


Their date didn\'t just end with their dinner. When they came home, Cayenne allowed Stefan to do whatever he wanted to with her.

Around ten in the evening, she was already lying on their bed with his arm as her pillow. For the very first time, she didn\'t feel any exhaustion. In fact, she felt so happy and fulfilled that she was able to do something for her husband.

"Let me send a message to Kyle about my vlog update." She told Stefan in whisper before getting out of bed to get her phone from her bag.

"Are you going to meet them tonight?" Stefan asked, thinking that his wife might go out to see her brother and Erwin regarding her vlog.

Cayenne returned to their bed and snuggled on to his arms once again. "I\'m all yours today and tonight. I won\'t be seeing them. They know what to do already."

Stefan just smiled and pulled her even closer. He kept kissing her face while she was sending a message to her brother.

Knowing that Cayenne was busy indulging her husband, Erwin and Kyle just helped her with the vlog. As soon as it was uploaded, even though it was in the middle of the night, the views continued to soar and many people likes her vlog update.

The scene in which Luiz was surrounded with the birds was hyped few days ago during their trip and now that she included it in her vlog, many people talked about it again. Luiz was well-liked by many girls of all ages and many people came to watch Cayenne\'s vlog because she has the whole footage of the scene of Luiz together with the birds.

"This guy is so handsome that the birds were fascinated by him, too."

"Mrs. Dumrique is very pretty, it\'s no wonder that her brother will be handsome, too."

"Did you guys notice that Luiz was with another guy who resembles so much like him? I think it\'s his brother. He\'s got a brother."

"Are these guys single?"

"I want to ask if Luiz has a girlfriend."

"Mrs. Dumrique isn\'t fussy about anything. She\'s very approachable and she\'s cheerful."

"I am so happy I got the chance to play with them during their trip. I had so much fun."

"Luiz was very generous, too. We were paired during a game and we won. Instead of getting half of the money, he gave everything to me."

"There\'s another young man who come along with them, too."

"Ahh! Mrs. Dumrique, can I marry your sibling?"

"I just want to send my regards to Dominic. Thank you for helping me."

"Tsk! These guys are getting more well-known. I am so happy and envious at the same time."

Different kinds of comments from different people who came from different parts of the world were posted on the comments section of the vlog. Some of them came after knowing that Luiz was Cayenne\'s brother. Some of them checked on her vlog when they found that they\'re siblings and that Cayenne was Stefan\'s wife.

In that night, Cayenne gained another thousands of people as her subscribers. She didn\'t pay attention to it in the middle if the night but when the next morning arrived, the first thing she checked was her husband and then her vlog.

Seeing Stefan\'s peaceful sleeping face, Cayenne didn\'t bother waking him up and just picked up her phone from her bedside drawer. She checked her vlog and found the video that Kyle and Erwin uploaded last night. They were very good in editing and even without her supervision, the video turned out nice. She knew that they were very techy and they could help her which was why she asked them to edit it instead of hiring other people to do the work.

People might think that she\'s just using their help without any compensation but in fact, Cayenne talked to her brother and Erwin about their salary. At first, they didn\'t want to accept it but Cayenne insisted to pay them. She wanted them to save for their future specially now that they\'ve got girlfriends.

Cayenne watched the video first before she started reading the comments while waiting for Stefan to wake up. She thanked her viewers and her subscribers before started liking the comments she got. She found familiar accounts who subscribed to her account and she was so happy for getting their full support. She replied to some comments and also got other vlogging ideas from the comments sections. She was so busy taking notes of the comments; shifting between her notepad and her vlogging account.

At eight in the morning, Stefan woke up and found her still lying in his arms. He was so happy to have seen her as soon as he opened his eyes in the morning.

The two of them got off the bed together, brushed their faces together, shower together and take turns on drying their hair. Stefan was the one who chose their clothes this time while Cayenne was busy watching him.

Simple things, simple loving acts yet it\'s so fulfilling to them and it was more than enough to show how much they cared for each other.

"Today, the person that Jillyanna recommended will come to apply as assistant secretary." Cayenne commented, reminding her husband about it.

"Are you coming with me to the company?"

"Yup. I\'m coming with you in the morning but I will go somewhere in the afternoon."

"Where\'s that somewhere?"

"I will buy some school supplies for the kids in Justin\'s home."

"I see. Make sure to bring the guards with you."

While the two of them just started their day, the internet was in uproar once again. Now, it\'s no longer because of Cayenne but because of several people, whose secrets were divulged to the public. The first person that who was badly criticized was the e-employee of Stefan. There were photos of her having an affair with married men and the latest one was the one with Natsu. Stefan didn\'t expect her to be hanging out with Alexander\'s uncle-father and even tried ruining his wife\'s reputation.

The other people were those who commented badly about Cayenne. Stefan didn\'t let anyone off even after Cayenne\'s name was cleared from that affair. Anyone who sullied her name will be dealt according to his wishes.

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