
Chapter 115 Even Dogs Know When To Shut Up

"I think that\'s enough!" Liam said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

Felicia and Olivia turned silent, but they seemed a little displeased. Liam raised an eyebrow and flicked his index fingers against their foreheads.

The two girls squealed out in surprise. They stared at Liam in astonishment while rubbing their forehead in pain.

Liam ignored their gazes and he turned over to Jennie.

"There will always be people who will be jealous of you, envy your powers, your situation, maybe even the people you get to know. Even if you\'re feeling miserable, some people will find reasons to envy you. That\'s just how it is," Liam said matter-of-factly. He had experienced something like this more often than he wanted to acknowledge.

Most of the time, it didn\'t end well for him either.

"You have a few decisions to make. Work hard enough to make sure that the jealousy and burning envy of others is justified, or crumble and let them crush you even before you can blossom. Or, you ignore their outbursts, though I don\'t really feel that this is the best solution because it\'s just running away from your problem.

Figure out what you want to do, do your thing, and don\'t allow others to influence or intimidate you. As a fighter, you are completely useless to me. You can find treasures, that\'s great. However, you should also know that this world is unfair and that you cannot always rely on the protection of others. In fact, there are too many people in the Nine Realms, all of whom are much stronger than I ever was at my strongest, let alone now without a single Arcane Circle!"

Liam knew that he could say a lot more, but he was pretty sure that the small lecture was enough for Jennie.

Olivia opened her mouth with the intention to say something but seeing that Liam looked over her with a gaze that told her to shut her mouth, she kept quiet.

It was pretty obvious that Liam\'s good mood was put to a test thanks to the unnecessary fight between the women.

"As for you girls," Liam started, his eyes ice-cold as he looked at the group of 14 women, "I don\'t think you have the right to say anything. Jennie fought against a bunch of Lesser Demons, and she killed them on her own. According to the way you girls acted and fought if one can even consider that fighting, in the first place, you never even tried to work hard for your own survival. A few of you merely have a big mouth and lots of things to say, without feeling the need to actually act.

But what\'s the use of dogs who can bark but don\'t bite when needed? They\'re just noisy and annoying!"

Liam took a short pause instead of continuing to rant and deliver a full-blown speech at the women. He took a deep breath while analyzing their response to his words before he decided to wrap up with the last point he wanted to make clear once again.

"I think the lot of you better shut your mouth while I am still in a good mood. If not for the gains I made from the Silverheart Dwarves, you would all be dead by now, and your body would have been devoured by the Livral Orb, to get some fine-ass Arcanium.

They\'re at least worth something!"

Derek stared blankly at Liam when he was done making his point. He was already glad that Liam was a lot more reasonable than his first impression suggested. However, his threat was on a completely different level than expected.

It was brutal and vicious, showing clearly that Liam was not someone to be played with.

Except for one woman, the remaining 13 understood that Liam\'s good mood was slowly dwindling. The memories of him mercilessly killing the Silverheart Dwarves was still fresh in their minds. They fell silent and hung their heads low.

Of course, there had to be one black sheep among all of them.

The young woman, who had been the loudest and most enraged in the verbal confrontation with Olivia, Felicia, and Jennie, didn\'t even think of keeping her mouth shut.

On the contrary, she continued to glare at the three girls before she turned over to the others, who couldn\'t even meet her eyes right now.

She scoffed and looked at them in disgust.

"Look at you. Now you\'re too intimidated to say anything against the girls? Are you guys serious right now?" She asked while turning around to Liam, whom she pointed at threateningly.

"And you!!...You should stop threatening us needlessly like this. You\'re way too weak-willed to actua–..."

That was as far as she could speak before Liam\'s arm shot forward. A moment later, the woman had lost her voice and a searing pain spread out from her neck. It was a burning sensation that accompanied and amplified the pain she began to feel all of a sudden.

Liam had pierced through her throat, severing the artery cleanly as well.

The woman\'s eyes widened in shock as Liam retracted his bloodied claw, which was coated in her own blood.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but no word escaped her lips. She couldn\'t even scream.

Liam\'s figure started to turn blurry in her eyes, and her entire body grew heavier by the moment. Her vigor dispersed rapidly, while the color in her face was drained in an instant.

Only moments later, the woman collapsed on the ground. She twitched a few times in a desperate effort to change her inevitable fate before her movements grew heavier and slower.

The grim reaper\'s scythe reaped the woman\'s soul not long after, ending the miserable life of the young woman for good.

Screams filled with terror rang through the cavern hall as realization struck the remaining women.

They stared at the now-dead body, utterly shocked and scared witless.

Meanwhile, Liam cleaned his claws with disgust glimmering in his eyes.

"Even dogs know when to shut up."

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