
Chapter 175 Void Ability Tests (2)

"What do you mean, sir?" the researcher asked Kant.

"Since the test subject here has absorbed not just the void energy that I passed on to him now, but also the void energy I passed on beforehand, we might have to take that into account in our data.

It would mean that we would need more void energy to weaken him, and it brings up multiple questions which we do not have the answers for. So I suggest, you take those previous doses into account," Kant explained to the researchers, while they all listened carefully.

"I see. So you think that it might have affected the results?" one of them questioned.

"Certainly. We will have to do more research on the subject if we want to be sure, but that is for another day.

What is important for us now is that the tests have shown to confirm our hypothesis; that a void user can transfer void energy to another being and affect a mana user\'s abilities somewhat.

The more void energy transferred, the weaker the mana user is to become. Whether or not the process is exponential, I cannot tell." Kant takes a deep breath.

"Regardless, with that, I think we can move on to the next series of tests. So get things ready," Kant ordered.

"Alright, sir. So shall we do the reserve tests next time?" asked the researcher.

"We ran out of our supplies already?" Kant asked.

"Yes sir. After the previous tests, we have run out. We only have 1 gram of Void crystal remaining." the researcher informed Kant.

"Hm... I see. Well, in that case, I shall make sure to prepare more crystals in the future. Till then, we can we shall do the indirect void transfer test." Kant replied.

He then grabbed one of the two remaining containers, opened it up, and absorb its energy. Kant turns and walks up to the DEF agent, who stood straighter upon making eye contact with Kant.

"Remember, if you start to feel anything, you tell it to the researchers. Alright?" Kant instructed the agent.

"Alright, sir," he replied while nodding.

"Good. Test 1. Indirect Void transfer. Timer. 5 minutes. Focus, left arm," Kant muttered before raising his right hand and focusing on the agent\'s right hand. He focused hard, the same way that he did before.

"Are you feeling anything, Agent? Do you feel something funny with your right hand?"

"No, researcher. I do not. I feel rather normal. I do not feel any weakness coming to my hand, or my body whatsoever," the agent replied truthfully. This went on for 5 minutes when the hourglass ran out of time. Kant\'s eyes were still vantablack, meaning he might have not lost any void energy.

"So I guess that means no indirect transfers?" proposed one of the researchers.

"For now. Though it is the most acceptable answer as of now with our current data and experiment, there might be a few factors that we may have been unaccounted for." Kant brought up. Everyone turned to look at him.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I mean to say that there might be a few factors that could be affecting the results of the test. For example, we might not be using enough void energy for a proper transfer, as it might be getting caught in the air.

Or maybe the mana in the air could be blocking the void energy from transferring together, and the only way void energy can pass onto a mana user is by directly touching it, as it is the only viable path.

We would need to do more tests to confirm it. However, as you all know, we can\'t. For now," Kant explained. The researchers just nodded and continued.

"Anyways, thanks to these results, we should be able to start the next two series of tests. I call it the Void Shield Test, so get ready everyone," Kant instructed.

The void shield test was to test out whether Kant can focus on one part of his body and block the effects of a spell. The DEF agent was to cast a simple heat spell onto the palm of Kant\'s hand, while Kant focused on his hand, where the heat was being applied.

They will do two more tests. One test is for a physical direct transfer, and another for an indirect transfer from a distance. Their current hypothesis is that there should be a difference between a direct transfer and an indirect transfer. They will see if that hypothesis is correct.

"Are you alright with this, sir?" the agent asks as Kant lends him his hand. He wanted reassurance from the king.

"Yes, I am. You do not have to worry. I know what I have signed up for, and I will not hold anything accountable to you. All you have to do is just go on with your spell. Alright?"

"Alright. I understand sir," he replied.

"Good. Now, Test 1. Timer, 5 minutes. Spell transfer, directly. Agent, Begin."

The agent pointed and touched the palm of Kant\'s hand and cast a simple heat spell, where the agent applied a moderate amount of heat to his palm with his mana. All while, Kant focused on the area where the heat was being applied.

From the researchers\' perspective, they notice that Kant\'s vantablack eyes slowly fade away as the agent applied a bit of mana to his hand. Other than the eyes, they notice that Kant showed no signs of pain, either from his face or hand.

"Do you feel anything, sir? Any form of heat on your hand?" one of them asked, as usual. Kant, without keeping eye contact away from his hand, answered.

"No. I feel rather fine... oh wait..." Kant added in the end. It grabbed their attention.

"Yes, I am starting to feel something. Oh yes. It is exponentially increasing."

"The heat?"

"Yes, and the pain."

"Should I stop now, sir?" asked the agent, who didn\'t want to harm Kant, and subsequentially harm his family.

"Not until my eyes return to normal. The researchers should tell you when to stop," Kant replied. Upon hearing his instructions, the Agent continued. By this point, the hourglass had been only half filled.

"Alright Agent, you can stop now," the researcher ordered. The agent immediately stops casting his spell, and Kant had his hand only partially burned.

"Does it hurt, sir?"

"Mmm... A little. It should be fine. I can just apply a bit of health potion on it." Kant lends out his hand, ordering a bit of health potion. Once researchers handed him the bottle, where he does to drop a bit of it on his wound. The burned mark heals instantly, and they can move on.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ Their conclusion of the test is that, yes, void energy can be used to cancel out a spell being cast on a void user physically. With that out of the way, it was time to start the next and final test for the day. Kant made sure to take his last crystal for the day and got ready.

"Test 1. Indirect transfer of mana. Timer. 5 Minutes. Begin."

The agent points at Kant\'s hand again, his time from a distance. This time, the vantablack faded much more slowly than before. Soon, the hourglass past the 2-minute 30-second mark, confirming the hypothesis, for now.

Once the test finishes, the researchers pile up their data and visualize it for everyone to see. This time, the graph was much smaller, with only a few columns and rows. They wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it out to Kant.

From what the report said, the direct physical transfer by hand was much more effective and less time-consuming than the indirect transfer at range. Although there were a bunch of new questions that needed to be answered, it was satisfactory for Kant.

Kant turned to the researchers and agent, having them all line up in front of him. Once everyone was there, he started to speak.

"I thank you all for coming today to help me in my quest to discover the strange and unique abilities I have been bestowed upon by god. You will all receive adequate payment for the work you have done today.

There will be more experiments in the future, and you will all be notified when they will take place in advance. If some of you wish to not attend that day or to stop attending at all, just please send a letter regarding the matter to the Assistant Minister, Alan \'Walker\' Fleck.

With that, you are all allowed to leave the room. Please make sure to take your belongings on the way out."

With that, the tests were over. The researchers and agent all got whatever was theirs, and left the room. Soon, a bunch of maids came over to the room and cleaned it up. Kant made sure to have Alan get more of those crystals, to continue experimenting and discovering what his potential is, and where his limits are.

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