
Chapter 117 Falling Apart

The messenger arrives at the gates of the city. After a short exchange between the knights guarding the place and the messenger himself, they allow him to enter without with sword by his side, in case he tries to do something funny. Corel and Salvatore were soon informed of the messenger\'s arrival, who by that point her putting on their suits of armor, ready to fight to the death if they have to.

"A messenger? From the enemy?" Corel asked the maid, who was the one in charge of informing them.

"Yes, your highness. An enemy messenger has arrived to deliver a message from Queen Rose Valine. He is currently waiting in the dining room."

Salvatore and Corel, who by this point were wearing their suits of armor, walked over to the dining room. There, they found the messenger, who was clad in iron, just sitting there, patiently waiting.

Corel and Salvatore sat on the chairs right in front of the messenger. They were all slightly shaking inside. The messenger was a little afraid that the kings might keep him hostage in his moment of vulnerability, while the kings were afraid of the messager\'s message to the kings. The two had both seen their armies have surrounded the city, and that there was no escape.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "So... what message did Rose tell you to bring to us?" Corel asked.

"Well, your highness. Her Highness, Rose Valine, is asking for your unconditional surrender of the kingdoms of Desmon, and Nexert."

"Alright. Say if we accept this proposal. What happens to us?" Salvatore questions.

"A few things. You will be required to denounce your title as king of the respective states, BUT you will be succeeded by one of your sons. You also have to denounce the church as \'an evil institution that is a threat to human life\'."

"Anything else?" Corel asked.

"You are not allowed to visit your sons while they are enrolled in the academy.

You must move to a home of Queen Rose Valine\'s choice, where there will be restrictions placed upon you." The messenger continued. He listed a few more requirements, before shutting his trap.

"I sincerely suggest that you two take the surrender, just like the ruler of Tyrol did just a few minutes before. Her highness is very kind, and I am sure that she wouldn\'t do anything horrible." the messenger said.

"And what if we disagree?" Salvatore asked.

"Then you may face death like his highness, Danial Icurus Maybale the III." The room was silent once more. Though the two kings managed to keep a stoic face, internally, they were devastated by the news of their dear friend\'s death.

"Could you give us a moment? Just wait in the other room..." Corel said. The messenger got up, bowed, and left the room.

"Oh god..." Salvatore said.

"I know. I know. I just... I just can\'t believe it..."

"So what should we do? We never expected them to come here this quickly! And Danial\'s dead too. What the fuck should we do?"

"Wel... We could just surrender..." Corel suggested. Salvatore slammed the desk with both his hands with rage.

"Are you out of your mind? What would god think of us? Our friend died to protect his holiness, and this is how you repay him?" Salvatore said.

"Listen, Salvatore. I know that Danial may have died, but that is NOT a good excuse to let ourselves get killed and OUR children, OUR families in danger.

We both have seen what she can do. We know that she managed to kill Danial. Do you really think that we have a chance at this point?

As soon as everyone hears about his death, what do you think they are going to do? You think they are going to keep blindly fighting, or are going to surrender as soon as they know. I think the answer is obvious." Corel suggested. Salvatore maintained an intimidating face against Corel, angry at his proposal.

"Then you better just take it," he replied. Corel simply nodded. He walked out of the room, but before closing the door, he said one thing.

"Goodbye, my friend," he said. Corel came up to the messenger and told him that he accepted his proposal, while Salvatore did not.

"Your highness might want to remove that suit of armor. I do not think her highness would accept you coming over inside a tool of war." The messenger said.

"Alright. I will."


Cannons fire their large metal balls at the city walls. Panic ensues among the population inside the city as they hear the thunders of Rose\'s weapons. The knights who dare go to the top of the city walls to defend themselves found themselves under fire from the musketeers.

Corel, who had his hands chained with bracelets and a black gem on it, prohibiting him from performing magic, watched in horror and awe how their weapons worked. The great metal barrels they called \'cannons\' fired heavy metal balls at the walls. It was Rose Valine\'s order that he should get to watch the show with her. That way, he can see, with his own two eyes, the great choice that he made with Rose.

"Beautiful, isn\'t it?" Rose asked Corel.

"Huh? Oh... uh... yes.\' Corel replied, nervously.

"It took me months to bring them here, train an army, and turn them all into soldiers, all under your very noses." Rose turns her head to face Corel, who was sweating like hell by this point.

"22 months... I wonder how managed to miss that," she said before chuckling. Corel stayed silent, trying to gain the courage to ask a question.

"My children... are they alright?"

"Hm....? Or yes. Very..." she got closer to him.

"You know, me and them... they are all good friends of mine.Very obedient bunch too."

"Huh?" Corel asked, a little confused. He had no idea was Rose was jabbering about, but he didn\'t have to wait long.

"Well, you see. Your children brought me your letters, telling them about your plan... Just like good students do!"

It was when Corel realized what she meant. That was the reason why they got caught. Rose had brainwashed his children to obey her command.

"You... you..."

"Now, now... Corel. You don\'t want to make me angry, would you now?" Corel immediately stopped, realizing his position. If he speaks out anything, he would be putting his children and family in danger.

After a few barrages, the walls start to completely fall apart, allowing the knights and the musketeers to enter the city. A huge fight occurs where entire streets started to become clouded in smoke brought by the gunpowder.

Queen rose herself and decided to go enter the battlefield. Before she could go over, Corel pleaded with her, for one more request. To spare his friend\'s life. Though she didn\'t make any promises, she reassured him that she was not done with him just yet.

She hopped on her horse and fought her way deeper into the city. Thanks to her vast mana reserves, along with the runic armor amplifying her powers, she managed to breeze through till she came up to the palace.

It was there that she met face-to-face with Salvatore, who appeared to be exhausted after fighting through the hordes of bullets and knights thrown his way. Once Salvatore noticed the presence of Rose, he threw all he got at her.

There was a short magical duel between the two. Salvatore, using the remaining of his mana reverses, fires multiple spells such as fireballs, lighting, and even explosions to try and weaken her. They, however, were completely futile against Rose, who still had her full strength.

Using a fireball spell, she heated up his suit, nearly frying him inside, before cooling it down with ice magic. Then, after using some physical enhancers, she beat up the exhausted man till he fell unconscious. With that, the short siege concluded, resulting in Rose\'s victory.


A day later, in the city of Hoverdam, Arjun sat in his office with an alchemist, going through the books that Kant had supposedly read that allowed him to make mercury fulminate. He had become even more suspicious of him over the past few days, and that he could be collaborating with Salvator Humat.

Despite Arjun\'s attempts to understand what was going on, even with the help of the alchemist by his side, they could not figure out how he managed to come to that conclusion. The chance of him inventing it due to the logs seemed far less likely, and more due to something different.

Their focus was then broken by the knock on the door. Feeling frustrated, Arjun asked who it was. The door opened, revealing Silvester Silverstone.

"Ah, Silvester. Is there anything that you need to tell me?" Arjun asked with a smile on his face, completely shifting away from his annoyed tone.

"I got a letter for you, sir," he replied. He tosses an envelope to Arjun, who quickly grabs a hold of it.

"Who is it from?"

"Don\'t know. Apparently, it is from his highness Corel Grendleberg and Salvatore Dellone," he replied. Arjun, upon hearing that it came from the two kings, immediately opened it. He read the letter out quietly, before placing it in his pocket and getting up from his desk.

"Silvester, I need you to come with me."

"Where to, sir?"

"To Kant\'s room. He got some explaining to do."

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