotters! etc….

  I believe Lin Xiajin will like it!

   "Hmm!" Lin Xiajin threw the fainted boar into the space, and dealt with it when he returned at night.

  The surrounding woods even have wild boars, and maybe there are other things.

   The two of them walked for a while, and ran down the white figure not far away. The speed was very fast, but Lin Xiajin also saw it.

   "It\'s a rabbit!" Lin Xiajin said in surprise.

  But they were too far away, and they jumped so fast that they disappeared in an instant.

   Gale Coyote chased him out like a gust of wind.

   "Do we need a whole bow and arrow next time we come out..." Lin Xiajin said with a wry smile.

  In the future, they won\'t slowly start to degenerate into hunting.


  They don\'t know how to make bows and arrows, and they don\'t have materials. The pistol is a useless gun after the bullets are exhausted.

  They control firearms in China, so these things are hard to find, especially in the last days.

  If you are in a European country, firearms are not controlled, and almost every family has firearms... This is why European countries have a higher rate of survivors than Asian countries.

   Blast coyotes rushed over, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo followed closely behind, but Blast coyotes didn\'t catch the rabbit.

  Instead, there is a huge deep pit in the middle of it. Visually, there is a 7.8-meter pit, and a rancid smell comes from inside.

  Lin Xiajin couldn\'t help covering his nose, and said, "What smells so bad!"

  Lin Xiajin looked into the pit and saw that it was actually a transport truck with cages behind it, and inside were the carcasses of sheep that hadn\'t escaped...


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