
Chapter 124 Commissioning A Sewage System Expansion

In a fancy white room, there was a large wooden table, surrounded by chairs on all sides, and a chandelier at the top. Occupying most of the chairs, were people of varying experiences as stone masons. The best the city had to offer. There were more, of course, but a lot of others were busy with other projects.

These stone masons were gathered here to discuss plans to help build and expand the existing sewer system of the city, built since the city itself was first founded. To the city of Hoverdam, there was a great deal of importance to keep the sewage well maintained and functioning, considering the city itself had a fondness for cleanliness, with the average city-dweller bathing at least every three days.

Ideally, a sewage system uses gravity to transport the wastewater to an existing wastewater treatment center, or what the inhabitants of this world call a \'purifier\'. This technology is found in many large cities all over the continent and had been well-maintained for as long as it existed.

There was even a separate administration to take care of and make sure it remained functional. Although, the king never really interacted with them, and instead preferred to have their voices heard through the ministers. Such are the duties of the minister. This meeting was able to be assembled thanks to the help of Alan Fleck, the new minister.

The stone masons waited for someone else to come, eying up the special chair at the right end of the room. As they waited, they chattered about their life, work, and family. Some of them even passed a few jokes between them.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ After the knock, the door opens, revealing a 5\'11 man with silver hair and jet-black eyes on the other side, wearing his sort-of signature black suit above his long-sleeved white shirt. Around his neck, was a long black tie, with a square knot black tie. His legs were covered in black pants, and his feet were shielded with a pair of high-quality black leather shoes.

On his left hand, he carried a leather briefcase, the same one he used to carry blueprints of the printing press to the Peterson twins. The men inside the room all stand up, turns to face the king, and bow down, greeting him as he entered the room. Kant makes his way to his chair and gets everyone to sit down. Kant opened the briefcase, took a bunch of rolled paper from it, and placed them on the desk.

"Good Morning everyone. I would like to thank everyone for coming here today to discuss the expansion of the sewage system of Hoverdam, to extend it to a region that will be currently named and addressed as \'Industrial District 1\'.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the general needs the sewage system has to accomplish, like the carrying capacity of the sewage system, the time it needs to be built, the materials and machinery that are allowed to be used, the manpower needed, and so on." he spoke with his deep, and monotone voice.

"Now, I would like to pass these rolls of paper onto each individual here. It contains a map of the area I want to develop. This is help give you all an idea of what you are developing, and the adequate amount of resources needed to complete the task in an appropriate manner."

Kant behind handing the rolls of paper to the men to the left and right. The ones who received it first past it on to the person to their left, till everyone to their left had one. They all then unrolled and looked at the area that Kant was talking about.

\'Industrial District 1\' encompassed an area of 1 mile² (2.6km²), connected to the lower east side of Middletown. Even though the area was relatively poorer compared to the rest of the city, their sewers were still well maintained. As a result, it would be a relatively easy endeavor to expand it from there.

"These sewers need to carry waste water safely to the wastewater disposal center in a quick and efficient matter, where they will be treated, purified, and returned back to the river. There also needs to be some measures taken to make sure nothing that could clog up the sewers enters the river.

I would like the sewer system to be completed as soon as possible, with the earliest acceptable date being the 30th of Nummum, with the 8th of Pecunia being the last. Considering that it is an extension and not something you all have to build from the ground up, it should be fine.

To help build the sewer system a lot faster, the use of cement is authorized. Considering that I want the industrial district up and running by next month. These are the basic requirements that you are all tasked with fulfilling. If successful in cooperating and building the sewage system in time, you will all be rewarded with 2 gold coins, each."

The men all sat straight up, hearing the payday that they can bring home if they so choose to accept.

"Now, if you have any questions, you can ask me now." The men swung their hands in the area, wanting to speak their minds. Kant pointed to one person, allowing him to speak.

"Your majesty, how much manpower will we have and who will be the one to pay for them?"

"I would. I am the one commissioning the expansion of the sewer, I am more than happy to take the risk. As for your second question, I will provide as many men as you need."

"Oh, is that so? Well, sir, I would like to inform you that we might need about 90 people digging up all day if we want to reach the deadline, but that is just for the tunneling."

"Would employing some retired knights help?" Kant asked.

"Um... if they can use their strength properly, sure."

"How many do you think you will need?"

"About... 20? They should be able to work longer while getting the task done at a similar period."

"I can employ 30 to it. Would that be fast enough?" Kant asks. The stone mason thinks.

"If sir wants to complete the task as fast as possible, I recommend 35 knights for the task. It will be the most efficient while being cost-efficient," he replied. Kant looks around the rest, asking them if they all agree. The men all nodded.

"Alright then. I will have 35 knights assigned to digging the tunnels. What about the bricklayers, cement makers, and so on?"

"I think... about 125 people? Normal is fine. It wouldn\'t be that big of a job. Not as intensive as tunneling. Although, strength would help to carry over the bricks."

"We can use knights one again. Will you all be building once the tunnel is dug, or will construction begin while you dig the tunnels?"

"We construct while we dig the tunnels. That way, if there is some kind of storm, say a rain, we wouldn\'t have to dig the tunnels all over again."

"I understand. Would an additional 10 knights would be enough to go along with the 125 people?"

"Yes sir. It would."

"Good. Now, does anyone else have a different question?" A few more swung their hands up again. However, this time a few decided not to. It appears that their question was already answered. Kant chose another mason, and let him talk.

"How much cement will sir be able to supply us?" he asked. A good question, considering that

"That depends. How much cement will you all be using per day? The cement factories owned by the OSAC group produce about 450 tons of cement a day. I am sure that I will be able to buy up all the cement you would need."

"Well sir, we are going to have to make a plan first."

"Then inform me when the blueprint is ready. Any more questions, anyone?" This time, one lone man raised his hand. Kant pointed at him, allowing him to speak.

"Are we allowed to incorporate steam engine machinery to our advantage?" the man asked.

"Of course. What do have in mind?"

"I think I would like to employ a sort of pump. The area in which \'Industrial District 1\' is located is an area with a lower elevation. This would mean that it would give us trouble to get the sewage to the existing treatment plan.

I suggest that we use a pump, powered by one of those steam engines! With it, we will be able to expand the sewage system over the entire island, and not just have to confine it to the north of the island, or waste money on building a completely separate sewage system and purifier!"

"That is an interesting idea. I will have some craftsmen sent your way to build the machines you desire. Now, can I assume that all your questions are answered?" the men nod in agreement.

"Good. Now, I think it would be time you all get to work."

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