
Chapter 475 - WHAT TO DO?

Chapter 475 - WHAT TO DO?

Days passed by quickly but it felt like they were on a stagnant world with no changes at all. Cayenne does her daily routine just like Stefan. They were booth busy with their lives that they started to forget some things. Cayenne, for example, with so many things to think and do, she has forgotten the issue with Diana Rule. One cause of the that was because Diana stopped looking for her, giving her a peace of mind.

Luiz and Kyle received lots of work because of the impact they had from the magazine shoot. Many brands wanted them to become an ambassador but Kyle refuse them, saying that he\'s only doing for during summer. As for Luiz, David accepted the offers for him.

Despite their busy schedule, they would still come to visit Rissy. After a week of staying in the hospital, she was finally allowed to be discharged. Dr. Anderson, Valkyrie\'s father visited her, too. He was checking her condition since he was one of the best doctors they knew.

Chris has been going in and out of the Chan\'s home as well. He\'ll work in the morning to assist Stefan and his secretaries, leaving Rissy to spend time with her family. In the afternoon, right after lunch, he\'ll be staying with her, talking, showing pictures and recalling their happy memories together. At night, he\'ll come back home to stay in his apartment and do his job as a military.

"Hawk, can you do me a favor? I need your help as a witness. Can you ask general Calhoun to allow me to stay instead of going to the mission?" Chris told Hawk over the phone while staring on the ceiling in his living room. It was silent on the other end of the line but after few seconds, a deep sigh came…

"She\'s your girlfriend, I can understand. But it\'s the world girlfriend that will make things a bit difficult. You should know that once you join the military, your first priority is the safety of our country. Our family only comes second. If you want to stay back to accompany her, you have to do one important thing."

"What is it?"

"Apply for a wedding. Submit your request to me and I\'ll handle it. In that way, you will be given time to prepare for the wedding and there will be a vacation leave given to you. As long as you can do this, I guarantee you that you will be able to stay back."

Chris didn\'t speak for a while. He didn\'t know what to say at this point and he was conflicted. It\'s not because he didn\'t want to marry her in her current situation but he didn\'t want to manipulate her into doing something she might regret in the future. Also, she\'s not in her right mind and he didn\'t want to take advantage of her.

"I\'ll think about it." Chris responded as he rubbed the space of his eyebrow.

"I\'ll give you a week to think. I have other things to do as well. As soon as you have made up your mind, call me so we can deal with it as soon as we can."

"Hn. Thank you."

The call ended yet Chris wasn\'t relieved. He was deeply worried for Rissy. \'Shall I take advantage of her situation and marry her?\' He asked himself while rubbing his face with his hands. He was confused as to what he should do at this point.

The next morning, he left for work once again. He waited for others to come and the first person to arrive was Tristan.

"Morning. How\'s your girlfriend?" Tristan asked. Ever since the incident, Tristan would always ask how Rissy was doing whenever he sees Chris. He was a bit guilty for not being able to stop the crime from happening and the face of his ex-fiancé has resurfaced in his mind once again. His guilt was even amplified.

Chris shrugged his shoulder and smiled faintly. "She\'s improving a little bit better yesterday." Chris stated just to ease Tristan\'s worry.

"That\'s good to know but you seem to be worried."

"Not just seem but I am worried about something else."

"What is it? Maybe I can help."

Chris told Tristan the conversation he had with Hawk and asked for advice. At the end of the day, it\'s not just his future that he will be dealing but Rissy\'s future as well. "So, if you\'re in my shoes, what will you do?"

Tristan thought for a while. The frown on his face deepened as the time went by and it took him a full minute before he responded. "I won\'t say \'it\'s taking advantage\' of her situation but it\'s your way of showing that you really cared for her. After all, most people will leave someone with unstable mind. Why don\'t you talk with her parents first? She\'s their daughter and with the current situation, they have the last say of everything."

"What are you guys talking so seriously about?" Elena questioned, strutting out from the elevator towards them. "Has the boss arrived?"

"Nope, not yet." Chris answered. "Little girl, I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

Chris told Elena his current predicament and asked for another advice from her. Contrary to Tristan\'s answer, Elena agreed to the marriage immediately.

"I\'m saying this as a girl because I don\'t want to put myself in your shoe but, if you really love her, despite of what has happened to her, I think it\'s okay to marry her. I don\'t know how will things turn out but as a woman, if that event happened to me, bless me god to avoid it, " she prayed in between as she continued to speak, "I will be very devastated. I will feel horrible for myself and of course, given the fact that I\'m a virgin and it\'s been taken away by some bastards, my self-esteem will be very low. I will lose confidence in myself. If you leave my side while I\'m going through tough challenges, I will be very disheartened and I\'d probably take my life. But if you continue to stay and is even willing to marry me, I will be forever loyal to you."

Tristan\'s eyebrow raised while listening to her words. She seems to know a lot of things but Tristan actually knew that she never had a boyfriend. "Great advice coming from a single." He commented.

Elena crossed her arms over her chest and raised her lips to snicker at him. "Even if I\'m single, I know how women feels because I\'m a woman myself. Hmp!"

"You are? With your body, flat as a board, I couldn\'t tell at all."

"Hey!" Elena raised her fist and punched him several times on his arms. "I can\'t believe you just said that to your superior."

"Really? Are you going to use your superiority towards me?"

"Hmp! Whatever." Elena grabbed his hear and strongly yanked it before letting him go. "I\'m not talking to you anymore!"

Chris could tell that the two of them got along so well and he was relieved to leave the company in their hands. "Thank you so much for your advice. I\'ll think about it properly."

When Stefan arrived, Chris also asked for his advice as to what he should do. Surprisingly, he had the same answer as Elena. He would definitely marry her during her lowest point in life.

"Wait. Are you waiting for Cayenne to experience something before giving her a wedding?" Chris asked Stefan because they\'ve been together for a while now after registering their marriage but up until now, none of them talked about having a wedding.

Stefan coughed dryly to clear his throat. "I\'m not praying for her to experience anything bad. I just want to give her the best wedding she\'ll ever wish in her life. And to achieve it, I will have to prepare it thoroughly."

"She will surely love it."

The two of them talked about other things while working.

On the other hand, Cayenne was busy buying some baking materials that she wanted to gift Justin\'s grandparents. She looked left and right, checked an item after item.

"Oh shoot!" Cayenne exclaimed and ran out of the store. She looked for the nearest comfort room and got inside. The sticky feeling she had earlier was really her period. She had been preparing for this because she knew that it was just around the corner and she will experience an extreme pain. But because she was planning to do something, she couldn\'t afford to let Stefan know.

Stefan knew that she has an irregular period cycle which makes it difficult for him to keep track of it. Cayenne used this opportunity to prank him. "Sorry, hubby. I won\'t do this again." Cayenne mumbled to herself while changing her pads. She took a pain reliever pill and rested for a while. Stefan was against her drinking some pills to reduce the pain because it will surely cause some unknown damage to her health if she becomes dependent on it. Although she drank one, she promised to herself that she will never take it again.

Cayenne went out of the bathroom and coincidentally bumped into Diana, the woman she never wanted to meet again.

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