
Chapter 595

The vault is opened and I can now see well with my Divine Vision. This is such a great finding!

The gold didn’t amount as much as the other two places, but there are many magical items here enough to give to a whole army. Even if we took what we need, we can still give the rest to the four kingdoms. This should be enough to make Albert happy.

But if it’s this much, I don’t think Jeremy can handle everything. I guess I’ll take some of the magical weapons for him to appraise. The rest can be handled by the four kingdoms.

“Carmen, Bernard, Arturo can take all the gold. And separate other items from the gold. Get your appraiser to appraise them and then share all the effects that they have with me and the other kingdoms. I think it’s best for you guys to get some items as well. Though I need you to prioritize my clan’s equipment first. After we grab everything we needed, the rest can be shared by the kingdoms,” I said.

“Is it that many? How big is this vault? I didn’t see any items yet. Just the gold,” Bernard said.

“There are some more hidden rooms here. Each filled with various items. I guess the gold is just here to distract those who found it first by chance. Unless they are expert level earth mages. Only expert level earth mages can see more hidden rooms,” I said.


After we destroyed the dungeon, the vault opened. But it didn’t show everything. There are still more hidden rooms either under the vault, or behind the wall.

Fortunately, my Divine Vision can see them. Which mean the effect that cover my sight only work until this place was opened. Now that it has been opened,I can see everything clearly.

Though there might still some places where my Divine Vision can’t see. I guess I should check the places more.

“Luna, if you can see more stuffs, tell me right away, okay?” I asked Luna to tell me whatever she sees with her Future Sight.


For now, I’m waiting until all the gold has been gathered. I will transport them all first to Arturo. As for the rest, we will look more after the gold has all been transported.

Kayla and Angela are still checking for more. They also seem to notice that there are more hidden rooms.


All of a sudden, Luna gasped. She must have seen something.

“What is it, Luna?” I asked. Carmen was also curious. As for the troops from Arturo, none of them seem to know that Luna can see the future. They just thought that Carmen brought Luna to play.

“Someone is coming,” Luna said.

Seeing how calm she is, I think the one who is coming won’t give us much trouble. But let’s just ask her anyway.

“Who is coming?” I asked.

“A loser,” Luna replied.

A loser? That’s a terrible way of saying it. Carmen needs to scold Luna to not say such word without thinking.

Well, that must be because of my influence. As expected, I’m such a bad influence to everyone. I’ll just admit it myself. Not because Carmen is glaring daggers at me. Yeah.

“So, we will fight someone and that person will lose? Is that what you see?” I asked Luna.

“Someone is coming, and pick a fight. And he will lose after a while,” Luna said.

After a while? Not instantly? That person must be quite strong then.

“How many of them?” I asked again.

“Just one man. Angela defeated him later,” Luna said.

Angela did? And it’s after a while? Then he should at least be an expert level mage. Stronger than average at least.

Someone quite powerful is picking a fight against us. And he lost. I don’t think he’s a strong mage, but he could be a good practice partner.

But Luna didn’t tell us in detail. That means it’s not worth thinking hard about it for her. Though I’ll just inform Kayla and Angela about it.

“Kayla, Angela, and Carmen as well, come here for a bit!” I asked the expert level mages to come.

Kayla and Angela stopped their search and gathered around me.

“Luna said that someone is coming. He should at least be an expert level mage. Stronger than average expert level mage at least. Anyone of you want to face him?” I asked the three expert level mages.

“I’ll fight him. If it’s Angela, she could defeat him quickly. And I’m the weakest expert level mage here even though I reached that level faster then these two. I need more fighting experience.”

The one who stepped forward was Carmen. If it’s this way, I shouldn’t have told Angela and Kayla to come over.

“Well, we can continue the search later. I’m interested in the fight as well,” Kayla said. And Angela nodded hearing Kayla’s reply.

I guess these two are bored. Well, that’s fine. I can take care of looking for the hidden rooms.

Oh, seems like he’s coming. Luna didn’t say when he would come, so I guess it’s right now.

Since he’s flying quite fast, his wind element should have reached expert level. But what surprised me was that he noticed that I’m looking at him from quite far.

That can only mean one thing. He is a master level mage. And Luna sees Angela defeated him quickly?

He must be hiding his skill for some reason.

“Carmen, be careful. He’s strong,” I told Carmen to not let down her guard.

“Why? He’s a master level mage or something?” Angela said jokingly. But that was quite the correct answer.

“That’s right. He’s a master level mage. Carmen, if you’re not confident, you can step back. That guy is pretending that he didn’t notice someone is watching him. He should be holding back during the fight. That’s why Angela could defeat him easily in Luna’s vision,” I said.

“A master level mage!? Is he a member of the cult?” Carmen asked.

Carmen was quite loud and everyone then looked this way. They must be curious about what we’re currently discussing.

This is what Luna couldn’t tell. And this could be the worst opponent we have so far.

A tricky master level mage. I can also see how he slowed down on purpose to let me think that he’s just an advanced level wind mage.

“Well, let’s delay the treasures looting for later. Let’s face him outside since it’s safer. Although he can fly, it should be fine if he’s holding back,” I said.

Everyone stopped their work as we went outside the vault. I had Luna, Bernard, and the others transported somewhere safe before we face the opponent.

Angela, Kayla, Carmen, and I are waiting for the guy to come. Ray is also with me here. Defeating this opponent should be easier with Ray here.

“...I’ll face him by myself. If he hides his power, I should be able to defeat him,” Carmen said.

“Okay. I can take care of the rest later. Until he arrives, Kayla and I will be the only ones talking. The two of you should stay quiet,” I said.

The opponent is a wind mage. I don’t know if it’s his wind element that has reached master level or not, but we should be careful. After all, master level wind mages are capable of hearing sounds from far away. They used wind magic to make sound travels to their ears. So, as long as there’s a sound, they could hear it if it’s not blocked.

Kayla and I then talked about the treasures we found and act like the incoming guy unable to hear us. I can see him smiling when we mentioned treasures. He might be the leader of the bandits who used the dungeon as their base.

Soon enough, he arrives. A man who seems to be in his twenties. To be able to reach master level at his age must be something.

Though he might be older than it seems. He’s a master level mage after all.

“Hey, you! Where are my people who stayed in this place!?” the man asked as soon as he landed in front of us.

As expected, he’s the leader of the bandits group. And he seems to know us a bit.

No, it’s not us. Just Kayla and Angela. He must have seen them participating in the tournament. I can feel fighting spirit coming out of him. I guess he is interested in being the strongest mage.

“They are arrested obviously. They are bandits. Who are you?” I asked the man.

“I don’t need to tell you who I am. I will defeat you all and see what you’re hiding behind you,” the man said confidently.

“You think you can defeat us by yourself?” I provoked the man.

“Just because she won that stupid tournament, doesn’t mean that she’s the strongest in the world. The world is bigger than that. I’ll show you why right here, right now.”

Wow. As expected, my provocation didn’t work. He’s such a tricky opponents. He must be holding back so he can throw an unexpected attack to us later when we think we’re winning.

“You won’t get the chance to fight her. Carmen, you can fight him now,” I said.

She should be at a disadvantage here. The man can fly. As for Carmen, she’s a water element mage. And there’s no lake or river nearby. Can she win even when her opponent is holding back? I’ll just see what will happen.

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