
Chapter 563

“I said, my name is Roy. The only Aura user left in this world who returned back to the past to prevent the world’s destruction,” I repeat what I said.


After a few moment of silence, the place is filled with laughter. All the ghosts here who have returned to their human form that they have back when they were alive, are all laughing. They must be thinking that I’m a crazy person who spoke nonsense.

Well, that can’t be helped. Telling people that I came from the future, they must be thinking that I’m crazy. And preventing the world’s destruction? I’m basically telling everyone that I’m crazy.

Especially to these old people who are much older than Victoria and Sonia who have lived as monsters for the past thousand years. It’s so hard to convince old people. They are stuck with their traditional mindset. Especially if no one has talked to them for a thousand years. They won’t believe anything I said.

“Wait! He spoke the truth!”


Suddenly, a woman said that I spoke the truth. Among the people here, since everyone has their material form except Sonia, only those I bring with me and this woman didn’t laugh.

“Wait, your Aura ability lets you detect lies?” I asked the woman.

“Sort of. I can see through everything and I can even see your heartbeat. I defeated an All-seeing Eye to get this power. Unless you are professional con artist, you truly spoke the truth,” the woman said.

“Oh, my! What a coincidence! I also defeated an All-seeing Eye to get similar power! We have the same Aura ability! I called it Divine Vision. What about you?”

I got excited hearing that someone have the same power as me. And seeing she’s a woman, I don’t think she has any perverted intention.

Though I didn’t get this ability because I’m a pervert. I truly want to be able to see everything so I can make a good decision that will help me survive any hardship.

“You have See-through Vision as well? Wait, your name sounds much better. Divine Vision, was it? That’s better since it consist of other things than just seeing through objects. Though it’s kind of disturbing that a man has this ability,” the woman said.

“Don’t worry. Like I said, I came from the future. And I’m not an idiot who wants something perverted after knowing the world will come to an end. I want this power so I have the ability to make a decision quickly since it helps me see things from afar. As for the see-through vision, that’s a bonus that I won’t refuse,” I said.

The woman with Divine Vision is a beautiful woman who doesn’t seem to be older than thirty. Not just her. The other women here are all young. Did they die young? Or is it because of the effect of Aura or mana that preserves their youth? I don’t know. And I won’t ask. In the end, everyone here is over a thousand years old at least.

As for the men, I can tell that they don’t care about their appearance. Some grows beard and look old, but they seem very healthy and strong.

“Wait, so the world is truly coming to an end? And you came from the future?” Clarence who is the youngest asked me as the representative of the other Aura users.

“Before that, I’m going to ask something else first. It will take some time to explain. Is it true that Aura ability can be inherited through blood? Like to your children or even skip generation and to your grand children right away?” I asked.

“That is possible. And you can call me Mona. I’ll be your guide from now on as well since the youngest is too shocked. Anyway, I have met some kids who were born with Aura ability even when their parents or even their grandparents were not Aura users. So, yeah. It’s possible. Why ask?” Mona, the woman with Divine Vision, explained to me.

“Actually, the king of this land we’re in, have Aura ability. He can detect lies. And the new king of Arturo Kingdom on the east of the continent and his sister also has Aura ability. They can see a little bit into the future. The new king can see a few seconds ahead, but the princess can see up to one minute,” I said.

I thought that if I told them about Albert, Fabio, and Luna, the ancient Aura users will think that the current kings are their descendants. But it seems like none of the ancient Aura users here think so. I guess I won’t find Albert’s ancestor here.

“I actually have the same ability as the siblings you mentioned. I can see a bit into the future. But I don’t have any descendant,” a man said.

So, he died single. I feel sad for him.

“Don’t look at me like that! I enjoy being alone!”

“Let’s ignore him for now. Anyway, can I really do anything here before I took the test?” I asked Mona since she became my guide now.

“That’s right. You cut the tree and the ground sunk, right? If you die, the tree and the ground will return back to normal. If you succeed the ground on the surface will return to normal, but the tree won’t regrow and this place will disappear. At least that’s what I heard from the previous test taker, who heard it from the previous taker before that, and who heard it from-”

“I get it. So, I can come and go anytime I want until I took the test, right? And I can use portal to move somewhere even after I took the test, right?” I asked.

“You’re a summoner, huh? I see that you have a rare Black Slime with you. And she’s the youngest’s disciple? That’s a weird familiar you have. Anyway, you’re right. Even though this place is to test Aura user, the use of magic is not forbidden. So, yeah. You can use portal to leave and return here anytime you want. Though it seems like it’s impossible to come back here again unless you leave one familiar behind. And you need to use portal again to come back here. Which is why those who have left never returned,” Mona explained.

“Well, I have no problem with that. Victoria here can create clones, and I can connect each clones with portal. So, I can return anytime I want. But before we continue, I think I need to give you some explanations first,” I said as I opened some portals. One is to the audience seat where Kayla and the others are watching, and some others are to the kings of different countries.

“Ancient Aura users, the four kings of the countries in this continent. Kings, you have watched everything,” I said.

Good thing Kayla brought cameras with her. She and Jewel send the signal so the kings can see what’s going on.

“Whoa, portals are amazing. And Victoria can make clones as well? That’s cheating,” Clarence said.

Not just him, Mona, the old single Aura user, and everyone else is also in awe seeing how useful portal is. Especially after combining it with monster that can create clones.

Kayla and the others then entered the portal without hesitation and enter the testing ground. And I had them to explain everything to the ancient Aura users.

As for me, I opened some more portals and get Spot, Shelia and the werewolves, Graham and the angels, and Arin and the werewolves. I also called Lina and the others who didn’t come here.

As the kings and the others finished explaining, the ancient Aura users take some time to sort their mind after hearing everything.

“Evil God...”

“He killed everyone!?”

“He was sealed and possibly still alive even now?”

“Monsters World? And it will be destroyed as well!?”

The ancient Aura users were shocked to hear that. And I hope if the creator of this place is still there behind the door, he could hear everything as well.

That way, I don’t need to explain everything again.

“I see. You have it rough. Anyway, is there anything you want to do after telling us all that? You even brought in more people with you. Though this place is large, so you’re free to do it,” Mona said.

As she said, this place is large. It’s probably half the size of the capital. And Albert is looking around in shock knowing that there’s a huge place like this right under the capital.

“Before that, if this place disappear, the capital on the surface won’t sink into the ground, right?” Albert asked.

“It seems that the creator of this place was a powerful earth mage. Even though he could be an Aura Master, his earth magic seem to be reaching master level. That’s why you don’t have to worry about your capital sinking,” Mona explained.

That’s great news. I would also feel conflicted if the capital is gone.

“I brought everyone here because of a reason. Training. These people and monsters are those who will help me destroy the cult. I want you all to help me be our sparring partners. Although the enemy is not Aura users, learning how to fight is important,” I said.

The ancient Aura users then gather around and discussed something before making a decision. And as the representative, Mona said their decision.

“Fine. We will be your sparring partners. We have died and have no interest in the world of living. And if it’s you, you might be able to clear the test. If you clear the test, not just this place will be gone. We who were stuck in this place will disappear as well. But that’s fine. If it means we helped the training of an Aura users, our extinction is not a problem. We’re bored to stay here forever anyway,” Mona said.

And with that, we have gotten the strongest sparring partners we can get. I won’t miss this chance.

And my anger toward the tree has disappeared. I’m glad that I came here.

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