
Chapter 38 Rain's Plan

On an isolated island, far from the Holmes Family\'s Mansion in Karoon City, stood a modest two-story house.

The plain exterior featured a small garden in front and a gravel driveway leading to the entrance.

Inside, the sparsely furnished hall held only a wooden table and a couple of chairs.

A staircase led up to the second floor, where the bedrooms were located.

The master bedroom was the largest, with a king-sized bed dominating the room\'s center.

Despite its elegance, the room was in disarray. Sheets and pillows were scattered as if the man had tossed and turned all night.

Clothes lay in a pile on the floor, and an empty pizza box sat on the nightstand beside the bed. 

Yet, despite the chaos, the room held a certain charm. A large window overlooked the garden, and a chandelier hung from the ceiling.

The man in the bed was a sight to behold, with chiseled features and a strong jawline.

His messy hair fell in waves around his face, and his toned body was visible under the rumpled sheets.

He slept soundly, undisturbed by the disorder around him.

His breathing was slow and steady, indicating that he was in a deep slumber.

It was unclear how long he had been asleep, but it seemed he had exhausted himself before finally succumbing to sleep.

His clothes and the pizza box hinted that he had been up late, working or partying, and had finally crashed in the early hours of the morning.

Despite the mess, the man\'s peaceful expression suggested that he was at ease with himself and the world, at least for the time being.

After some time, Rain slowly opened his pair of black eyes.

The sunlight streamed in through the window of his portable house, and he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the brightness.

"Good morning," he said with a yawn, rubbing his eyes.

As you may have guessed, Rain who had been imprisoned by the plot before, finally got his freedom.

He stretched his arms and scratched his head, feeling the stiffness from a long night of celebrating. 

Still, he was able to get a good sleep.

He was so happy last night after gaining his freedom. 

"This bed is so comfortable, and this portable House is also good." Rain commented.

Yeah, the bed on which Rain slept was an artifact.

► [Comfy bed – Rare high-tier 

─The artifact is made of high-quality materials, including a sturdy wooden frame and a soft, plush mattress.

─The bed has a simple yet elegant design, with clean lines and a neutral color palette that suits any decor.

─The mattress is covered in a luxurious fabric that feels cool to the touch and provides excellent support for the body.

─When used, the Comfy Bed works its magic by quickly restoring the user\'s stamina.

─But the bed\'s real magic lies in its unparalleled comfort. The mattress is so soft and supportive that it feels like sleeping on a cloud.

─The fabric is breathable, preventing the user from becoming too warm or sweaty during the night.

─The bed\'s frame is also designed to be sturdy and stable, ensuring that the user is not disturbed by creaks or wobbles during the night.]

And the portable mansion, where he was staying both of them were bought by Rain from the black market.

When he went to collect the hidden pieces from Black Market, he liked them from the first sight. 

"The Black Market sure has some good things." Rain couldn\'t help but remark. 

Still, it was surprising how Rain got on this unknown island. 


After studying like a bookworm in the library for a few days, Rain gained all the basic knowledge of this world.

He also remembered the whole plot.

Therefore, he noted down everything in some books as a PDF in the system.

However, after comparing it with the real world, he concluded that there were some loopholes and plot holes in the game\'s plot.

For example, some things happened without any explanation, as if they were written that way just because the author wanted them to.

Rain knew the reason for some of these plot holes from his memories, but he realized that the world would fill these gaps naturally, even if he didn\'t want to be involved with the main characters.

So, he came up with an idea that he would not affect them directly but indirectly.

Before he got involved with them, he would intentionally be indirectly involved with them.

Then, Rain started thinking about restoring his rank.


After outdoor training, his rank was now E, and he was just on the verge of breaking through E+.

Although he still lacked something, it was bearable.

He started working on his plan, which was to cut all of his death flags. 

After all, as someone said, 

"There is always a cause for every effect."

But what if you remove the cause? 

Rain pondered how to prevent his death in the game and came up with a solution: he would remove the cause of his death by giving his former acquaintances what they wanted.

After he died because he was getting in the way of what they wanted. 

Kaya desired the head position of the family, while Emma wanted to terminate the engagement.

Rain\'s parents didn\'t ask for anything, but they were troubled by not being able to help their friends (Emma\'s Parents).

Charles felt guilty about his inability to do anything about his brother\'s and sisters-in-law\'s death.

Despite his sympathy for his parents, Rain was determined to cut ties with them to avoid future trouble.

He also decided to break off with the Holmes Family, too. He did all of this to gain his freedom because even if he cut ties, his every action would still be monitored, and cutting ties with them would give Kaya some relief.

Some old dogs of the Holmes family would continue to pressure him to work if he stayed, so Rain left to avoid further problems.

However, It was worth noting that the things he gave to everyone weren\'t his, but rather the Protagonist\'s. 


In the storyline, Kaya and the protagonist got married, making him the head of the family.

Emma also married the protagonist, and Rain\'s engagement was dissolved as a result.

Rain was disowned by his family, even though his parents silently supported him from behind the scenes.

But all of it was futile. 

Rain remembered how much his mother cried after hearing news of his death. 

In the absence of Rain, his father became the temporary head of the family, while Kaya held the main position.

However, Rain\'s parents were never seen in the novel or the game again. 

"In this life, I should at least make those people guilty for what they did." Rain had decided. 

He vowed to live a happy life, never forgiving those who wronged him.

He intended to become their heart disease, a constant reminder of their misdeeds. 

Regarding Arya, Rain had helped her enter high society, and she fared well.

Although he didn\'t hate her, he didn\'t particularly like her either.

He recognized that, without his support, she would have been vulnerable to mistreatment by arrogant members of high society.

"I wonder how long she will last before the protagonist saves her. Will she break down before the protagonist saves her?" Rain wondered. 

In his previous life, Rain had learned from Mark\'s side story that Mark had always wanted to become friends with him. 

Therefore, this time, Rain decided to make that wish come true.

"I\'m glad I could help Mark avoid a bad ending. He deserved better," Rain thought.

Rain also gave his mother an elixir that he had obtained from one of the corpses in Blood Mountain.

Although the elixir was of lower quality than the one he had consumed, Rain hoped that it would help his mother become an SS-ranker.

He knew that strength would be essential in the coming years as the world descended into chaos.

"I hope this elixir will help my mother. She\'s always supported me, and I want to do what I can for her. After all, this might be the last time I help her." Rain thought.

Rain also gave the elixir recipe to his father, which would provide more funds for the family.

However, the main reason he gave his father the recipe was that someone else had used it to rise in the plot.

It was a Merchant Queen, and Rain felt a sense of satisfaction in stealing her chance.

Although she still had many opportunities, this would delay her rise.

Rain enjoyed causing trouble for the heroines. "I can\'t help but feel a little pleased that I caused problems for the Merchant Queen.

It\'s fun to mess with the heroines and see them struggle," Rain thought.


[A day before Rain\'s birthday] 

Rain woke up early in the morning and prepared all the necessary envelopes and videos.

He had asked Mark to find a good lawyer to help him gain some knowledge, but the real reason was to sever ties with the Holmes Family without any complications.

Soon the lawyer came, he looked like a wimpy dude walking beside Mark.

After dismissing Mark, Rain consulted with a lawyer to dissolve the engagement contract and cut Emma out of his life.

The lawyer was shocked when he saw the contract, but Rain paid him generously to ensure that it would remain a secret.

Although Rain knew that the lawyer might not keep quiet, he hoped that it would buy him some time before the plot started, and the news wouldn\'t leak.

Well, he needed to give some little extra money for that. Still, you can say pat to win always wins. 


"Clean." After spending a few hours cleaning up his room, Rain felt satisfied that no trace of his previous life remained there.

He gathered all his belongings and stored them in a space ring.

He placed an ordinary box in the middle of the room, knowing that nobody would dare enter without his permission.

After that, he called out Mark and talked with him a bit. 

Soon Rain came up with a random excuse to tell Mark and left his home on foot, leaving his vehicle behind to avoid being tracked.

Looking back at his home, he felt a tinge of sadness. "This might be my last time at home. Goodbye," he whispered to himself.

Rain knew he had to go far away so that nobody could find him.

As he moved far for his house, he removed the tracking chip from his body, which every high-class family install in their children\'s body.

Although it was supposed to be for their safety, Rain didn\'t need it anymore.

"I would be more safe by staying away from here." He thought as he started moving while wearing concealment robe. 

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