
Chapter 57 Setting Up The Test Date

It was a bright beautiful morning in the city of Hoverdam. The birds were singing on top the branches of the city trees, business booming in the busy markets, and people chatting along with their friends and family.

Over at the palace, Kant sat on his office chair, wearing a green suit with yellow threads and cross-stiches, continuing to read the book that Cora had given him. There was nothing that exiting that had happened where he left off.

Paul had managed to come back home along with Kristina to their impatient children. However, it appears to be the only boring part. Just as it started to get spicier, there was a knock on his door interrupting his reading once more..

He place the book in the bottom drawer again and calls in whoever was on the other side. It turned out to be Arjun He was wearing that white cloak once again, along with the round glasses. On his hands were a bunch of papers clinging to his chest.

"Good morning sire!" he greets.

"Good morning Arjun. Sit down." Kant replies. Arjun happily complies and takes a seat.

"Sire, I came here to report you on a few of your requests from the past days." he said.

"Go on."

"First order of business is the suits you commissioned me." he said.

"That is?"

"I am happy to inform you that they have already been tailored. Along with the suit, the tailors have made you your tie, pants and t-shirt quickly, while retaining their quality."

"Well good. Is it here already?"

"Yes sire. A maid has probably delivered it to your room. You can put it up in your closet however you like."

"Fantastic. The next one?"

"The second order of business is in regards to the cement factory and the production of cement. The current building is undergoing expansion to accommodate 24 more workers. The extension is said to be finished on the 19th using part of the cement reserves we have.

Furthermore, we are building a second factory in a different part of the city, more closer to the urban settlements. We hope to hire 31 more people as we did previously." Arjun said.

"Good. What about the supplies? I don\'t think the materials at home are enough." Kant asked. He knew that the resources within the city was not enough to create the vast quantities of cement he needs, and might need more from other cities to keep up production.

"I have sent letters to nearby towns in the delta requesting trade for the sufficient materials we need such as limestone, gypsum and sand. They have accepted and sent us dome shipment."

"How many are currently on their way to the city?"

"About 25 boats, enough to produce an additional 40 tons of cement per day with the old factory. They are said to be committed to gathering more of the materials needed, so sire can expect more resources to produce even more cement."

"And the equipment?"

"2 craftsman have managed to produce 7 forge barrows while the other 9 is said to be completed by tomorrow. Brick forges have been built to replace the old bloomeries, while tools such as hammers, mortars and bowls have been bought, ready to be brought over, with more coming tomorrow ." Arjun replied.

"Is that it?" Kant asked.

"In regards to the cement factory, yes, that is it. The other order of business is in regards to the steam engine sire intends to build."

"What about it?" Kant asked.

"First is about the use of coal. Currently, we do not have the sufficient amount of coal for the test. Though I reached out to other kingdoms, it might take some time to ship the coal over to Hoverdam."

"Ah. I see."

"Well, what is your decision sire?" Arjun asked.

"Import the coal, but use some other material for fuel for now." Kant replied.

"I understand. Which source would you be interested?"

"Is charcoal available in the quantities I need?" Arjun checked his reports after hearing his question. When he came to a certain page he smiled a little.

"Good new sire! We do indeed have that in storage."

"Alright then, that\'s settled. What else is next?"

"The parts you have commissioned sire. That being the boiler, steam engine cylinder attached to the steam chest, the flywheel, the exhaust and the pipes have all been completed."

"Did the boiler take the longest?" Kant asked.

"Yes sire. Your blueprint for that specific part was more sophisticated than the other parts. Why is that sire?"

"Well, multiple reasons. First, since this is the first time making a steam engine, things are guaranteed to go wrong. So I need a uniform boiler to test it out and make proper adjustments and modifications to certain parts.

There are also variables I need to monitor at all times, which requires a specialized boiler in which can easily be compatible with any new parts I bring in. It\'s the main reason why I have integrated a thermometer and a barometer to it..." Kant said.

"Excuse me sire, but what is a barometer?" Arjun asked.

"A barometer is a tool used to calculate pressure. Mainly atmospheric pressure, but I fitted it to work on the steam engine." Kant replied.

"Anyways, another reason is to the pressures present in the boiler, there is a chance for it to build up and culminating an explosion, which would be a safety hazard for the researchers doing testing." Kant replied.

"Does sire know when it gets to dangerous levels?" Arjun asked.

"Precisely? No. But I do know a general area when it gets dangerous." Kant replied.

"Alright then sire. Up next is the... building." Arjun said after checking his reports again.

"Have you found a suitable one?" Kant asked.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "Actually yes sire, I did. It fits all the criteria you have given me; A large building with many windows and multiple rooms, with one being larger than the rest." Arjun replied.

"What is the state of it\'s condition? Does it need any renovations? Any maintenance?" Kant asked.

"I have send some people to inspect it. They reported that the condition is good. Although it is reported to be dusty and the floors a bit creaky, I can assure you sire, that with some renovations and cleaning, it should be good to go."

"May I take a look at the floor plan?"

"Of course sire. Here." Arjun hands him a rolled piece of paper. He unraveled it and took a look. The building appeared to be comprised of one floor with 3 rooms in total. One of which was about the same size as the other two rooms combined.

"How long will the renovations take?" Kant asked while still keeping his eyes on the floorplan. Arjun looked through the reports.

"According to the inspection, about a day. I can have it finished tomorrow." Kant thought for a while on what rooms should be assigned for what, and anything he would like to change.

"I would like a few modifications to this building." he finally said outload.

"Alright sire. Though it might take a little longer for your instructions to be carried out." Arjun reminded.

"I can wait." Kant replied. Arjun took a piece of paper and eyed the pencil on Kant\'s desk.

"May I?" he asked.

"You shall." after he got Kant\'s permission, he picked up the pencil to use.

"I am ready sire. What will be the changes?" Arjun asked. Kant turned the floorplan towards him. He pointed to at the largest room inside of the building; specifically the right wall which faced a hallway in the middle.

"I would like to inset some glass here on the right side of the testing room. It would allow me to look into the room while the steam engine is operating." Kant said. Arjun writes it down.

"What else sire?" Kant moved his hands to the room on the bottom left.

"I want you to fit the room with a blackboard, multiple tables, chairs and storage closets." Arjun writes it down.

"Are there any specifics to it?" Arjun asks. Kant thinks of it for a minute.

"Um... place the blackboard on any wall without windows, and have at least 25 chairs, 5 tables and 5 closets." Kant replied. He writes in down. Kant moves his finger to the other room of the building.

"Add a large door to bring in the charcoal and any other parts easier." Kant said. Arjun writes it down.

"Is that it sire?"

"Yes. That is about it."

"Well sire, with that I think it might take until the 19th for the building to be finished and prepared. When would you like the testing to start?" he asked.

"How about the 20th?"

"It sounds good."

"Alright then. Make sure you have the smiths deliver the parts on that day, along with the charcoal and tools I will need." Kant says.

"Alright sire." with that, Arjun left the room to fulfill Kant\'s requests.

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