
Chapter 284 Lorraine's Weakness

"I-I-I-I mean I find you really attractive", she stuttered and dropped her gaze to the floor, feeling embarrassed. "That\'s all."

Xavier let out an awkward chuckle and resumed doing the dishes. He felt a slight pinch in his heart despite the compliment.

Why was he in such a rush to jump into a relationship with her? It didn\'t make sense to him to be this drawn to her that quickly. That was the case with Nicole and look how that ended.

Or was he subconsciously using her as a rebound after Nicole did him dirty? Lorraine is a good girl. She deserved better if that was really all that he was actually doing.

"I have to go", he said whilst wiping the water off his hands.

Lorraine looked up to find that his expression was not looking good. He could barely look at her in the eye. Her heart sunk to her stomach, what had she done? Did she offend him with the compliment? Maybe all he wanted was friendship and her compliment hinted otherwise?

"I have appointments this afternoon." As soon as he said that, his phone started vibrating from his pocket.

"Oh." She followed him out after he took his jacket with him.

They took the stairs in silence with her following behind him. Her palms had grown sweaty from rewinding the scene just now and his expression.

"I uh....", He stopped to turn around and face her when they reached outside. She almost bumped into him if not for the distance between them. "Will you be okay?"

Her heart skipped a beat at the worry in his eyes and the gentleness in his tone. "Xavier, ten bodyguards are too many."

He watched her quietly. Seems it really bothered her, he should understand though. So he nodded. "So how many do you want?"

"I would say none but I know you wouldn\'t agree to that." A small smile crept up his lips when she said that. "Two. One for me and one for Oliver."


"They won\'t do anything to me", she said. \'For now. Not after last time\', she mused. She looked at him, hoping he would give in.


"Thank you."

She wanted to say more but words got stuck in her throat. Xavier too stood quietly as they locked their gazes on each other. He had made it clear that he needed to leave but his feet stayed glued on the spot.

The case was the same for Lorraine. She bit her lower lip nervously drawing his attention to it. He watched her release those plump lips slowly leaving them a wet and luscious sight. His throat run dry, thirsty and hungry for something only she could give; and it would start with her li-

"I better get going", he said, taking a step back and fighting to be rational.

"Yeah", she answered, forcing a smile to mask her disappointment.


With one last look, he got in the car and disappeared before he could act on his desires. He sped off, not wanting to spend another torturous second around this temptation that was Lorraine.

The latter could only turn back to her apartment with a heavy heart. Was he in that of a hurry to escape her? Hurtful. They were just friends, but why did it feel like she just got dumped? She took in a deep breath and exhaled to steady her emotions.

She went on to her room to do a few touch ups on her outfit and makeup before leaving. When she got downstairs, just as she had asked, there was one bodyguard shadowing her who made his presence known to her. Relieved, she hailed a cab and went on to Savannah\'s place.

"Hey sweetheart", Savannah\'s mom greeted.

"Hey", Lorraine smiled at the woman who was busy in the kitchen producing mouth watering aromas from whatever she was cooking. "Smells good. Savvy?"

"She\'s in her room. Lunch will be ready in ten", she reminded.


She took the hallway leading to Savannah\'s room. With a soft knock, her friend permitted her to enter. She was seated in front of the mirror doing her makeup. Lorraine settled into her bed and watched on.

"Hey", Savannah smiled at her through the mirror as she applied concealer under her eyes.

"Hey, yourself", She took a pillow and hugged it.

Savannah blended the product lifting up the area around her eyes. She took her setting powder to apply it when she saw Lorraine quietly looking at her. She chuckled, "Lorrie, I promise I\'m not going to disappear again. So stop looking at me like that."

"No, it\'s not that. And thank you, I don\'t have it in me to lose you again", she confessed with a sad smile.

"Then what\'s going on in that head of yours?" She spun around to face her, leaving the powder to bake.

"Nothing", she shrugged.

"Nothing is something", she said standing up to walk to her and sit cross-legged facing her. "And something is nothing meaning nothing is-"

"Yes. Yes. I get", she stopped her. She looked at her friend and let out a heavy sigh. Who else would she talk to if not her best friend? "I scared off my.... friend."

"Your \'friend-friend\'? The one you \'like-like\'?" She teased but Lorraine nodded still. "What? Did you go all \'Officer May\' mode on him?"

"No.... It\'s not even that. Where do I even start?" She sighed again and with Savannah\'s anticipating gaze, she explained everything. How they met, how he just got out of a relationship, all he\'s been doing for her, and not one detail was missed out.

"You\'ve fallen for him", Savannah commented.

She let out a small smile. "He makes it very easy."

"He sounds like a nice guy from what you\'ve told me."

"Too nice", she sighed again whilst looking down, trying to fight the hot tears.

"And I don\'t know if you scared him, no compliment should. There could be something else going on."

"I don\'t know", she bit her lower lip, still replaying Xavier\'s reaction in her head.

"But if he reciprocated your feelings, then what? Because if I know you very well, you won\'t act on your feelings because of..... you know?"

There was nothing more true than those words. She may be brave in some aspects but when it came to Xavier, she had found herself being weak. Hold on...

Xavier is her..... weakness?

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