
Chapter 601

“Master can decide who will come. Since Master is strong, even you can handle a lot of rhinos alone, right?” Jewel suggested for me to decide who will come.

“Then Shelia will come. She can have her revenge,” I said.

“I did not lose! That was strategic retreat!” Shelia complained.

Well, that was also surprising for her to decide to retreat in an instant without my order. She was supposed to be a battle freak.

“Okay, okay. I’m just taking you so you can test your strength against them for real this time. I won’t do much unless either of you need help,” I said.

“I can defeat dozens of them by myself. I don’t think I will need your help,” Shelia said confidently.


If that’s what she wants.

Right now, we are in Monsters World where we tested our loots. The magic weapons and items that haven’t been tested yet. There are still many of them that we don’t know what the effects are.

“So, I’ll stay here and test the weapons?” Victoria asked me.

“Yes. Though I’ll take some weapons for the real test. I want to test them in a real battle,” I said.

“Huh? Master, the number of the Lightning Needles reduced. Do you know anything?” Jewel asked with a handful of needles in her hand.

Lightning Needles are what she called those needles that can be used as lightning rod to improve her lightning magic. And instead of ten of them, which was supposed to be all we had after looting everything in Timmy’s treasure vaults, she only has seven of them.

“I gave three of them to Marie hoping that she can make more. They are consumable items after all. One of them can handle being shot by lightning magic only for a few times. So, I think getting Marie to make more of them will be helpful. They don’t need to be as powerful as the ones in your hand, but if we can make more of them, all the lightning mages in our side will be stronger. Those seven are for you to use. While Candy decided that her accuracy is not good enough to use them now. Though she will still be practicing them. But I think seven of them for one rhino is too much. Be wise on when and how you use them,” I advised Jewel.

After hearing that there are some magic items that I want her to duplicate, Marie became so interested in making them that Albert kept sending me messages about it last night. Sonia was so busy informing me how angry he was at me. And since he’s busy, Alan and Lana were told to come and be taken care of by Sophie and the others in Cassau. Though the children happily obliged. Which makes Albert even sadder.

“So, do you have the confidence to stab those needles to the thick rhino’s skin?” I asked Jewel.

“I have practiced a lot. I think I can do well. Just watch me, Master. I can do it,” Jewel said confidently.

Although she returned with injuries back then, she has the confidence to face the boss rhino right now. Well, it’s most likely because I will be there to protect her from the rest of the rhinos. But it’s good to have confidence.

After everything is ready, we left to the field where the Steel Rhinos are. And the boss rhino noticed us quickly.

“Alright, let’s move!”

The three of us dodged the boss rhino’s charge attack, and while Jewel stayed there, Shelia and I split up to take care of the rest of the rhinos.

I have discussed it with Victoria and the others on what to do with them. Should I kill them or not. And we decide to only kill them if it’s necessary. Though Shelia can do whatever she wants. Whether she wants to kill them or not is her decision.

Shelia quickly attracted a lot of rhinos by attacking them. Making them pay attention to her instead of Jewel.

As for me, thanks to becoming Aura Master, I can just show a bit of my power to taunt them. Making them pay attention to me when I’m just standing still.

I brought several weapons with me, but I don’t think I will use most of them. I just picked a walking cane for me to use.

It’s not an ordinary cane. There’s actually a hidden sword inside the cane. Though that sword is normal. It’s the cane itself which is the amazing one. Or should I say the hidden sword’s sheath.

With the sword, I can kill my enemies like usual. But the sheath is more amazing. Since it’s something that needed Aura to use, let’s call it Aura weapon.

This walking cane, when I use Aura with it, it became an amazing tool to capture enemies. Though it will take some time until it can work.

I need to draw something on the ground first. Either it’s a circle, square, triangle, or any other shape as long as it connects. And barrier will rise from the drawing. And anything inside the drawing will be trapped inside by the barrier. The power of the barrier depend on how much I pour my Aura into it.

The drawing part is quite difficult since the enemy won’t stay still. But I can do something about them with the hidden sword inside the cane while I was drawing.

I dragged the cane on the ground with my left hand as I fought the rhinos with the sword in my right hand. And I finally drew a circle with just one rhino in it.

A barrier then raised form the ground and trapped the rhino in it. I also put enough Aura so the rhino won’t be able to break it. Good thing I tested the rhino’s power yesterday. That’s why I can figure out how much Aura needed to trap one rhino in a barrier.

As for how long the barrier will last, it’s just one hour. No matter how much mana or Aura I infuse into the cane, the barrier won’t last longer than that. But it can still be destroyed when it receive enough damage. Either from the inside of the barrier or from the outside. Using physical attack or magic.

But one hour should be enough for Jewel. And I don’t think I will need to test other weapons.

This cane is truly amazing. Though to be able to protect myself from powerful magic, I need to use Super Aura. But when we face weaker enemies, this should be good enough.

And it might not show, but the barrier also exist under the ground as well. So no one can escape from underground. And the height is also limited as well. That depends on the thing inside the barrier.

The height of the barrier is about two meters higher than whatever inside the drawing. If it’s a five meter tree, the barrier should be around seven meters. And it will also cover two meters under the root of the tree as well.

It was truly amazing. Whether it’s something discovered in a dungeon or created by someone, this cane is amazing. Though I don’t think I can use it against master level mages, or any flying enemies. I need to draw the shape on the ground after all. And master level mages should be quick enough to cast their magic before I finish my drawing. Even if I finish the drawing, they should be strong enough to destroy the barrier unless I put my everything into it.

But this is still good enough for expert level mages or lower. I can draw a huge circle around a city and protect everyone inside for an hour. Though I will end up consuming all my Aura to do it. But I have Ray so I can recover it quickly.

The trapped rhino is panicking because it can’t do anything. And I also keep moving to trap the other rhinos.

I made various drawing on the ground. A circle, a square, a triangle, flower shape, star shape, and some random shape. I easily captured a lot of them.

I also tested if I can use it for a trap. Like drawing a huge circle, but the line got cut off for a meter or so. I just need to draw the finishing touch and the barrier will be erected. Trapping everything inside.

“As expected. Practicing it in the real thing is better thanjust training alone. Though it will be difficult to do it while facing human enemies,” I said to myself.

Let’s see how Shelia is doing. She’s facing several rhinos at once. A rhino is charging at her, but she stopped it. Though she got pushed back quite far.

Well, seeing her smiling, I guess I don’t need to help her. Let’s see how Jewel is doing.

Thanks to her training with me, she can dodge the boss rhino’s attack well. Though it’s difficult for her to penetrate its skin or stab the Lightning Needles into the boss rhino. She has thrown two needles, but one of them missed, while the other one couldn’t even pierce the rhino’s eyelid and fell.

Seems like it will be hard for her to win. Though it’s still possible. I’ll just trust her and watch her from the side.

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