
Chapter 130 Declaration Of The Aceaton Empire

Meanwhile, all the way over at the city of Vallina, leaders from all over the south come across the land in large wooden ships, onto the dock, where carriages were waiting for them. Once they hope inside, they get to be ridden off to Rose Valline\'s large palace.

Once the north was defeated, they were all invited to the city of Vallina to be at a pivotal moment in human history. A few princes and princesses were present too, a little variety of their siblings who had taken the throne for themselves.

On the way, they can get to see the surroundings, and the beautiful city itself. They had visited the area beforehand when they were younger. The most sticking landmark, the one building that defined the city, was the grand cathedral, where the pope used to live. One of them, curious enough to see what had happened to it since took one look outside to see the towers being disassembled completely.

The carriage soon arrived at the second tallest structure of the city, Rose Valline\'s palace itself. They were escorted by soldiers, wielding those strange weapons they call muskets. After wandering through the maze that it was, they finally were brought to a large dark oak door.

The guards fully opened the doors, revealing the large luxurious ballroom behind, with polished marble tiles, white walls, long large glass windows, tall red curtains, and great glass chandeliers. The tables covered in a long white tablecloth were filled with luxurious food and drinks for anyone to enjoy.

The people who were already present looked to be a few elite knights, more musketeers soldiers, and the royal guests who were invited. The ambiance sound was one of people\'s chatter, as it would be in a ballroom.

The royals were all suited with glamourous clothing and attire, from colors ranging from blue, red, green black, white, or yellow, threaded with either white or black, depending on what looked the best. Their skirts and suits were detailed with threaded patterns, of flowers, trees, ancient palaces, and so on.

Most of their conversations were rather dry, with it mainly being a dick-measuring contest, whether who had the more powerful and skilled wives, husbands, and children out of them all. What was most fascinating and striking about these individuals, is their age. Most of them were under the age of 40, with only a few in their early 30s.

These were the children of the great kings that used to rule the south right up to when Rose came into power. The old wise southern kings had all perished during the plague, leaving their kingdoms to their children. Unlike their forefathers, they were much more naive and compliant than the previous kings.

This generation of leaders grew up in the 4,990s, during the times of the succession crisis. As a result, they were raised and incentivized to be more cooperative, and less warlike than their parents and grandparents.

This left her with an opportunity, to manipulate, and take advantage of them. To instill a form of persona, and a sense of conformity to the wiser, older queen. The ones who were smart enough to resist, randomly disappeared off the face of the planet, leaving someone mentally weaker to run their kingdoms. This compliant generation of kings fully submitted once they heard the news that the northwestern army was repelled by Rose\'s soldiers.

Rose was behind the door, rereading the speech that she had prepared. The woman was dressed in an exotic white and red royal gown, with a large overskirt and a tiara on her head. Once she felt she had remembered it, she handed it off to a maid, who stormed off and knocked on the door.

The door suddenly opens, and Rose, the queen who was 6ft tall with her heels, comes inside. The room goes quiet, with everyone\'s attention now diverted toward her. She enters the room, grabbed a wine glass filled with purple wine, and walked to the center of the room. Everyone\'s eyes were fixated on her, patiently waiting for her to speak.

"Today, we are here to celebrate a pivotal moment in history. A moment that our descendants will look back upon, to be the greatest day in humanity. On the 16th of Nummum, 5018, Hoverdam signed the peace pact in defeat, accepting the main conditions presented, thereby ending the war.

The last city, on the other end of the continent, surrendered and denounced the church, and eventually god himself. We have won, we have eliminated the disease that is the church.

However, troubling times are ahead. In a matter of months, maybe the next or the one after, we will be facing another demonic wave that will tear through the entire continent once again. The lives of our people, our families, and our friends are in great danger.

There will be more battles ahead. Battles that we all must prepare for. Battles that need to gain nothing short of victory. Battles that we must fight with honor and price.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ In order to survive the demonic wave, I propose we finally unite the southern part of Acetaton, into the Aceaton empire. To form one large state, so we all can focus on our real enemy. The next enemy. The demons themselves.

Your positions will not be hurt. I will not be giving away your land to others. You will still rule over your kingdoms, just under my direct command. You have all witnessed by power, so it is your choice to make your move."

A few whispers flew around the room. The kings and queens all quietly exchanged what they thought of the deal, which received a rather mixed reaction. Although they were hesitant, they clearly remember what happened to the others who dared to oppose her.

They all turned to the soldiers, who looked as if they had their guns ready to fire. With no choice, they all made up their collective minds and decided to agree.

"All in favor say aye," Rose said.

"Aye." they all respond, immediately. Rose\'s face formed a smile, knowing that they have all accepted her request.

"Wonderfull. Tonight, we shall have a toast, for our new empire, for a better humanity, and a better future!" Just then, on the stage, musicians appeared and stood where they belong. After taking a deep breath, the conductor started to instruct the musicians, and a classical tune started to play.

They soon got to sign a piece of paper, detailing the ways in which the empire worked. In simple terms, it was like a version of the Holy Roman Empire back in our world, without the border gore, and a much more powerful empress.

The declaration was then announced to the public, at first in the city of Vallina, but then to other cities and towns. While the people of Vallina were ecstatic, the peasants of the other cities couldn\'t care less. As long as it didn\'t affect the way they live, they didn\'t mind. Kant also to get a wing of the declaration, but just like the peasants, he couldn\'t care much as he was busy with his work.

Meanwhile, Salvator Humat, which had already cooperated with Rose Valline, was holding individual meetings to determine whether it should continue its existence. With the church destroyed, and the old kingdoms fallen, they had nothing left to do.

In the end, the group voted to remain active, now focused on different missions to help the citizens and their kingdoms. There was still some work to be done, to make sure that the content is safe from another arrogant king rising, and to make sure, that the people could live a better life. Although communication between the groups operating in other cities became very limited, they all still kept in touch.

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