
Chapter 446 - Easy Victory For The Vampires

Chapter 446 – Easy Victory For The Vampires

It\'s the vampires\' first mission after entered our world. They will start living here from now on, so I want to see if they can obey the rule, follow order, and hopefully, they can be independent.

Although there are some vampires who don\'t want to follow Albert and become soldiers, I want to see them in the mission as well.

The five of us, me, Angela, Shirley, Veronica, and Wendy, will watch over them. In case they try to escape, or the bandits managed to escape them.

"Oh, I can see them," the Vampire Queen, Arin, said.

"I thought you can see them from further here. You did saw me when I arrive at your castle, right?" I asked.

"Rather than seeing, it was more of sensing your presence. And I somehow can tell when you are looking. I can tell where you were before is because you are watching me. As for the group you called bandits, I know where they are but I can\'t see them.," Arin said.

"So, you can tell someone\'s presence, and if they are watching you, you will know instantly?" I asked.

"That\'s about it. Well, I don\'t know how to explain this. And it seems like we can get this power once we become either the queen or the king," Arin explained.

At least Arin can tell someone\'s presence. I will talk to Albert about this. Maybe, he will ask her to live in the capital. That way, the capital will be safer since there\'s someone who can detect presence.

"Anyway, I have a question. How do vampires raise their rank?" Wendy asked.

"Oh, right. Why aren\'t there more kings or queens?" I also asked Arin.

"To raise our rank, we needed to fight more and defeat powerful enemies. I managed to become a queen after defeating a Giant Salamander on my own," Arin said.

Oh, a Giant Salamander? I also managed to defeat one in the past. Back when I was much weaker than I am now. Back when I was disguising myself as a living armor. And the armor I wore was something similar to a flying mammal. And I… also wearing the fishnet stocking.

Now that I don\'t need the fishnet stocking anymore. It\'s in the possession of Sophie who would wear them from time to time. Especially at night.

I hope the stocking can protect her. But I hope even more that the time when the stocking will be of use would never happen.

Sophie doesn\'t want to join the war. Her personality is not well-suited for killing people. She will stay at home and protect the children.

"Should we attack them right away?" Arin asked.

Now that we have gotten closer to the bandits, we stopped. We are hidden by the trees in the forest. And since the vampires have good eyesight, all of them can see the bandits. Though that\'s not the case for the humans except me.

"You will decide how to do it yourself. I want to see how you can handle it," I said to Arin.

Arin looked around at the vampires, and quickly make a decision. I guess she\'s a capable leader. Unlike the Vampire King.

"For now, we will split our group in three. Each will have ten people. I will lead one group, Carrie will lead the second group, and the third group will be led by Eve," Arin said.

Originally, the vampires came from two sides. The Vampire Queen\'s side, and the Vampire King\'s.

Getting them to work together is difficult. That\'s why Arin split the group with Carrie leading the group of vampires from the remains of the Vampire King\'s army.

As for Eve, she\'s the vampire who made a contract with our summoner whose name I can\'t remember. Even the name of this vampire, I can only remember it after Arin said it.

Since she has stayed in this world longer than the other vampires, even if it\'s just one day longer, she will lead a group herself.

"Each group will attack from different sides. They have more numbers, but we should be fine. After killing one, drink their blood and move on. Don\'t drink their blood dry. We need to show Roy that we can also choose to capture the enemies instead of killing them. Only kill them if there\'s no other choice," Arin said.

Wow, she\'s sharp! Had she told them to kill everyone, it would be harder for me to trust them. But if they choose to capture them, Albert can give them various mission. Not just to kill.

Maybe it\'s best to build them a prison. All the vampires will be the warden. And those captured will never leave. They can only be the vampires\' meal. And we don\'t have to worry about the vampires attacking other people if they can be satisfied with just that.

Well, I will see how this mission goes first. And there will be other mission that they need to take during this one month of trials.

The vampires departed. Meanwhile, we also leave to watch them.

Angela will watch Arin\'s group, Veronica will watch over Carrie\'s group, and Wendy and Shirley will watch Eve\'s group.

As for me, I don\'t need to move as I can watch everything from here.

The three groups advanced at the same time. And the unprepared bandits were surprised. But still, the bandits are human mages. They can attack the vampires from distance.

But the same can be said to the vampires as they use Blood Bullets to shoot at the bandits. Still, the power difference is too great. The vampires are more used in close combat than attacking from long distance.

They had no choice but to endure the enemies\' magic. And that\'s no problem for the vampires who can regenerate as long as their heart is not destroyed.

It was easy to enter the bandit lair. And the first group who managed it first was Carrie\'s group.

Well, that\'s to be expected since they have experience fighting humans. Although they didn\'t manage to kill even one of us, they still have experience in fighting against magic.

Carrie did not participate in the war since her job was to fight me. But the others in her group did. They might have given some suggestion in dealing with magic.

As the first group that managed to defeat the enemies in front of them first, they are also the first who will taste the blood of human.

…I can see their ecstatic state after drinking a bit of blood. And they about to suck them dry, until other vampires who haven\'t drank yet stopped them and reminded them to not kill them. And when it\'s time for them to drink the blood, they are stopped from drinking too much by those who drank it first.

As for Arin\'s group, even though she\'s the first one to drink blood, she can still maintain her rationality and stopped from drinking too much. Since she\'s the queen, it\'s easy for her to stop the others.

And then, for Eve\'s group. I think Eve had tasted human\'s blood when she explored this world with her summoner. That\'s why she didn\'t drink any and watch over the other vampires.

I guess she has been taught well by her master.

The vampires managed to capture thirty bandits. They have drunk the bandits\' blood enough to make them faint. And even those who didn\'t faint, they don\'t have enough power to move. That\'s one way to stop them from moving.

But that means there are still twenty bandits. Though since the vampires outnumber them this time, it won\'t be a problem.

Some wind mages tried to escape via the sky, but they were stopped by the vampires as they have spread the Blood Wings on their back. The vampires flying speed are actually slower than the wind mages, but they used the blood they consumed to boost their speed. It was easy to catch them.

Finally, there\'s only one man left. The bandit leader.

He came out wearing magic robes to protect himself. I know that one. That\'s quite expensive, but they are commonly used during the war. Especially by hunters.

Though that is useless as the vampires didn\'t use magic. Does blood magic count as magic? Is that even magic?

Seeing how Arin easily slashed her Blood Sword at the bandit leader, the magic robe is useless against vampire.

And as the queen, she grabbed the leader and bite on his neck to drink his blood. After she has enough, she dropped the bandit leader on the ground and cheered for their victory.

"Well, that was surprisingly fast. The vampires are so strong. How did you manage to stop them?" Angela asked Shirley as we all entered the lair.

I\'m also curious about it since I didn\'t see it myself.

"Well, Albert is a good leader. And none of us have been bitten by them," Shirley said.

I don\'t know because I only see the result and not the process. And since Albert can do it without any casualty, I can expect more from him.

Now, what to do with these fifty bandits? I can\'t just bring this many people to Cassau.

Well, since the vampires have shown us what they can do, I don\'t think there\'s any reason to let the bandits live.

For now, I\'ll put the Magic Restraining Collar on the bandits.. They won\'t be able to do anything else anymore.

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