
Chapter 332 Stella Knows Nora Best

The two men came back in and both looked serious though Nora could sense that George was not as tense as before. Stella clasped her hands together. "Anyone hungry? It\'s almost lunch time."

"I\'ll make us something", George volunteered. "What do you feel like eating?"

"I\'ll help", Nora quickly stood up to join him when Richard cleared his throat a bit too loudly. She rolled her eyes, "Dad, we\'re literally going to cook."

The two went on to cook and the four had their dinner. After the long journey back home, Stella took an afternoon nap while Richard stayed in the living room watching a match as well as the two love birds. Of course, he exchanged a few words with the young man over light conversation.

When evening came, Stella insisted on cooking claiming she had missed her kitchen. The four ate in comfortable silence, well some were comfortable.

"Mom, I think I missed you", Nora moaned savouring the delicious food in her mouth. Stella clicked her tongue at the cheeky girl before breaking into a smile.

"This is delicious Stella, thank you", George added with genuinity.

"Silly, call me mom", she said with a smile. "Go on have some more, there\'s plenty to go around."

After the delicious meal, Nora helped George clean up and do the dishes. Richard was watching them, especially his daughter who was blushing at whatever he was saying to her. How could Nora change this much?

Richard cleared his throat once more, gaining their attention. "You two will be sleeping in separate rooms."

"Dad!" Nora protested at the unfairness.

"Richard, stop treating them like they\'re teenagers. They\'re adults! They know what they\'re doing!" Stella voiced out.

"No. We\'ll sleep in seperate rooms", George complied, ignoring the betrayed expression Nora was giving him. "I wouldn\'t dare disrespect you, sir."

Richard nodded in satisfaction before turning back to the TV. Nora pouted at her man who nodded at her, saying it\'s okay. Richard waited for everyone to go to bed before he left the living room for bed. There will be no messing around under his nose! Well, so he thought!

Late into the night, George turned for the nth time to find a comfortable position to sleep when he heard the creaking sound of a door opening. He opened his eyes to see his door being opened and judging from the silhouette, he immediately knew who it was. She locked the door behind her as silently as possible before walking over to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly as she got under the covers and directly lay on top of him.

"I can\'t sleep", she whispered as he subconsciously wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You can\'t sleep here though. You heard what your father said", he reminded her as he stroked her hair with his fingers.

She lifted her head and threw him a smirk before she whispered, "Doesn\'t that make you want to do \'stuff\' with me?"

"Stop it."

"Why?" She whined. "You know Dad was just being a typical Dad. Don\'t take his words so seriously."

"Well, I do and I respect him for it", he countered seriously.

"I promise I\'ll be quiet", she tempted with a whisper and rocked her hips against him. "It\'ll be our little secret."

George groaned and tightened his grip on her to stop her movement that had long awakened his desires and he knew she felt it. "Behave", he warned in a cold tone causing her to tense up before he added playfully, "Or I\'ll scream."

She smacked his chest and barely silenced her chuckle. He smiled and caressed her cheek loving before whispering. "Nora, believe me, I\'ve thought more ways to destroy your little cunt tonight and I want to, but I also respect your father. Because you\'re that important to me."

Her heart melted and she leaned him and gave him a sweet kiss. He breathed out a sigh of relief and changed the subject, "So why can\'t you sleep? Is something wrong?"

Her smile wore off as she stared at him with a seriousness. It was a matter that had been gnawing at her. She didn\'t want to come off as clingy but at the same time, she wanted peace of mind. His answers would determine that.

"Do you have to go back?" She asked quietly.

He detected the worry in her tone and tugged at his heart strings. "I have to."

His reply only incited visible sadness in her. He could clearly read her expression even in the dimly lit room. He continued, "But that won\'t change anything between us. Actually, I\'m working on something that could possibly lead me to being in West Village more."

"Okay", she nodded in understanding. "I can also visit you, like back at your place. I mean, can I?"

"I would love that more than anything", he replied.

Their conversation flowed through the late night and neither cared what the time was until both grew tired and fell asleep in the same position. Both felt at peace in each other\'s arms, that was where they belonged.

"Nora", someone whispered and shook her shoulder gently. She groaned softly in response but the person persisted. "Nora, wake up."

She lifted her head from George\'s chest and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep only to find her mother\'s face hovering over her. "Mom?"

"Go back to your room. You don\'t want your father finding you both here", she warned in a whisper.

"What time is it?" She lifted herself from George and made to get off him.

"Three. Gosh! You\'re lucky I set an alarm for this", Stella muttered and shook her head.

"Mom!" All the sleep completely disappeared from her eyes and stared at Stella incredulously.

"Exactly, I\'m your mother. I knew you would pull this stunt. I didn\'t want you to get this good man in trouble with your father", she gave Nora a disapproving gaze.

"Well, if you must know, nothing happened. We just talked and slept", she replied with a smile.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Stella was baffled. The girl was in a huge shirt and God knows what was under it or none at all. How could nothing happen?

Nora ignored the disappointment in Stella\'s tone and pulled the covers over her man carefully to keep him warm. "Yes, and it just made me respect him more. And I think I just might fall in love with him", she whispered the last part and planted a kiss onto his forehead before she left his side, walking out.

Stella didn\'t need to hear it. The actions said otherwise and it brought a smile onto her face before she too walked out of the room. Neither of the women caught the smile that stretched on George\'s lips.

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