
Chapter 194 - A New Monster Appears

It has been one week since Jewel became my disciple. We only went for training about three times a week. Other time, I went to the sea for treasure hunting.

After that day, Kron went to Mellian so he can grow some muscle by training with the guards. I bet Hill is extremely happy. Not just Kron is coming, he\'s also gaining some muscles. I\'m fine as long as he no longer targeting me.

As for the others, they don\'t take part in the training every time. Other than Jewel who is my disciple, the others only participate about once or twice a week. It\'s fine. They should learn things moderately. They don\'t need to force themselves to do it.

But the training does work for them. They told me that they gained a bit of stamina after training. Although it\'s obviously not much since they only trained for a bit.

Today, we\'re not training. I will go diving today, and I spent the whole night cultivating my air element.

I don\'t see much progress in my cultivation. I think I\'m not quite talented in magic. But the improvement in any element is important for my growth, so I refuse to give up. And I think once my air element reached intermediate level, I can make other people near me breathe underwater. Then I could have them come with me to the underwater dungeon I\'ve seen.

I haven\'t entered that dungeon yet. I have discussed with Victoria and Kayla about the underwater dungeon, and that I needed Kayla to go with me so I can have a healer. Then, I will be the only person who can conquer underwater dungeon. Although no one will know about it.

That\'s why I keep cultivating my air element. And thanks to the Giant Salamander\'s scales leftovers, I can make more container capable to endure even more air pressure. Then turning those magic stones\' elements into air element will be faster.

At this rate, maybe I can reach intermediate level in a few months. Compared to how fast the others are cultivating, my cultivation rate is quite slow. That\'s just proof of how talented the others are.

As for summoning element, I can tell that I\'m about to breakthrough. Maybe today, if I encounter a strong monster, I will be able to reach intermediate level then. And that\'s why I\'m in a hurry to go to the sea as soon as possible.

"Victoria. When I reach intermediate level, what should I do? Should I go to the Monsters World and make a contract with another monster or not? What should I prepare before going there? And what new ability will you gain?" I asked Victoria while on the way to the sea.

"Well, of course before you\'re going there, you need preparation first. Probably some food and water supply since we don\'t know where you can obtain them yet. Once you decided on the schedule, you can unsummon me back to that world first so when you opened up a portal, I will put you in a safe location. Then we can search together for a monster you want to make a contract with. As for my new ability, you can see it later. You\'ll be surprised. Anyway, what kind of monster do you want to be contracted with?" Victoria asked.

Hmm… there are many options. Maybe there are a summoner among the monsters in that world. If I can make a contract with them, I can summon as many monsters as I want by ordering that monster. Wait, no! I need a safe place first. Maybe I\'ll start with finding monster who own a territory and the leader of its group. That way, I can build a safe house in that location and I can go there whenever I\'m in trouble in this world. That would be perfect.

"A leader of a territory, I guess? I want to build a safe house where I can go whenever I want. When I enter that world, I can return whenever I want, right?" I asked Victoria about that world.

"Yes. But I think it\'s better if you stay there until you find your target monster. That way, you can encounter more monsters while practicing as well. the monsters in that world are more varies than in this world, and also stronger. So you can improve faster over there. Either in your summoning element, or your Aura, or even both. Then you might also find some Pear-y Fruit in that world for Lina, or any one of the kids who awakened as summoner."

Staying over in an unknown world filled with powerful monsters… That\'s too difficult. Even before I reached intermediate in my air element, I should learn how to step on air first before I entered that world.

That\'s why, while I\'m going to the sea, I tried to walk on air as practice. So far, I can step three times on air. That\'s good, but not enough if I encounter any flying monsters.

After a while walking and practicing, I have reached the sea! I can proudly say that I can take four steps on air now! Still not enough, but that\'s a progress!

When I\'m about to enter the usual spot, I see that there\'s a different type of monster than what I usually see around here. And like me, that monster can walk on water. It doesn\'t use Aura to do it, but I guess it must be magic.

Don\'t tell me that thing is the boss around the area here?

Its appearance is that of a… what is it? Its whole body is blue like the sea, walking on two legs and has two arms like human. And it even equipped with weapon! A spear-like weapon, but there are three pointy blades at the end of that spear. It\'s about the same height as I am. And seeing its gill, and its webbed fingers, I can tell that it\'s a powerful sea monsters, but still dare to challenge me outside of water.

…wait, we\'re above water, so that thing is still superior than me. Since it can also use water magic, I\'m totally at disadvantage while fighting that monster. Anyway, what is that monster called?

"Victoria, what is that thing?"

"Hmm… what is it again? I don\'t know. Most of sea creatures are still undiscovered, so we don\'t have names for most of it. Maybe this one is still undiscovered as well. You can name it however you want then." Victoria said.

"Really? I can name it however I want? How about James?"

"…that\'s a human name. Not the name of a species. Why don\'t you see first if that monster has intellect and able to speak or not? If it can, you can just ask that thing what kind of species it is."

"I guess you\'re right. For now, let\'s call it Fishman from Fishmen species. If that thing can talk, we\'ll ask it."

I then approached the Fishman while also walking on the surface of the water, and raised my hand for greeting.

"Hello! I come in peace. I\'m a human being, Roy. What\'s your name and your species?" I politely introduce myself and ask for the other party\'s name and species.


The Fishman roared at me with hostility. I guess it can\'t speak. And I don\'t think Rra is its name, nor is it it\'s species. It\'s just angry at me. Probably since I\'m the one killing the monsters in this area.

Then after screaming at me, without any warning, the Fishman attacked me with its water magic.

The Fishman made pillars of water raised from behind it, and it shoot the water pillar at me. I dodged them all easily, and one of the pillars I dodged, hit a reef behind me and made a hole in that reef.

"Damn! If I got hit by that thing, I\'ll die with a hole in my body!"

"That Fishman is strong! Probably the boss of this area! I\'m sure if we defeat it, your summoning level will increase!"

"You think it will be easy? That magic is so powerful that I can only dodge it! I\'m considering of running away now." I said.

"You can\'t! If you do, that Fishman might cause problem to the sea! That Fishman is unable to speak, but it\'s smart enough to wait for you to come and challenge you. If you escape, who knows what kind of problem it can cause. Seeing those water pillars, I\'m sure that Fishman is the one responsible in sinking those boats."

"I see… By the way, you called it Fishman as well. Does that mean the name is official?"

"You\'re thinking about that now? How about you kill it first? Fishman is a simple name that anyone can come up with, so it won\'t be strange if someone already named that monster Fishman." Victoria said.

"That mean I have to be more creative. Victoria, let\'s kill that fish face!"

Seems like running away is not an option. I guess I will have to risk my life to defeat this thing.

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